
Lord of the Cosmos

After world descend in chaos animal get mutate and become monster previous barren land grow out jungle order fell man has to hide in the corner but everyone is equal in nature people get power rise and fight for survival. In this period Rudra who has chance to become one of the overlord but give up this chance for his girlfriend who betray him and cause his death. He die with regret but get a chance to correct his mistakes by rebirth. He is going discover unknown secrets of universe and embrace on journey to become lord of cosmos.

burning_lion · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Ancient sword

He run toward dark alley and notice board of antique shop. When can see old small antique shop in corner. He enter the shop and greet by old man with long beard who is sitting across the counter.

"you can choose what ever you what I don't have anything worth showing." Old man say busy himself in reading newspaper.

Rudra look at rack there are at most 20 to 25 different types of antique he don't know what to choose. ' Host there there that's where energy signature coming.' He follow the direction and notice that in the corner of shop there is rusted sword in the final rack cover in dust like nobody taken care of it. He pick up the sword and ask in doubtfull tone "Are you sure this is thing that you are talking about."

'Yes 100% sure it look like rusted and damage sword but it is very power.'

"As you say" he yell to shopkeeper "I am buying it." Shopkeeper reply "1000 dollar not one dollar less"

"Are you robbing the customer how can the this rusty sword price is 1000 dollar."

"Are you buying it or not if not you can go."shopkeeper say in carefree tone.

"How rude. Anyway I am buying it." He take out his card and pay. He doesn't have time to argue with shopkeeper and he exist the shop and enter another alley and ask. " What am I going to do about this."

He ask as he is running toward night club ' Just injet you energy in it and it will activate the word this sword is seal once you inject energy it will return in it original form and then you and use it. You can use it like normal sword for time being once you unseal it you will know how amazing it is.'

He do as he say and inject his energy it flow into sword and it start shining rust on it burn by the light and show the original look of the sword. It hilt is golden it's pommel is of Lotus shape and have socket all the all are empty except middle one where transparent diamond in fix. There are some writing in ancient Sanskrit language on the blade in black and gray and glow with golden colour he know some Sanskrit but even then he cannot understand what is written on it. This sword is reall magnificent.

It is five floor grand building this is place where only high class people can enter. He cover his face with cloth mask and walk to toward the entrance with big step he is carrying the sword in his hand with white shirt and pant with cold eyes

When guards on door saw him they immediately become alert and call reinforcement because he is carrying sword but bloodthirsty look in his eye. They stop him in the middle but he ignore them one of the guard grab his shoulder. He shake his shoulder and guard misbalance and fall on the ground.

"You can't enter this place and surrender your self otherwise I will shoot." All the guard point there gun at him but he doesn't get nerves his eye turn even more cold and when he look at the guard they feel chill run down there spine. He lift his sword and slach. All the guns they are pointing toward him cut in the middle and fell on the ground and beat them black and blue in just 30 second.

"Don't block my way whoever block my way I will kill him move." He order with cold tone and enter the club. There are some youngster at the entrance they were shock by series of events and when his demoic voice fell on there they run away from his path and cowered in the corner.

'humf coward they don't have any back bone' cute baby voice come in his mind .'

He enter the club there are currently many people in the club.In the crowd someone recognise him as Ava's brother. They are all her friends. Youngster in brown jacket and blue jeans also recognise him he is friend of Max Osborn party organisers and son of club owner his name is Mateo.

Mateo turn around creep to the stair where only VIPs are allowed. When he see Rudra he know that he is here for her sister he sneak away to inform his friends.

Rudra look around and search for his sister or her friend he recognise some of her friends but they are all her male friends. As he look around he notice someone sneaking away he recognise Mateo he know him from the past that he was also one of them. Rudra don't want to alert anyone so he follow Mateo once they are in the corridor way to the VIP section he look around and make sure that there is no onepresent here.

Rudra lift his hand and throw his sword toward Mateo. Sword fly through air and stab in his leg then he shout out alerting everyone around him. Nobody know what happen until they look at Mateo's leg that is stabbed by sword. They didn't even see Rudra throwing his sword because his speed is much faster and impossible to with naked eye for ordinary people.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

burning_lioncreators' thoughts