
Lord of Radiance

Basari Abbas, born in a world dominated by wizards, comes from a small and insignificant family in a forgotten corner of the continent, but does not succumb to the shackles of fate, but little by little will smash it and gradually take on a larger stage. His footsteps took him through the desert where he was born, through the Arctic glaciers and mysterious swamps, through the most powerful empires and the most secretive city-states on the continent, and finally into a mysterious world that belongs to only the most powerful wizards. People praised him and called him the Lord of Light and Shadow, the Emperor of the Sand Empire, the Sun of the Earth. But he would say, "I am an ordinary wizard.

Daoistormonk · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Wizard apprentices Basari

There is the Sea of Death.

The Sea of Death is not a sea, but an endless desert.

Due to the harsh environment here, countless people have died in it since ancient times, hence it is called the Sea of Death.

There are very few places in the desert that are suitable for human habitation, and only a few oases have such environmental conditions. They are mostly occupied by powerful tribes in the desert.

The Abbas Oasis is one of the habitable desert oases.

The oasis is 50 kilometers long from east to west and 40 kilometers wide from north to south, presenting an irregular oval shape. It is lined with trees, shrouded in clouds, and even has a beautiful Moonlight Lake.

The Moonlight Lake covers an area of 20 square kilometers and is embedded like a gem in the eastern part of the oasis. The water of the lake comes from an underground river, with a huge amount of water. The water is clear and sweet, and can be directly consumed. And thousands of humans and countless birds and animals on the 2000 square kilometers of land in the oasis are all fed by the clear water of this lake.

And the Abbas family is the owner of the oasis.

The first person to discover the oasis was the great wizard Joric Abbas, and many of the people living on this oasis today are descendants of the Abbas family.

Abbas is a family of wizards, whose ancestors were Joric, a first level wizard from the Byron Academy. Three centuries ago, he came to the desert to search for treasure, but accidentally discovered an oasis and relocated his family here to survive, avoiding a major battle that occurred outside at that time.

To this day, Joric has long died of old age, and the Abbas family, after three centuries of development, is now a powerful wizard family with a first level wizard, dozens of wizard apprentices, and rule over 100,000 mortals.

The ordinary people in the oasis mainly live in three small towns, either farming fields or herding cattle and sheep, leading a self-sufficient and carefree life.

The wizards who inherited the noble surname Abbas lived uniformly by the lake.

This naturally formed Moonlight Lake has a peaceful magnetic field that can help wizards better meditate and accelerate their uptake of the power of light and water.

Basari Abbas is the sixth-generation descendant of Joric Abbas. As a wizard apprentice, he has officially inherited the surname, Abbas. Among all his brothers and sisters, his meditation is the most profound, so his progress as a wizard apprentice is also the fastest.

At this moment, this well-known genius in the family was sitting on a stone pillar built in Moonlight Lake with closed eyes, integrating with the surrounding environment, forgetting the difference between himself and the outside world, and entering a state of meditation.

This stone pillar was fired and refined by a powerful ancestor of the Abbas family using sand from the desert, and it has been deeply rooted in the lake bottom and mud. The stone pillar is not too thick, it is only enough for one person to sit on it and meditate. There are many stones around pillars like this, all of which are facilities for assisting meditation for wizard apprentices like him.

At this moment, he delved deep into the realm of meditation, his soul as if wandering away, wandering in the breeze and mist of Moonlight Lake.

At this time, it is daylight, so the water and light elements on Moonlight Lake are particularly active, making it easier for them to perceive and absorb. If it is at night, the light element will be more active.

The environment of Moonlight Lake is very helpful for the meditation of wizard apprentices, but it is only better for first level wizards than nothing. First level wizards in the family usually use rune technology to gather elemental energy in the castle by the lake to maintain his own mana and not decline due to a lack of elemental energy supplementation.

In addition, the ancestors of the Abbas family at that time only erected ten stone pillars in the lake, so there were only ten wizard apprentices who could enter the lake for meditation. The others could only meditate by the lake.

Basari's ability to use the stone pillars in the lake is certainly related to his genius identity, otherwise even if his father was the elder of the family, this precious meditation opportunity would not have been his turn as a seventeen-year-old boy.

Some wizard apprentices may not even have the chance to step on these pillars in their lifetime!

At this moment, Basari posed in a strange posture to assist in his meditation, demonstrating astonishing flexibility in his body. He breathed with a uniform rhythm, maintaining his spirit in harmony with this great lake, in order to absorb the mysterious power that exists within it.

After a long time, it was not until Basari felt that the damp cold wind on the lake had frozen his body that he ended this meditation to protect his health.

He slowly corrected his twisted joints to restore his normal posture, and then put on a long, waxed robe that was placed aside. Only this kind of clothing could help him resist the damp cold wind on the lake surface.

After a few minutes of physical activity, feeling warmth returning to him once again, Basari walked to the lake, murmured a few spells, and then stepped on the water surface step by step towards the shore, as if he was stepping on hard ground.

With the end of the meditative state and the onset of numerous sensations such as cold, warmth, pain, and soreness in the body, Basari also had to think of other things to distract his attention from physical pain.

"At my meditation speed, it may take another ten years to make my spirit strong enough to try to become a true wizard. However, even if I become a first level wizard, I can only be trapped within the family and cannot go any further."

"It's impossible to become a second level wizard with my own efforts, unless I am willing to join Byron Academy."

"But once I join Byron Academy, I will be bound by the rules, and there will be countless old wizards who can order me all at once. How could I feel so comfortable and at ease within the family now."

"The Byron Academy has a great career, and there is an endless stream of apprentices who can become a first-class wizard. Even with my talent, going to Byron Academy is just an ordinary apprentice. The various resources I enjoy may not be as abundant as in the family today. At least the elders of the family hope that I can become a first-class wizard in the future, replacing Grandpa Alex, so that my Abbas family can continue to own this oasis for a century."

"Even if ten years later, Grandpa Alec's lifespan is at least thirty years away. During these thirty years, I can still enter the desert on my own to find a way to become a second level wizard. I can even leave the Sea of Death and travel to other regions of this continent."

Basari secretly made up his mind to become a first level wizard ten years later, and then went out to find ways to become a second level wizard. This not only allowed him to have a longer lifespan, but also helped the first level wizard born in the family in the future.

Others only saw that Byron Academy was prestigious, with a second level wizard sitting inside and dozens of desert oasis vassals outside. They consecrated resources year after year, and various treasures were not lacking. They all wanted to join and become one of them.

But they don't know. Although the college has good welfare benefits, the rules are also strict. Once someone join, they can't help but become an apprentice. The wizard apprentice really becomes an apprentice and has to complete mandatory tasks every year. Once the task cannot be completed, the benefits will be suspended at a light level, and the college will impose various terrifying punishments at a heavy level.

And the phenomenon of forming cliques in the college is extremely serious, where apprentices use all means to suppress competitors in order to showcase themselves in front of wizards or compete for certain resources.

The ancestor of the Abbas family was originally a first level wizard at Byron Academy, and information about Byron Academy is recorded in his notes. Therefore, no one in the Abbas family is willing to go to Byron Academy unless they are wizard apprentices who are not talented enough to become a first level wizard but are unwilling to live their lives like this.

Therefore, Basari had already made up his mind that even if he could only become a first level wizard in this life and had no hope of promotion, he would definitely not want to live a life of constant intrigue.

It is said that wizards can reach up to level nine and possess incredible and great magical power to change the world.

However, as far as Basari knows, there has been no clear record of anyone becoming a ninth level wizard since the first wizard appeared in ancient times.

Therefore, for the vast majority of wizard apprentices, becoming a first-class wizard, that is, a true wizard, is their highest pursuit in their lifetime, and even most of them cannot achieve this dream.

Even Basari, known as a genius, currently possesses the most wonderful fantasy of becoming the first second-level wizard in the history of the Abbas family, expanding the family and even establishing a wizard academy centered around the family, and then preserving the method of promotion to a second-level wizard before passing away, benefiting future generations. This is even what he can think of, an extremely perfect life.

After all, the most powerful wizards in the entire desert are only a few third level wizards. It is said that there are still some fourth and fifth level wizards in the outside world, but people in the desert have never seen them. And the regional hegemon Byron Academy only has one second level wizard.

Realizing that there are too many chaotic thoughts due to the pain of meditation. Basari silently recited spells to stabilize his emotions, and as an ambitious wizard apprentice, he had learned to restrain his various instincts like those truly powerful wizards.

Moonlight Lake is the lifeblood of the entire oasis, guarded by multiple apprentices throughout the year, and also convenient for receiving apprentices who meditate in the lake to prevent accidents.

Basari walked to the shore and a person wearing a black cloak approached him from the mist. He was already very familiar with the situation and stood in place waiting for the other party to determine his identity through witchcraft.

After a while, the people on the shore took off their cloaks and hats, revealing a stiff and pale middle-aged face.

"Good afternoon, Uncle Marion."

Basari recognized the other person as his father's younger brother. Although his face was terrifying, he was kind-hearted and took good care of their younger generation. Just many years ago, his attempt to advance to become a wizard failed, and his face became like a corpse.

At this moment, when Marion saw Basari coming out of the lake, he murmured a curse, and a bright light floated out of his hand, landing on Basari like a firefly. Basari immediately felt a warm heat flow helping him dispel the cold in his body.

"Thank you, Uncle."

Marion shook his head slightly and said, "Since you have finished meditating, go to the castle by the lake to meet Grandpa Alec. He gave instructions earlier, and if you finish meditating, go see him immediately."

"I'll go now, goodbye Uncle Marion."

Upon hearing that the only wizard in the family wanted to see him, Basari immediately bid farewell to Marion and hurried to the family castle located not far from the lake.