
Lord of Mythos

In the dream realm of "Mythos", Archon reigns supreme as one of the most skilled players in the world. That is until the game becomes a reality. As he adapts to his new life, Archon must navigate the dangers of this new world while uncovering its mysteries. Joined by allies and adversaries alike, he'll embark on a journey of survival, facing both external threats and internal conflicts.

LordofMythos · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

The World Champions

The colossal stadium reverberated with thunderous roars of the crowd, every seat filled to capacity by passionate fans from around the globe. A palpable tension hung thick in the air as the final match of the World Championship was nearing its climax, excitement crackled like electricity and anticipation mounted with each passing moment. Every calculated manoeuvre and daring counterplay caused the crowd to erupt into a symphony of cheers and applause, their fervent support fuelling the intensity of the struggle below.

For the players, the stakes had never been higher, the weight of victory pressing down upon their shoulders like a crushing burden.

In the heart of the arena, two rival teams clashed with unrelenting ferocity, their movements a blur of speed and precision, fluid yet purposeful, their eyes blazing with fierce resolve. On one side stood Glory, seasoned champions with exceptional composure despite the mounting pressure. On the other, Rampage, a powerhouse assembled with the finest players in the world, their unparalleled talent sharpened by years of experience.

Rampage unleashed their full might upon their opponents. A relentless barrage of strikes pushed Glory to the brink of defeat, their individual brilliance shining amidst the chaos and tearing through the defenders' ranks with ruthless efficiency. However, Glory refused to falter, their spirits undimmed by the overwhelming force. Moving with unbreakable unity, synchronised like a well-oiled machine, every coordinated strike and seamless rotation brought them closer to victory. The two titans clashed in a flurry of spells and steel, pouring their souls into the fight.

At the forefront of the battle stood Rampage's warrior, Orlon, exuding a dark and imposing presence that commanded attention. Each step reassured by the certainty that his spear would strike true any who dared to oppose him. Every thrust and parry was conducted with the grace of a predator on the hunt, movements fluid and precise as he sought to carve a path of destruction through the ranks of Glory. Orlon's crimson eyes meticulously scanned the enemy for vulnerabilities, a tedious yet necessary task. Aware that late in the game, players were prone to mistakes, he remained patient, knowing it wouldn't be long before his diligence paid off.

The opposing support averted his gaze for a mere fraction of a second, a tiny error that might have gone unnoticed under different circumstances, but at the apex of competition, it would be the spark igniting disaster. To seize this opportunity, Orlon acted on impulse. With herculean strength, he gripped his spear of exquisite craftsmanship and thrust it at the enemy support. The powerful strike reverberated through the arena, its force causing vibrations to ripple through the air.

Yet his triumph soon soured into dread as he realised the peril he faced. Unbeknownst to him, Orlon had fallen into a meticulously laid trap. The support of Glory met his gaze with a chilling smile, even as the spear remained lodged within him. It dawned on the warrior too late that his zeal had led him astray, his overeager step leaving him exposed.

Without a moment's hesitation, the enemy support grabbed the spear and with a determined stomp, he called upon the earth for aid to which the ground responded with a resounding groan, splitting open beneath the warrior's feet. As Orlon plummeted into a gaping chasm, he realised he was completely at the mercy of his foes, incapacitated and vulnerable.

The support of team Rampage known as Naenae, rushed to his aid. However, he failed to consider that Orlon was never their target. In perfect harmony, members of Glory shifted their strategy and launched a coordinated offensive.

As Naenae neared their ally, the warrior of Glory surged past, darting toward their backline and before he could react, with a swift motion, the warrior raised his scimitar, causing it to dissolve into a lethal ring of wind that ensnared the Rampage's mage and marksman, sealing off their escape. As the tornado roared to life, the now-empty hilt ignited, transforming into a blade of fire. In perfect coordination with his assassin, they struck the defenceless marksman, swiftly ending his life before he could even react, then redirected their focus toward the mage.

As tensions reached new heights, Archon watched with conflicting feelings, fully aware of the match's inevitable conclusion. He gave a resigned sigh and rose from his VIP seat, preparing to make his way down the corridor. However, he was intercepted by a familiar voice.

"Where are you off to? The game isn't over yet," The voice belonged to Adonis, a handsome man whose presence exuded confidence. 

"True, but we both know it might as well be. Glory's got this Championship in the bag." Archon replied, his tone tinged with resignation.

"Perhaps, but you could at least stick around for the award ceremony."

"Bro… it's their third consecutive win. I've seen it all before," Archon retorted, a hint of exasperation in his voice.

"Don't be so dismissive. They're the three time world champions. Show a bit of respect."

Archon smiled wryly, knowing full well that it was a touchy subject for him.

"I just…" he began, his emotions swirling within him. After a moment's pause, he relented.

"I warned them that assembling a team solely based on rankings, ignoring synergy, was like handing Glory the three-peat on a silver platter. And by poaching aces from other teams, they effectively eliminated any real competition. Then, when I refused to coach them and offered an alternative solution, they went ahead and hired Eis as their coach. I can't even tell if I'm happy or sad about the outcome."

As he finished his rant, the match concluded and the arena erupted into a cacophony of fireworks, confetti, and jubilant cheers. Thankfully, the VIP area shielded them from most of the noise.

"Don't sweat it. I'm joining Chaos next season, so I'll carry you. Just don't forget to call me daddy when I do," Adonis quipped, chuckling at his own joke.

Archon responded in kind, grateful for the lightened mood. Adonis had a knack for lifting his spirits.

"Firstly, you're weird. That's probably why you're still single irl. Secondly, the world will end before I—"

Before he could finish his sentence, an unfamiliar sensation overwhelmed him. His vision distorted, muscles tensing as a deafening ringing filled his ears, causing him to collapse to one knee.

"Argh… What was that?" Adonis groaned, practically slumping in his chair, clearly still disoriented.

"You felt that too?"

"Yeah, what the hell?!"

As the two glanced around, they realized they weren't alone in their experience. The entire stadium seemed to have felt it. A silence fell over the crowd, occasionally disrupted by whispers, and though some had fainted, it was only momentary. Perhaps their high level prevented them from suffering the same fate. 

Silence was eventually broken by the casters.

"Please remain calm. Our administrators are investigating the situation, so there's no need for alarm. It seems there was a disruption in the link, though we're still determining the cause. For now, let's keep enjoying this historic occasion, and we'll provide updates as we learn more. Your safety is our top priority."

As the caster concluded the announcement, in the corner of his ear, Archon overheard one VIP whisper to another, "Was it a bug?"

'A bug? That's impossible, there haven't been any bugs since the game's release.' he thought to himself.

Archon rose to his feet and turned to Adonis.

"I'm sure whatever it was, they'll sort it out, no point in throwing around baseless theories. It'll most likely be brought up during the patch notes. Anyway, thanks for lifting my spirits. I'm scheduled for an interview, so I need to get ready."

It looked as though Adonis had more to say but stopped himself.

"Good luck. And try not to embarrass Chaos now that I'm joining the team." he said with a laugh, gave Archon a hearty slap on the back, prodding him to leave.

"Now that you mentioned it, I might do my best to make sure you can't show your face in public again." Archon retorted with a smile "See you later."

With that, he made his way toward the exit. Passing by familiar faces in the crowd, Archon exchanged nods and smiles, but his thoughts were elsewhere, reflecting on the events which led to this moment.

Hello everyone, I would like to first and foremost thank all who took the time out of their day to read my first story. We're only getting started but I hope you enjoy reading Lord of Mythos as much as I did writing it.

- Since this isn't my job (though I'd love for it to be) I will be posting once a week. Though I might make a poll regarding this in the future.

- To be honest, I'm incredibly excited. It's been my dream to release my own light novel/book since I can remember and now I've finally mustered up the courage to take the first step.

- Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Since I'm new to all this, including the website, tips and opinions would be incredibly helpful.

Once again, thank you for being here. It's too early for me to ask for your support but if you could at least commit to reading the next few releases or recommend it to someone who might enjoy it then it would make my day. Best of luck to you all, hope you can find the courage to pursue your dreams as I did today.

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