
Lord of Mysteries: The Outer God is Myself

THIS BOOK IS A TRANSLATION I DO NOT OWN IT. https://www.mtlnovel.com/mystery-the-outer-god-is-myself/ ……………………………….……………………………………….………. Traveling through the world of "The Lord of Mysteries" and becoming the supporting spirit of Klein the Fool, Lin Ruo, the seasoned traveler, inwardly rejected this notion. However, he was fortunate enough to retain his supernatural abilities, namely [Truth and Fallacy], which he had acquired in a previous world. These rule-based powers bestowed upon Lin Ruo the ability to guide destiny through [Truth] and distort reality through [Fallacy]. With the aid of [Truth and Fallacy], Lin Ruo initially tore apart the script of 008 and fearlessly plunged into the tumultuous currents of time, preparing to combat the impending apocalypse. He diligently relied on his superior supernatural powers and foresight to govern, gradually bolstering the strength of his allies to a point where he could rest easy. Soon after, Lin Ruo's original sealed memories were restored. It was then that he discovered his true identity—a recently promoted foreign god, a pure restraining force. Lin Ruo:... Is it too late for him to flee?

Bhai_Hai_7632 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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39 Chs

How to Get the Follow Up Potion

"This situation is undeniably dangerous, as Lin Ruo is well aware. However, it is not impossible!

Kapin himself is likely not an extraordinary individual with a high ranking. While he does have the official protection of the royal family, those assigned to him are mostly low or medium-ranking extraordinaries. According to the original work, the highest-ranking beyonder among them is probably only at Sequence 6. However, there are beyonder items that can rival those at Sequence 5 to some extent. Fortunately, Lin Ruo possesses a one-minute demigod state, which provides him with an advantage over non-demigods. With the hidden state provided by the secret badge, he can attempt to infiltrate Capim's mansion discreetly, increasing the likelihood of a successful hunting operation.

Furthermore, even without considering the disparity between demigods and non-demigods, Lin Ruo's ability to calculate and act without arousing suspicion gives him a significant advantage. The gap in preparedness between the Beyonder World and the unprepared is substantial.

In case of any unforeseen circumstances, Lin Ruo can use the traveler's ability to escape when necessary. The secret badge ensures that he won't be detected by others with extraordinary powers before or after the operation.

Hunting Capim also offers several benefits. First, it allows him to play the role of the hunter and consume potions. Second, he can avenge the original owner, acting upon his own will. Third, he can proactively uncover the truth about Capim, exposing the conspiracy of the royal family and allowing the church to respond accordingly. This can bring about a major upheaval and entangle Ince's allies in the ensuing storm.

As Lin Ruo's eyes narrowed, his thoughts raced. Suddenly, he clenched the secret badge in his hand, extending it outward. 'I hope Capim is an extraordinary now,' he muttered. 'That way, I can digest the potion even faster!'

With a snort, he began formulating the entire hunting plan in his mind."

After organizing the relevant matters, Lin Ruo shifted his focus to obtaining the Hunter Path's follow-up potion formula through the hunter.

While the primary area of operation for Extraordinaries of Seer pathway is not in Loen, the same applies to Extraordinaries of Hunter pathway—they mainly operate in the Republic of Intis and the Fesac Empire.

However, this doesn't mean that finding the follow-up potion formula for the Hunter Path in Loen is difficult. Besides, there are the Three-in-One Evil Spirits and the "Red Priest" blasphemy card of the Hunter Path in Backlund's underground, along with the convergence principle of Extraordinary characteristics in the mysterious world. With these two items, Extraordinaries of the Hunter Path will naturally be drawn to alien.

If Lin Ruo desires to acquire the follow-up potion formula for the Hunter Path, the ideal and most dangerous method would be to obtain the Red Priest card, as it would likely provide access to the entire formula at once.

However, the Red Priest card is in the possession of the Three-in-One Evil Spirits. While they may appear comical in the original work, they are not easy to deal with. Additionally, given the events in the later part of the Book , it's evident that Adam, the one who sold Medici, has been monitoring the situation. Taking food from the mouth of a tiger is no easy task, and even for Lin Ruo, it presents higher difficulty than tearing apart 008.

Yet, difficulty does not equate to impossibility. After all, the Red Priest card holds little importance to Medici, and Medici, who is currently restrained, is undeniably at their weakest.

Lin Ruo's eyes flickered, and he closed them, exhaling a long sigh. "You can't be too greedy. The Three-in-One Evil Spirits have killed numerous Tudor family descendants, and low-to-medium sequence Extraordinaries are simply their prey... I have to wait, bide my time."

He needed to gather enough knowledge about the extraordinary realm in this world and find a suitable ally before making any rash moves. Lin Ruo wasn't planning to give up on the Red Priest card. However, even with the fallacy granting him one minute of demigod time, he doubted he could use that minute to obtain the card from the hot pot evil spirit.

Moreover, the current condition of the hot pot evil spirit made it challenging for Lin Ruo to manipulate [Truth] and set up anything. His goal was to obtain the red priest card, not to eliminate the hot pot evil spirit. Therefore, reporting the hot pot evil spirit was out of the question. As for attracting unofficial demigods to attack the evil spirit, the fisherman ultimately becomes the prey—that is death!

The active unofficial demigods in Backlund are mostly affiliated with either the Aurora Society or the Witch Sect, or they have ties to the Psychological Alchemy Society. If people from these sects catch sight of Medici, there's a high chance they will intervene to protect him, leading to a confrontation between rival factions.

As for the remaining demigods, they either suffer from poor health and are easily incapacitated or are obsessed with resurrecting the dead. They have no interest in Medici. Guiding these demigods to find Medici is extremely difficult, and even if successful, it won't be easy for the manipulator to benefit afterward. They might end up being viewed as collateral damage by the demigods.

Lin Ruo is adept at dealing with Ince's allies, as that falls within his area of expertise. However, he wouldn't seize the Red Priest card when the likelihood of becoming prey is so high.

"Let's focus on digesting the potion first... There are other ways to obtain the low-level potion formula for the Hunter Path. No need to worry." Recalling other characters who may possess the low-level red priest formula as depicted in the original book, Lin Ruo sighed slowly and began contemplating other matters.

Seeking revenge for the original owner can be a step-by-step process. For now, he'll prioritize capturing Capim and gather information on those who harmed the original owner's family. Based on the available information, he'll make plans and arrangements without rushing.

With a physical body at his disposal, some of the original plans need to be adjusted accordingly. However, Lin Ruo can still sense a connection between himself and Klein, and he has a vague feeling that his spirit form will be drawn there again.

This indicates a high probability of conducting a dual operation in the future, and Lin Ruo has some ideas about it. When his spirit form returns to his main body, he intends to consume potions, advance in sequence, and strengthen himself. While on Klein's side, he will act as a supportive figure in his role to make Klein the Lord of Mysteries.

As for dealing with Ince's allies, both sides will naturally aim to eliminate the opponent as quickly as possible. Lin Ruo understands the power of the destiny system, so he knows that the best strategy is to prevent Ince's allies from having a chance to act, swiftly removing them from the equation using the advantage of possessing 008.

The longer you procrastinate, the more variables come into play!

"Well, now that I have assimilated the memories, I can release the energy spent on maintaining the fallacy regarding the Loen Common Language and Hermes," Lin Ruo mumbled to himself. Simultaneously, he dispelled the fallacies that previously restricted his knowledge of these two languages. Both of these languages were learned by Roldi Fryer during childhood, and now that Lin Ruo possessed his memories, there was no reason for him not to understand them.

After canceling the fallacies, Lin Ruo suddenly let out a yawn.

Perhaps due to the effects of resurrection, he could sense that his body was now quite fatigued. Coincidentally, as the person who had nearly exhausted himself during the previous experiment with the fallacy, Lin Ruo's soul was also drained. With this dual exhaustion, he knew he needed rest to recover, even though he had been busy with various tasks.

Having organized everything that needed sorting and outlining preliminary plans for the future, Lin Ruo had no intention of pushing himself further. He leaned his head back on the recliner and closed his eyes.

Well, hopefully, he won't find himself waking up in Tingen while he's asleep here...

After all, he was truly exhausted!

With that thought, Lin Ruo's consciousness descended into a deep slumber.