
Lord of Mysteries: The Outer God is myself

Traveling through the world of "The Lord of Mysteries" and becoming the supporting spirit of Klein the Fool, Lin Ruo, the seasoned traveler, inwardly rejected this notion. However, he was fortunate enough to retain his supernatural abilities, namely [Truth and Fallacy], which he had acquired in a previous world. These rule-based powers bestowed upon Lin Ruo the ability to guide destiny through [Truth] and distort reality through [Fallacy]. With the aid of [Truth and Fallacy], Lin Ruo initially tore apart the script of 008 and fearlessly plunged into the tumultuous currents of time, preparing to combat the impending apocalypse. He diligently relied on his superior supernatural powers and foresight to govern, gradually bolstering the strength of his allies to a point where he could rest easy. Soon after, Lin Ruo's original sealed memories were restored. It was then that he discovered his true identity—a recently promoted foreign god, a pure restraining force. Lin Ruo:... Is it too late for him to flee?

Bhai_Hai_7632 · Kỳ huyễn
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Spirit Behind Klein

It took only three seconds for Lin Ruo to confirm that he had crossed over once again. That's right, he had crossed over before! This wasn't Lin Ruo's first time as a time traveler; his previous experience took him to the world of Hunter ×Hunter .

In that world, he gained supernatural powers and used them to defeat many powerful individuals. He almost changed the balance between ordinary people and beings with supernatural abilities in the Wenye world. His actions allowed ordinary humans to achieve the same status as those with unique powers. Unfortunately, his life ended unexpectedly when he faced a French blond transcendent and met his demise due to an accident.

Lin Ruo couldn't help but laugh at the irony of his previous life. It felt like he was being manipulated by fate, perhaps facing retribution.

The reason behind all this was the supernatural ability Lin Ruo acquired in his previous life called "Truth and Fallacy." This power wasn't directly lethal, but its danger level was continuously adjusted by the authorities.

Its function was simple and had two main aspects. The first part, called "Truth," allowed Lin Ruo to use words to influence destiny. This guidance amplified the likelihood of events occurring. The higher the probability of an event, the more likely it would be influenced, while events with low probabilities were more likely to fail. This ability wasn't dependent on the strength of the person being influenced but solely on the likelihood of the event happening. Regardless of success or failure, it consumed energy, and if it succeeded, Lin Ruo would be aware of it.

Events with almost zero probability wouldn't be influenced, even by ordinary individuals, while events with high probability could be influenced, even by the most powerful supernatural beings.

However, "Truth" couldn't directly cause someone's death; at best, it could guide them into vulnerable situations. Nevertheless, this ability was still formidable.

The other aspect of the "Truth and Fallacy" ability was "Fallacy." Its effect was simpler and cruder—it distorted reality and altered others' perceptions to some extent. The degree of distortion wasn't significant, required maintenance, and only affected Lin Ruo himself.

Despite not possessing much direct combat effectiveness, Lin Ruo still manipulated many individuals using "Truth and Fallacy." However, even with his abilities, he couldn't survive an encounter with a transcendent from the space system—a top-level supernatural power in the world of Hunter X Hunter

Gritting his teeth, Lin Ruo suppressed the emotions flooding his heart and focused on observing his surroundings. The room he found himself in wasn't particularly spacious; even to Lin Ruo, it seemed quite small. There were brown wooden doors on the left and right sides, and a bed against the opposite wall, both high and low.

Additionally, the small room contained everyday items like cabinet walls, coal stoves, pots, and pans. It was evident that these items had been used for a long time. Even the only full-length mirror in the room had two cracks on it.

Without a doubt, this wasn't the home of a wealthy family, and it seemed likely that he was in an era closer to the industrial revolution or the steam era rather than the modern era.

Despite the room's furnishings, Lin Ruo's attention was primarily drawn to the only other person in the room.

There lay a thin young man on the table, wearing a linen shirt and sporting disheveled black hair. Due to the man's prone position, Lin Ruo couldn't get a clear look at his face. However, he noticed a gruesome wound on the youth's temple, likely caused by a close-range shot from a revolver.

What amazed Lin Ruo was the slow healing of the wound, almost magical in nature.

To be honest, all of this seemed eerily familiar to Lin Ruo, reminiscent of the opening scene from a novel he adored.

If it weren't for his form of a mysterious, ghostly entity at that moment, preventing Lin Ruo from moving heavy objects, he would have eagerly extracted the notebook that lay beneath the young man to check for any signature from Klein Moretti.

Indeed, He was akin to a spiritual entity!

Immediately upon awakening, Lin Ruo realized that he no longer possessed a solid physical form but instead existed in an ethereal manner, akin to a spiritual entity. Moreover, he sensed a connection between himself and the young man lying on the table before him.

This made Lin Ruo wonder if he had become some form of guardian spirit or specter—an unexpected consequence of his time-crossing.

Frowning involuntarily, Lin Ruo disliked his current spiritual state. However, lacking sufficient information about his situation, he decided against acting rashly and instead resolved to gather more information first.

Let's focus on collecting information!

With this thought in mind, Lin Ruo maneuvered his incorporeal form and floated beside the young man, observing the slow healing process of the wound up close.

Suddenly, the young man's body twitched, and his eyes snapped open.

Brown eyes filled with confusion stared back, suggesting the man hadn't comprehended his circumstances yet.

Lin Ruo extended his hand and waved it in front of the youth, only to realize that the other person seemed oblivious to his movements.

The young man straightened his back, casting his gaze upon the objects on the table, surveying the room's surroundings, and finally lifting his head.

It appeared as though he caught sight of something extraordinary, causing him to jerk upright. However, in the next second, he lost his balance and plopped back down onto the hardwood chair.

Amused by the scene, Lin Ruo couldn't help but smile. He also raised his head and glanced at the sky, catching a glimpse of a fleeting shadow behind the velvet curtain.

Lin Ruo recognized it immediately, thanks to his clear memories from his previous life following his initial crossing. Naturally, these memories included details from the Lord of Mysteries content that he had encountered.

Wait... If he remembers everything, why is he still able to stand here?

Suddenly, Lin Ruo realized an important issue he had overlooked—Under the Level of Sequence 2 Angel . He knew that knowledge related to the outer gods and the starry sky would become corrupted unless a powerful figure provided the necessary protection.

"Could it be my own special circumstance, or... has someone arranged it?" Lin Ruo raised an eyebrow, immediately lifting his gaze to the crimson moon in the night sky.

Hongyue... If this truly is the world of the Lord of Mysteries, the goddess of the night should already be paying attention here!

"Of course, I might be overthinking it. Perhaps this isn't the world of the Lord of Mysteries at all!" Lin Ruo mused silently.

While Lin Ruo was lost in his thoughts, the young man had already stood up. Finally noticing the content of the note, he was startled by a sentence that Lin Ruo couldn't comprehend, but he could guess its meaning. The young man nearly stumbled but managed to grab onto the table just in time.

Then, the young man's gaze fell upon the revolver and the bloodstained handprints on the table's edge, causing him to furrow his brows.

Subsequently, under Lin Ruo's watchful gaze, the oblivious young man approached the full-length mirror. Clearly frightened by the gruesome wound near his temple reflected in the mirror, he took a few steps back. However, instead of immediately verifying whether he was still alive, he suddenly turned his head and looked in Lin Ruo's direction.

Lin Ruo was momentarily stunned, a guess immediately forming in his mind. He then controlled his ethereal form and floated towards the full-length mirror. During this process, the young man continued to glance in Lin Ruo's direction while also observing the mirror, as if silently confirming something while gradually stepping back.

Upon reaching the dressing mirror, Lin Ruo saw his reflection as anticipated. He blinked in response and looked at the youth, who was staring at him with a perplexed expression, and greeted him.

"Hi, good evening!" Lin Ruo spoke these words in Chinese.

Then, Lin Ruo witnessed the young man's eyes widening in surprise.


Lin Ruo's lips curled into a broad smile, radiating delight.

It appears that this is indeed Mr. Fool!