
Lord of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction

A world thats rushing towards a dark ending. An slave traveler that yearns for his freedom. A fire that will consume anyone who stays behind. Will he be able to break the chains that bound him and reach the peak or will he just die like a sheep waiting to be slaughter. Wach him rise from the bottom and tries to discover why he came here. To save the world or rush it to that dark ending. This is a story of a traveler _________________________________________ Notes-Welcome to all new readers. This story was first published in the Novels section and only recently I have moved it to the fanfic part, in case you are wondering why there are two stories with the same name, that is why. I want to say that I am not a professional and that English is not my mother tongue so I hope you can forgive me for any spelling mistakes.

TheWitnes · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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383 Chs

Chapter 90:Fireworks

Adryan suddenly found himself losing control of his body and this caused him to be greatly surprised.

'Wraith Possession! Steve is here!' he thought in shock. Adryan watched as his hands went to his own neck causing him to curse in his mind

'Fuck shit I have to get free before Steve makes me decapitate myself but how! I can't control my body...' An idea flashed in his head that made Adryan cursed internally.

He couldn't control his body but he could control his mind and thoughts!

That was all he needed!

That and his fire resistant body!!

Just as his own hands wrapped around his neck and his nails dug into his flesh drawing blood a golden flame appeared in front of him and it quickly covered his entire body melting his clothes a bit and slowly burning his skin.

But this worked and he regained control of his body.

Suddenly floating in front of him appeared the floating figure of Steve who was also covered in golden flames and was looking at him with hatred and surprise.

"You're crazy, are you trying to kill yourself!" the man yelled at him and Adryan let out a loud laugh as the golden flames that engulfed him separated from his body and shot towards Steve with speed.

"Why don't you wash that dirty hair of yours you greasy bitch!"

Steve just grunted while using a blink towards one of the windows of the room, dodging the attack of the redhead who didn't care about this but took advantage of the few seconds he bought and launched a Fire Spear towards the woman who was still stunned in the corridor.

He couldn't allow two of them to attack him at the same time, escaping from a Wraith was already very difficult and if he had to face another beyonder, regardless of whether it was sequence 9, it would be much more difficult.

'Originally I didn't want to use my fire attacks in my house but in this situation I can't worry about that shit!' Adryan thought as the spear reached for the woman.

The woman looked at the spear in alarm and she barely managed to roll avoiding being impaled but she couldn't dodge the blast of the spear that hit her and she could only use her arms to cover herself.

The redhead wasted no more time in observing what happened to the woman because Steve reappeared floating in front of him and opened his mouth.

From this escaped a sharp shriek that made Adryan's vision blur and he staggered in a daze from Steve's attack who again tried to use his possession on Adryan who despite being stunned the golden flame reappeared around his body functioning as an armor causing Steve to have to stop his attemp to possess the redhead.

Taking advantage of Steve's withdrawal, the redhead used a Shadow Leap and appeared in his living room still somewhat dazed and he had to hold onto the sofa to stay upright.

'My fucking soul' thought the redhead grunting in pain as he had blood dripping from all the orifices of his face.

The Wraith Shriek directly hit the spiritual body of everyone who heard it and Adryan's spiritual body was in a very delicate state.

The only reason that shriek didn't knock him out was because he had built up a resistance to these kinds of attacks thanks to always listening to the True Creator's rap.

He couldn't rest for another second because the hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he rolled to the side, barely managing to avoid several nearly invisible Ice Spears that pierced and smashed his sofa.

The golden flame reappeared and it separated into multiple ravens of golden flames that flew towards Steve who looked at this seriously but with an arrogant smile.

He used a Mirror Blink again and used the reflection of his ice spears and reappeared next to the redhead who had in his left hand a spear of golden flames that shone with holiness and he threw it at Steve who looked at this in shock .

Despite being in shock, he managed to move his torso to the side, managing to dodge this attack, but suddenly the Spear twisted unnaturally in the air and hit him directly in the chest, piercing him.

Then the spear exploded,Adryan barely managed to do a Shadow Leap, managing to dodge the explosion of golden flames.

He couldn't even rejoice about landing a good hit on the man because he reflexively moved his torso to the side, barely making an almost invisible ice spear miss his heart.

But he couldn't dodge it completely, instead it pierced his right shoulder and embedded him in the wall causing him to grunt in pain.

"That hurt," Steve growled under his breath as he emerged from the smoke, his tuxedo and red shirt were shredded, he had a hole in his chest and several serious burns all over his body showing the burned muscle underneath but it was healing quickly and traces of golden flames remaining on his body were extinguished.

Adryan watched this with slightly narrowed eyes as he grunted in his right hand was Hangover Time.

He had used the pocket watch ability to 'distort' the direction of his Spear so that it would hit Steve.

But Wraiths, have tremendous resilience and will not die immediately, even if they lose their head!

This was the second best sequence 5 under the demigods due to his multiple abilities!

The only reason Adryan, who is sequence 7, was enduring so much was because of his extreme knowledge in this sequence.

He knew all the abilities in this sequence so he could prepare to react in time and defend against them but that was the end of his advantage.

Steve was stronger in every way, and Adryan could only hurt him by using Tauk Millennium's ability to create golden flames that could damage Wraiths, but this consumed a lot of spirit and Adryan would end up running out of spirituality before doing any serious damage to Steve.

The only option as before was to escape,but Steve wasn't giving him a chance.

He had to do a big number to find an opportunity....

Slightly shifting his gaze to his kitchen he just grunted as he sent spirituality towards the Burnt Band and used a Shadow Leap disappearing from his spot and reappearing next to the kitchen entrance with a hand over the hole in his shoulder.

"Sorry mate, but our game has to end. I have things to do, so what do you say we call this a draw" the redhead said provocatively and Steve just snorted in response.

At that, Adryan let out a fake sigh of disappointment as he shook his head, never taking his eyes off Steve.

"Too bad," Adryan told him disappointedly as golden flames appeared around him.

These turned into swords pointing at Steve, who looked at this with a smirk and Adryan responded with one.

"Enjoy the fireworks~" the redhead said arrogantly as the golden flame swords suddenly changed direction and flew towards the kitchen at high speed.

The objectives?

The gas pipes.

Adryan just gave Steve the middle finger as he turned the Hangover Time crown to the right.

Shadows engulfed him and he disappeared from his spot and Steve tried to follow but instead he stayed where he was standing like an idiot.

"Eh?" was the last thing he said, confused before the swords hit the gas pipes and a strong explosion engulfed Steve and the entire house, destroying it.

About 100 meters away, Steve calmly came out of a window while looking at the house where he had been a moment ago.

The house was completely destroyed, the front had collapsed and is burning, he observed this coldly.

Suddenly he saw a person running out of a part of the ruin house who was covered in fire while screaming.

"You're still alive" Steve said somewhat surprised while using a Wraith Blink and leaving the window in front of the body he looked at it in surprise.

The body was female but it was completely burned, her hair was burned, her skin looked like raw meat due to the burns but she was still alive.

At this Steve just nodded, still surprised as he grabbed the woman's arm who let out another cry of pain.

"If you managed to survive that, it shows that you are blessed" while saying that he hung the woman over his shoulder and began to walk away from the scene.

Several people were already leaning out of the windows of their houses and watched in fear as the man walked with a burn body over his shoulder




While that happened Adryan use several Shadow Leaps as he took out some bandages from his jacket,that was slightly melted,and put it around his right shoulder to control the bleeding.

Reaching a manhole cover he opened it and jumped in closing it.


Here are the chapters of 24/03.

Guys, the voting is over and volume 0 is already published, go see it if you are interested but remember that there are spoilers.