
Lord of Fire

It all happened so fast. One typical late evening while working late, Victor was met by a tragic accident. Expecting death, he was surprised to find himself in the body of a certain fire nation prince. While trying to find his feet he quickly gets caught up in a conflict that threatens to destroy not only his new life but his entire world. [A/N: Mind the grammar as english is not my first language. Also the mc is a bit stupid and naive at the beginning. He gets smarter as it goes on I promise.] [Disclaimer: I do not claim to ownership of any of the characters and plots and events parodied in the story. All the characters and all related information regarding the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra and any related works belong to their respected owners. This is simply a parody of a great adventurer on a different take. All the rights of the original plots and characters and any elements related to such media belong to their respective owners.]

thesaiyanprince99 · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs

34. Short Tales - Fuck Me (I)


An obvious silence filled the small bar. Everyone could just barely hear what Sokka was complaining about. Sokka was desperate to hide from the sheer embarrassment he felt and tried to duck under the table but Manori quickly grabbed his hand.

"Its okay Sokka," she assured him with those big beautiful brown eyes that appeared to pier through his soul. "I have a reputation in this town. You won't be talked about."

Before her words barely left her mouth, everything seemed to return to normal as quickly as they became abnormal. Everyone returned to minding their own business. The buzz of the bar returned to normal. The Pai Sho games took back the attention from a minor crowd that was gathered.

"So I have a way that might help you but I am not sure if you are comfortable enough to do it." Manori continued.

"A way you can help me?" Sokka asked. "Anything as long as I can take back my mantle as the man in the relationship."

By his words Manori smiled a little which made Sokka nervous for some reason. Just sitting in front of her in front of all this people made him nervous and yet proud. For some reason in his mind it was like the two were on a date. In fact it certainly looked like a date. They were alone having a nice meal and drink while makiny googly eyes at each other.

"You say that now but wait when we get to a place to talk alone," she revealed. "You might take back your words."

Sokka swallowed a large audible gulp of saliva by her warning. He nervously took the glass of wine and started gulping it down. He sensed that he might need the help of the alcohol.

"Good thinking," Manorie encouraged. "You will need your strength."

Once again he audibly swallowed his own saliva. His eyes enlarged in slight fright. He still wanted her help even though he was nervous so he did as she said. In one gulp he drank the entire glass of the weirdly tasting rice wine.

"Wwwooohhwiii!!" He screamed at the after taste of the wine. Shaking his head as the alcohol sat in. Even though it was just wine his lack of drinking experience gave him a quick buzz.

Feeling as refreshed as he had since his first day with Suki on Kyoshi, he started getting into the meat. Alternating between taking a bit of the thick and juicy meat and the soft warm bread.

"Can I get a bottle of the wiskey plus a glass," Manori ordered to Diya who was about to pass by her.

"Sure thing," Diya answered with her usual business smile. Very different from the smile Zuko had noticed a few days prior.


About an hour passed since Sokka revealed his predicament to Manori. She agreed to help him out although she remained tight lipped about the actual help she was going to offer.

After their meal, she let him south towards an open area of the city. It was a peculiar neighbourhood surrounded by shaggy buildings but the hood itself was for slightly wealthy citizens. Not as good as the nobles or the higher ranking military but the best of the rest. Manori's entire family had a sort of mansion they built themselves located in the area. Due to their long history in the city, the family was quite well of. They had several large apartment complexes they operated and three highly successful restaurants. Not to mention a variety of other ventures around the city and the Greater Oma Shu Province and surrounding Provinces.

When they arrived at the Mansion, most of the family was out and about in the city except for Manori's sister in law and her baby girl.

The pair greeted a few servants but quickly made it to a room located in the east wing. The room was quite far from any busy activity of the staff and from any prying eyes. This was requested by Manori because of her private outgoings. It was quite large. A singular large bed was placed in the centre.

As soon as he entered the room, Sokka's eyes went straight for the large bed easily able to fit half a dozen people. He had suspected as much when she said they were heading to her home.

While he entered the room Manori used her insane speed to quickly scout the perimeter of the room. She also scouted the servants and saw what chore or activity they were doing and estimated their time of completion. Once she was certain they wouldn't be bothered by anyone she returned to the room. As expected she saw Sokka standing completely still in the room. He hadn't moved an inch since she left.

First she turned back to the door and locked it. With Sokka eyeing her nervously she turned to him. Almost with effortless seductiveness she walked up to him.

"You said you want to be the man in the relationship right?" She asked. Sokka nervously nodded. She took another step closer to him. So close that she could feel his breath on her face. So close she could smell the whiskey and spice of the meat penetrating her nose. She leaned in closer, so much that their lips were literary just an inch apart.

"What you need is experience being the man when having sex," she leaned to his right and whispered in his ear. "I will be the woman Sokka. Fuck me, fuck me like a man. Show me that you are a man." Her hand immediately reached for the bulge beneath his pants.

[A/N: Read 15 to 30 chapters ahead on my patreon available now. 
