
Lord of Dawn

WPC #292: Male Lead (Faceslapping) Aurie Nova is the third son of the honorable Nova family. His family has remained dignified and noble for generations but because of him, the status of their family has started to decline. Hailed as the trash of the Nova family, people often compare him to his more honorable and well respected siblings and cousins. Everytime he does something, everyone would expect it to fail and no one expects anything from him. But little did they know, the third and the youngest son of the Nova head family hides a secret that only a selected number of people know.

Hyuuse · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Return of the Second Son

"Ah! I can finally sit back and relax." Arman said to himself as he sits inside the carriage on his way home to the Nova manor.

          "But who are those people?" he thought about the people that looked at him as if he is trash but did not say a thing.

          "They looked really strong just by looking at them. I thought I was a strong candidate for being able to pass among with several others, but I was wrong. There are a lot of monsters in the Dawn headquarters more than I think. And here I thought I would easily be one of the strongest persons at that place. I was dead wrong."

          Right after arriving at the headquarters of Dawn, Arman felt the various auras surrounding all kinds of people that have been running around saving the people in the kingdom from the waves of monsters.

          "The world really is vast. I joined hoping that I am one of the strongest but I ended up being overshadowed by real strong people. It somehow hurts my confidence but I cannot deny their strength, just a single glance, I can tell that they can easily kill me if they wanted to." The frown on his face sudden disappeared when he realized that he is going home and he is not one that should be looked down on even by the nobles that have been looking down at them for what his younger brother had done to disgrace their family.

          "I wonder what that bastard is up to now. My return would leave a bad taste in his mouth but I guess this is a kind of break for me." He smiles maliciously.

          "Really- my ears have become itchy lately. I wonder what's going to happen. Hopefully this does not involve me." Aurie said while cleaning his ear with his pinky.

          "My lord, is this really alright? I don't think they will be glad if they see this at all."

          Aurie looks at Herbert who is calculating the lists of payment that needed to be paid when Aurie checked to an inn since his presence inside the manor with all their guests will spoil the mood and bring them to go back to their lands, he decided that it would be appropriate if he decides to celebrate by himself, just like what he had always done for a long time.

          "Don't think too much of the details Herbert. They don't want me there, it is just right for me to enjoy even if I am by myself as well. Did you forget that I spared no effort to complete the task given to me?"

          Herbert just looks at his lord with a blank expression but when he turned to the tab, his shoulder shrunk.

          "This is quiet the list you made, my lord. Though you are saying some good points, spending this much on you is not something that your father will be glad to do." He thought to himself thinking about the possibilities of what is going to happen later on when the head of the Nova family sees that tab.

          "Well, this is their problem. I don't think this is something that I should be pondering over." He said to himself as Aurie continue to chug down expensive alcohol.

          "Hey, are you sure this is going to be fine? He might be the son of the Nova family but he is the most problematic one. Control what you serve him." The people behind the bar had started to worry about what will happen later since they have already served him most of the expensive alcohol in their inventory.

          A few moments later and the people in the bar refused to serve him more since no matter what or how many they serve him, he is still sober.

          "At this rate we are going to lose costumers if they find out that their favorites have all been drunk by a single person, we would lose potential costumers. Unless you are someone who served the kingdom properly, I will not let anyone bring out the best wine or ale. And have you seen your tab?"

          Aurie looks at the bar owner and shakes his head.

          "Then you should serve me all the best ale and wine! I have served the kingdom more than any of you could have done! I am the leader of Dawn, the Lord!" Aurie said with a flustered expression. Herbert looks at his lord in utter shock after hearing what he had said.

          All the people turned silent as they look at him in surprise, as if they have already rehearsed everything that was about to happen, they all burst in laughter. The inn that fell silent a few seconds ago is filled with mocking laughter. Aurie just laughs along with them but Herbert on the other hand is growing impatient and angry.

          "These bastards-!"

          The door of the inn suddenly opened and the second son Arman walked in with a huge smile on his face.

          "Did I hear that right? My brother is the Lord of Dawn? I don't know if I should be proud or be pissed. Since I came from Dawn's headquarters and find not even a trace of your face there." He said with a nasty tone as he grab Aurie's shoulder and pressed his fingers firmly.

          "Young master Arman! You have returned!"

          All the people congratulate him for his return and immediately forgot that Aurie was there.

          "The travel must have been harsh. Please, your father has been anticipating your return."

          He smiles and greets them as well.

          "Good to see you again brother." He said with a smile on his face as he left the inn with the expensive drinks that the bar owner gave him as a gift.

          "He doesn't change at all." He said to himself as he ride towards their manor. He then takes out the gift that bar owner gave him and takes a sip.        

          "Pwe!" he spat out the liquor and looks at the bottle before throwing it out of the carriage in spite.

          "What in the world was that? How terrible! How in the world do people drink that kind of shit?! Thank goodness I found out its terrible before the guests drank it. Fucking useless pieces of trash!"

          The coacher outside pretended like he did not hear anything and just focus on returning to the manor where he can finally take it easy after a few fays of none stop travelling with the carriage.

          "Finally, I can rest."