
Chapter 68

As I wake up and check my points I use my points to upgrade my level to 15 and now the task is to clear the forest and others are eating new members as the system message broadcast

[ Hello players I hope every player has now joined the guild if not you should be joined ]

[ Now every player should know about your server every server has 1000 players and the server is one Continent like this one there are 50 servers ]

[ every continent is made of 5 planes which have some forces occupying them for empires ]

[ now the second task will be started which is divided into two parts ]

[ the first part is guild war every guild will fight against others ]

[ second part will be told after the first part ]

[the first task will be started in two days ]

[ every player will know in which plane their planes are and your coordinates ]

[ good luck players ]

After seeing this situation I open a guild and make the announcement to send their plane names and their coordinates to me if you are under attack you can get help from my side. as soon all the members send I let Kia tell on sub guild as I send all the forces to go for clear forest and I send message to the guild to those in the forbidden forest to change the place and same for sub guild as near 15 leaves are in the forbidden forest as my castle attack soon message comes off the goblin dynasty in the outside of the forest and there is 5 god rank in them seeing this I let generals go there which they can be first god fight for them which did not take time and the good news was Alice, Emma and Amelia reach the mid-god rank, after asking them they all the time cultivate normally and there are in a breakthrough which let this situation and for Amelia, she kill two gods directly and make third half killed with her fire and she got her promotion

Lin: all the forest is clear

Emma: yes master all of it is clear

Lin: okay then rest I should start my time

As I come inside and open mall watch defence items and buyed illusion forest and new watchtower whose range was 50 km and arrow towers and automatic tower which I filled with silver arrows and know all the arrows elves use are gold quality. I pick up heart of shared and absorb them into castle heart which let it goes to upgrade to empire state

Lin: now I need my border reach corner of forest which will be done by tomorrow

As I said message to Kia about tomorrow I will made emipre by level up to 18 as such she was happy and I open saw planes name of which send by players and in guild now there are co-leader have reached level 10 with two elites and I check on Aya she is level 9 now and I message about when she will be as her response was material are less now as such I send material to her and let her upgrade to level 10 and make her elite after calling that I got message from Kia