
Classroom Evaluations

Madam Spurl leaned on her cane and walked to the door. She cast four spells silently. "It was an intriguing idea. Unfortunately, none of the insanity curses that can adhere to metal are present, not even the one that the Malfoys commissioned. I continued testing. No curse residues at all in the metal. I'll test the door itself if someone proposed it."

Harry looked around his classmates. It seemed like no one had.

"Greengrass and Zabini. Stand. Let's hear your test."

The wizard Zabini looked at his partner before clearing his throat. "At least three Defense professors have died of this curse. Daphne and I propose hiring a necromancer to bring back one of these spirits and find out how they died."

Madam Spurl looked like someone had just plunked a roast goose on her dinner plate. "Now that is thinking. Sit down you pair, well done."

Was that it, find a ghost? Harry knew so little about them. Could they really tell what was happening?

"While I wish I could, I cannot perform the test they have outlined. First, I am not a necromancer. Second, I don't know any. Third, no one has publicly practiced necromancy in two hundred-plus years. I'm sure they still exist, but hiring one to come to Hogwarts to perform this test is impossible. However, it is an excellent idea."

"What about the Resurrection Stone?" Parkinson asked. "Use it and summon the dead."

"Do you have one? Or know where one is?"


"No. Because an object like that, created by a supernatural being or a wizard who has dabbled far beyond the lines of what is safe, is rare, if it exists at all. It can do what was rumored to take a hundred years of study in necromancy, with no physical or magical cost to the user. There was an emotional toll, if I remember the stories well. Such a thing violates much of our understanding of magic. I'm not saying it could not exist. I am saying the madman who created it knew much more about magic than we do at present. So I doubt it is more than a storyteller's fancy."

The room looked confused. Harry was not the only one.

"So, it was a fine idea, but impossible to perform the test. Perhaps now you see why the curse, if it is a curse, has lasted so long. Magic is a truly wonderful thing, but its forms are varied and mysterious. In fact, many of them make little sense at all."

She looked around the room.

"Speaking of tests I can't perform, those who made a proposal about Runes, please stand."

Harry did so.

"There are a number of you. I think we'll see a fair few of you in Ancient Runes next year. Then I've done my work. Can't be a good cursebreaker without knowing something in the field. They've fallen out of favor lately, runes and rituals and their kin, but they still exist in the tombs and tunnels of magical ruins."

Lavender was also standing. Harry narrowed his eyes when he saw that.

"Runes are an excellent idea," Madam Spurl said. "But impractical to test for."

"You can't?" Harry asked, though he shouldn't have been surprised given the way she introduced runes.

"If you tell me exactly where you wish me to look, perhaps. I can test a room at a time or part of a corridor. But all of the castle at one time? All of its well-known hidden areas? Remember, it's well known that Hogwarts has blocked off areas. It's not well know where all of them are. No. No one possesses that strength, Mr. Potter. I'm glad you think so highly of me. I had a certain sixth year student refer to me as a toadstool yesterday. I dare say she wasn't much of an advocate for my skills."

Harry just nodded, as did some of the others who were standing. Others struggled not to grin or laugh.

Harry hadn't considered how to do the test he'd written down. He just assumed someone might know how.

"Don't fear. Curse breakers have been brought in four times over the last few decades to look for such things. Not all of them could have been incompetent. There was just nothing to find. Good work. I'll give you back full comments after the Yule break, but you did well."

Harry sat down more happy than frustrated.

She pointed to others who hadn't yet stood. Finally Madam Spurl came to Lavender.

"Miss Brown, I seem to have missed your assignment when I was reading through them."

Harry looked at her. She had stood before. Now she was caught. What would she do? Lie... Blame Harry...

"I didn't do one," she said.

Harry appreciated honesty.

"I see. You stood when I was talking to those who proposed a rune-based answer. Do you have a reason?"

"No. I don't."

"Well, at least you're honest. Detention with me the first Monday evening in January."

Lavender had sounded remorseful, but she glanced at Harry with a good deal of unhappiness. It might be something she would work past. It might sour into hatred.

Harry knew it was possible. His friends had told him.

Oh, well.

The last pair went then. Nott and Goyle proposed some test involving a glass of water, a spell from Madam Spurl's wand, and a recording of a shrieking wail. What in the world...

"No. Nothing. There wasn't a hag sacrificed near here to curse this place. Clever idea, gentlemen. A little too clever?

"I would remind your father, Mr. Nott, that slaying magical creatures to power a curse has been illegal for longer than I've been alive. And the family of the one who slays the beast also receives some of that curse, in perpetuity. You might test your blood for Curse of the Hag among others. Ask our Potions Master for details how. I'm fairly sure the Prince line was cursed by the ritual slaying of a vampire after all..."

Harry had to stop himself from laughing. Had she been serious when she implied that Snape was the product of a vampire curse? Amazing. How could anyone call her a toadstool?

"So we're done. There have been many, many good ideas presented here. I'm glad to see curiosity alive and well among the young. Perhaps some of you will join my field in the future. It's hard work, but the good kind. Now, I shouldn't tell you this, but I think some of the Hufflepuffs two years older than you have figured it out."

Fourth years? Not the seventh years?

"Really?" Hermione asked.

"I heard the idea only yesterday, but I think it'll turn out true. Finding out how it was set will take time, perhaps the rest of the school year. Dismantling it?" At this, she shrugged with an uncomfortable look.

"What is it?"

"You want me to tell you what I think the answer is? Well, you are the final class to turn in the assignment... So there's no problem with this getting out to the others. Fine."


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