
Larkin's business

Merchant Larkin led He Boqiang to the entrance of a canvas tent and lifted it up, creating a huge warehouse inside.

Large wooden boxes are piled together, and many of them have labels with different words attached to their sides.

There was an unopened wooden box at the door, and He Boqiang glanced inside. He saw a large leg bone lying at the bottom of the box, covered in black magic patterns. Those black magic patterns seemed to have some kind of vitality, slowly wriggling on the leg bones. He Boqiang just glanced and felt dizzy.

"This is a temporary warehouse for storing low-level magic materials, and I will have someone place a wooden bed here."

Merchant Lajin said to He Boqiang.

"You will stay here in the future and temporarily help me guard the warehouse here. What you need to do every day is to count the received materials, and there will be occasional carriages transporting these materials to Handanard County"

He Boqiang nodded.

The interior space of this tent is much larger than its exterior, and there is still a faint smell of grease floating inside. He Boqiang crossed a pile of wooden boxes and walked to the end of the tent before realizing that it was filled with swords and shields, almost all of which were standard weapons in the military camp. He never expected such a small caravan to have so many military supplies stored inside.

He Bo couldn't help but pick up a knight's shield from the weapon rack, hold it in front of him, and wave it with his hand, making a dull sound.

On the weapon rack lay a row of thick, round handled Roman swords, with some antique patterns engraved on the bronze handle. However, these patterns were all meant for decoration. He Boqiang couldn't feel the dizziness of the black patterned magic skin on the patterns. The Roman sword had a blade less than three feet long, but it was unusually thick.

He Boqiang reached out to grab the heavy Roman sword and took it off the weapon rack. He felt that his movements were incredibly smooth, especially at the moment when he grasped the handle. He seemed to have a long lost feeling and skillfully played the sword flower, effortlessly inserting the Roman sword back into the weapon rack.

Do you like these weapons? "Larkin asked, staring at He Boqiang, as if he had discovered a treasure and his eyes became bright.

He Boqiang nodded.

Subsequently, his gaze fell on other weapon racks. In addition to a row of Roman swords, there were also several dark edged daggers in the tent. The handles of the daggers were made of brown leather, which would be very comfortable to hold. In addition, near the main pillar in the middle of the tent, there were more than ten Paglio spears, which were all metal spears that only heavily armored infantry would use.

Larkin seems to trust Suldak very much and is not worried that He Boqiang will steal from himself when living in this tent filled with weapons and magical materials.

Larkin continued, "Do you know how to maintain these weapons? It's about regularly taking them out and wiping them off and applying some animal grease to the edges."

As he spoke, he took out an oily cloth and wiped it vigorously on a Roman sword, as if demonstrating to He Boqiang.

He Boqiang took the oily rag and instead of wiping the Roman sword as Larkin did, he picked up a strip of sharpening stone from the tray of the weapon rack. He first rubbed the edge of the blade skillfully before carefully wiping the blade with the oilcloth.

Larkin glanced at He Boqiang with satisfaction and patted his shoulder vigorously, saying, "That's great. In the future, you will be responsible for weapon maintenance.

The warehouse was filled with a rotten musty smell, and Larkin didn't want to stay too long inside. He took He Boqiang out of the tent and said at the entrance:

Oh, by the way, we have two meals a day. You can choose to bring the food back here to eat, or you can join us for a meal. As for the salary, we will settle it at fifteen silver coins per week. If you perform well, I will give you an appropriate salary increase. If you want to do something, you can try it first."

Obviously, Larkin was looking for the face of Suldak and did not show much harshness towards He Boqiang.

A weekly salary of fifteen silver coins is considered a salary level above the average among the common people in the Green Empire, but for a war zone like Handanar County, this salary is still relatively low. This should be the salary of He Boqiang during his probationary period, and there should be a possibility of a slight increase in the future.

After explaining these things, Larkin joined the crowd of people in this commercial street and became very familiar with the two soldiers wearing lock armor to talk to.

And He Boqiang squatted down at the entrance of this tent, looking at the bustling crowd in the simple street market, his mind full of confusion about the future.

In front of the booth in the camp stood a knight's light shield, two daggers, three Roman swords, and a Paglio spear. Gaby crouched behind the stall, yawning bored, holding two copper coins in his hand and constantly throwing them up and down. Even if soldiers passed by Gaby wouldn't sell the goods in front of the booth to those soldiers, just waiting for someone to stop voluntarily.

The standard weapons and equipment in the military camp are the property of Count Mond Goss. Even if some weapons and equipment are damaged in battle, soldiers can go to the logistics department to replace them, but only if there is a legitimate reason.

However, there is some difference between standard weapons and these high-quality weapons. If you feel that the standard military knife is too light, a Roman sword shaped like a mallet is a good choice. After looking at it for a while, no one came up to inquire about the price, and Larkin doesn't seem to care much about whether the stall business is good or bad. Gaby, who is guarding in front of the stall, also looks casual.

He Boqiang felt that Larkin didn't seem to expect this booth to make much money.

After suffering losses from He Boqiang, the strong man Ulysses appeared very honest and quietly crawled into the tent to sleep.

Gaby, the curly haired boy, turns around and waves to He Boqiang. He Boqiang goes to the stall and squats behind the stall in Gaby's posture. In addition to weapons, there are also some sharpening stone and other things on the stall. Near Gaby, there are two pieces of black grain skin the size of a child's palm and several pieces of dark oval stones.

He Boqiang conveniently picked up a black stone the size of an egg.

These are magic cores.

Gaby pointed to his head and smiled strangely, saying, "It was dug out of the devil's mind, but this kind of person is a bit small. They don't believe there is magic crystals inside, but only those with magic crystals are worth it. In fact, buying magic crystals is like gambling. If you can extract magic crystals from inside, you will earn money, otherwise you will buy a worthless piece of rotten stone".

Gaby scratched his curly hair like a scratch of hay and pointed to a pile of smaller magic cores on the stall, saying, "This one cost fifty silver coins.

He pointed to another pile of magic cores as big as fists and said, "The ones here are more expensive, about one gold coin. Many people in the military camp like to bet on this.

After hearing Gaby say this, He Boqiang believes that buying magic cores should be like gambling on jade.

Gaby pulled out a piece of beef jerky like a magic trick and stuffed it into He Boqiang's hand. He then threw another piece of beef jerky into his mouth and said to He Boqiang, "I hope you don't mind what happened just now. Ulysses has no bad intentions; he just likes to wrestle with people

He simply sat behind the stall and introduced to He Boqiang, "Actually, our daily work is very simple. I am responsible for keeping an eye on the stall, and Ulysses must watch at night. There hasn't been much war lately, and only after winning the battle will we be very busy

Gaby has a few brown freckles on his cheekbones, a high bridge of the nose, but a bit thin. Like Larkin, he talks endlessly and says, "I don't think you're from Bena".