
Lord Grim - Arch Elder Wizard Across The Eons Of Time

Starting out in in an orphanage called Spencer's School, Tumunomi Escaver is one of the many raised to be catered for. Although, he is not picked to be taken away into a home, he finds out there is more to Spencer's School outside of Derek who was the biggest person in young Tumunomi Escaver's life. Running his cruel experiments and his acts of deviance, he finally get what he asks for and is introduced to the world of cultivation, amongst other things that Derek had told him about ming before he mysteriously disappeared. Finding his friend as well as making new ones drives him more and more into the world of cultivation. Life as it happens, pushes him to corner, long after he has lived a fine life before he destroys an entire clan of witches after learning their own craft. This gives him his name Arch Wizard of his time and of The Human Continent in Hyol, but what will he have to do to become the Arch Elder Wizard Across The Eons Of Time, especially considering that the world he is in is at least 10,000 years old?

Yua_Iter · Kỳ huyễn
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61 Chs

Chapter 42 Peter of the 7th Batch!

After walking for 5 minutes at a cautionary space, they encountered another hole.


Peter, though, rudely jumped forward and stretched out his legs so that he looked like an open scissors. And, alas, a string of Shockwave Bombs and Flashbang Grenades shot out of the hole.

Luckily, Peter's heel had been descending in time and accurately knocked them back down they way they had come up.


Although muffled, the ground still shook as Nolan saw his mistake and did not talk about it.


His voice sounded smaller this time but it did not stop him from being obeyed.

Peter, too, had no doubt that whoever had thrown the bombs had been taken care off. But what if there was a blockade that had kept them safe.

"I need to go down and inspect the hole, soldier!"

Peter looked back to see Nolan staring intently at him and he smiled after rolling his eyes then shaming his head.


Leaping down, he met utter silence and darker darkness.


Running quick he snatched whatever he could as the light evicted them. Though they were too deep underground to hear the announcers' voice calling their names, Peter knew it did.

Anyways, Nolan and the others had come down the hole and where heading down.

Creep, shoot at the hole and then jump; This way, they made steady and unimpeded progress, for a total of 5 times.

On the 6th, however, they walked for quite a while, and longer than usual, with no action. After reaching a certain point, in the near pitch darkness by now anyone without AfterdarkOptics was rendered blind and simply following footsteps or commands.


Some bumped into one another as Peter felt something was wrong. Then, his eyes dilating in realization, he shouted as he fell low.

"DUCK!" Peter's voice raised its volume as he purposely fell to the ground.

A line of people had stood, minimizing their breathing sounds and movements, and now decided to open fire. Enemy 6th batch members in stealth!


10 people from the 4th Batch were falling to he ground already as light began to shine on the bodies and 10 more were going to add to their number, which meant all of them would be wiped out. However, Peter was not going to be one of the unfortunate evicted victims. And this was because he engaged the same mode that had made him pick off all the flying Shockwaves Bombs when they were still on the surface of sands and dunes.

"FIRE!" Nolan found his voice as his people fell before him, standing his ground in anger and defiance to also begin to release rounds.

In essence, the world was now in slow motion to Peter but at his stage his brain could only manage 0.825 per second for one minute. And to a normal human being, it would have been adrenaline, but Mrs. rose Marilyn had put state of the art technology into Peter's body.


Anyways, an unusual weapon for the tense situation was hanging by a rope in Peter's hand and dangled as it continually lagged behind his tight, rapid wrist. Meaning that, he caught the flying 10 bullets in the spherical part which hung at the end of the rope the boy was clinging to as he unnaturally bounded about while keeping low to the ground.


Finally, he allowed bullet for bullet to meet as he tossed back the old ones when newcomers had just left the nuzzles of their ProjectileGuns. Meaning that, it wrecked the nuzzles of the enemies ProjectileGuns, forcefully changing the shooting pattern and trajectory of the pointed ProjectileGuns.

"FIRE!" Nolan's voice as he stood his ground and unleashed rounds from his Projectile Gun


The next set of bullets sprayed as a line of 6th Batch enemies fell. But Peter, still seeing everything in slow motion, noticed that behind this falling was yet another who were crouched. And behind those, were yet another who stood at their backs.


So, his hands were already holding Shockwave Bombs and tossing them out by the time the latest set of bullets were now in the air.


Holding his last 3, he tossed the first at one of the enemy Projectile Guns about to unleash rounds. The next were thrown to to the far back and the final was tossed low.


Light temporarily illuminated the area to show that while 4th Batch was down to 10, the 6th batch had been waiting here with 60 but now hey were about 30 left.


So, still keeping low Peter prioritized 4 swinging arms holding Shockwave Bombs or Flashbang Grenades and sent bullets their way after snatching them out of the air with his weapon.


The ground shook and everyone fell to their side.


5 more of Batch 4 were shot, luckily none of them were Peter and Nolan but it meant that it was down to 5 against about 20.


Some bastards were still squeezing the trigger in stubbornness as Peter saw that behind the people that had been blasted a force of 20 were firing off at them.


However, everyone had just fallen, so Peter swung his dangling weapon about himself after pushing himself off the ground to avoid an incoming bullet.


And as his surroundings became a light red, showing that 30 seconds had passed he held on.


Also, there was a disadvantage to indiscriminate blocking of the bullets, which meant that 2 people got shot from their side for about 3 seconds.


But with his enhanced brain and body, Peter now changed the deflected path of the bullets so that they targeted the 20 that were faraway.

5 down and they wanted to hold Shockwave Bombs for tossing but Peter laughed


Peter dashed to their area after seeing that they were now all down.

Alas, 10 of the people shown there had been inanimate drawings. In fact, Peter suspected there was a Potent Artefact involved.

And he saw knives flying, spinning end on end towards him, so he deflected 9 of hem back to heir owners but one was caught.

"Oh, you are a Cyborg too?"

*Damn,* Peter thought as he turned to face the 6th Batch leader.

This was… George.

However, where Peter looked totally human, George looked bulky to say the least. Even in his cloak and bare feet he stood at least 2 heads above Peter.

"Why don't we have a 1 on 1 fight?"

Peter considered his options as George could deflect any bullets and crush anyone who came his way. And while Peter could allow that to happen so that he would seize the results, these people were still useful.

"I would prefer to fight with my team."

Nolan and one other Teammate surrounded George on both sides

"But I am outnumbers and that is hardly fair."

Just when Peter let go of the 'Adrenal Gland' that he had, saw that the 9 knives he had just deflected back had been launched by a trap. Meaning that there were 9 people waiting for their turn.

"Fine, I accept."

George nodded. "So, lets keep it between us and he victor keeps who are left so that the team remains."

The Team leader of the 6th Batch then gestured to to an area up ahead as light shone from his finger.

"We are currently inside a Mecca Soldier. You would understand when you ride it as this thing is basically a weapon of war."

"Anyways, some of my boys tried it and it fried their chips. The one who did not have chips had no reaction."

"Wait!" Peter found something fishy.

"The 6th Batch has not lost any members."

"Their Chips were fried, they have become vegetables."

Peter then allowed his concentration to spread out and then snapped his head to a direction.

If they had fought collectively it would have been 3 of Batch 4th against 5 of Batch 6th.

His odds were not so bad, so maybe he should opt for a team fight!

"You have already agreed."

As if sensing his thoughts, Peter looked to Nolan who looked back at him before pulling back his Projectile Gun.

"Fall Back!"

Nolan took steps back as the remaining member of the 4th Batch complied in relief.

"I have a condition too." Peter's voice brought the attention back on them. "I want the Team Leaders to join us too after the battle is over."

"But that would mean that we can't fight to the fullest."

"No, not yet."

George rubbed his temples in anger.

"Hey, I acquiesced for you!"

Taking a deep breath as tears welled up his one human eye, George took a fighting stance.

"Should we add more?"

Peter considered the condition.

"What do you have to suggest?"

"Let the Team Mates join in after the battles."

"Should they not go first?"

Peter was down and his "Adrenal Glands would need time to recharge while George wanted a good fight.

Sighing, the 6th Team Leader let out a breath and stepped back.

"Fine, what is yours?"

"Your rewards for the match I want *all* of it."

"What makes you think we can win in the end?"

"If I am this good after I got a chip, what will that mean about my Team Leader, Tumunomi Escaver?"

George laughed.

"So, you are betting everything on Tumunomi Escaver?"

"No, I am betting everything on Batch 7."

"Hey, I already said you are one of us, now!"

"When Jin gets here, what are the assurances that he will agree to me being in charge."

Nolan fell silent and considered the question; after all Peter had done, how could he settle for less?

Nolan nodded and closed his eyes as he scanned the faces before pointing.

"I get to pick my opponent, right?"

George shrugged and Peter stepped back.

Nolan then saw a message fly before his eyes so fast that he almost missed it.

Then, before everyone's eyes, Peter took a gulp of something.