
Lord's Apotheosis

There are few who can become as righteous as those who have experienced what is truly evil. Likewise, there are few who can become as great as those who have seen what weakness truly costs. Farron is a true nihilist who believes that nothing has value, not even his own life. So, when a fire erupts, he is the first to throw it away and refuses to activate the fire suppression system, condemning himself and a dozen others to death. However, he is transmigrated to the world of Koln by an entity named Life. As if to mock him, it bestows upon him the gift of immortality and expects him to participate in the Lord's Contest. But soon after arriving, he falls in love with Elise and refuses to participate. Their love is a beautiful love that is only said to appear in fiction, but in Koln, fantasy can be made real. They were each outcasts in their past lives and are one another's first loves. They are individually flawed, but to one another, they are perfect. However, Lord's Contests are not easily thrown off. As if in response, Life designs the first event such that killing the most intelligent lifeform in the area will increase the rewards of the lords participating, and because the location is the forest near the couple's home, Elise becomes the target of many other lords. In a pitiful show of weakness, Farron fails to lead the others away and is forced to watch as the scions of The Great Leviathan kill the person he built his new life around and who built her life around him. Blaming his failure, The Great Leviathan, and Life, he tacitly vowed that he would destroy Babylon, ruled by The Great Leviathan, and he would remake himself into whatever he had to in order to do it. He would destroy himself to get at Babylon and kill Life. With time, simultaneously Apollonian and Dionysian forces would come to exist within him, each being, respectively, a cold, calculating, methodical expression of vengeance and an ecstatic, burning, emotional expression. The metaphorical Apollo, the Greek god of the sun, truth, light, and logic would take hold of his mind and dictate his path. The metaphorical Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, emotion, ecstasy, and madness would take hold of his body and dictate his actions. The Apollo within him would plan his route while the Dionysus within him would execute it. - Plan to update once per day. - The cover is of Mot.

Aespekson · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

The Beginning of the First Event


Event countdown: 14 h : 51 m : 14 s : 748 ms


As they lay in bed, Farron gently held the back of Elise's head to his broad chest and rested his now bearded chin on her head. With his right hand, he caressed her back. It was the day before the event.

Curious and a little anxious herself, Elise asked, "Are you nervous?"

He paused before answering, "Yeah. A little."

"Don't be. You'll be fine. It's only seventh iron, so you'll get through it, and with the amount of prep time you've had and the number of spells you've been able to figure out, you should be more than able to fail. You could win if you really tried, though.

"Do you want me to win?"

"Well… Do you want to win?"

"No. Not if it means losing you. If I were given a choice between godhood and you—and this life we made—I'd choose you every time. Life could give me everything and anything, but the majesty of the world itself pales in comparison to this home."

He truly meant these words. To him, Elise was everything. She blushed and buried her head deeper in his arms. Barely audible, she muttered, "I'm not that special."

But he heard her and refused to accept the falsehood. "You are, and you should know that. You're the first and only person to ever really love me and the first person I've ever truly loved. I'd sooner die than lose you."

Her heart jolted at the thought of his death, and she hit him playfully as she berated him, "Don't do that! I like you. Death isn't very healthy for you, anyway. Besides, you're being selfish. I don't want to lose you, either. Never... But thank you. Thank you for being willing to give up the contest. It means a lot to me."

His emotions infected his expression as a feeling of bliss overtook him. He would do anything to protect her.

"Hey. Look up at me," he asked gently. 

At the same time, he grabbed her shoulder and gently leaned into her and moved her so that she was laying on her back. As she was opening her eyes, he leaned over her and kissed her gently. He only planned to give her a quick peck as a good luck charm, but she kissed him back, and as she did, he lost the resolve to disengage.

It lasted far longer and was far stronger than expected, likely because their pent up nerves made them search for a release, but they went back to their original position and went back to sleep not too long later.

However, the next morning, as Elise awoke, she panicked. Farron was missing. He would do it alone. He had to. So, he left at night to keep her as far from the event as possible. He didn't know what he would face, but he had to take precautions.

In the midst of the cold forest, a brisk wind brushed his cheek. And with it came a voice. It was Elise, trying to find him before the event. She knew she likely wouldn't be of much help, but she wanted to be with him through it.

'He shouldn't have to face anything alone anymore,' she thought. She knew he was almost entirely alone in his past life, but she wanted to be the one to be with him and face everything with him. She couldn't fight well, but that shouldn't be necessary for a contest of such low difficulty, and she could use her head, so she could do something for him. She thought she could help him figure out whatever puzzle or riddle might be thrown his way, and she did know some utility magic, so she shouldn't be in the way.

Farron, shocked at the appearance of her voice, cursed, 'Fuck! Why is she out here?! I left so that she wouldn't be anywhere near me! No!'


Event countdown: 000 ms


When the timer hit zero, the forest disappeared. Drapes of shadow hung from the trees, and the trunks became one with an infinite void. The sun was eclipsed and became a black hole rimmed by faint white sunlight.

'Life! Show me my screen!'

Panicked, Farron ran away from her voice as quickly as he could.


Gift: Immortality [You are immortal. I reformed you once, and you will always be reformed. Death may touch you, but it would take something truly special for him to keep you.]

Contest difficulty: Seventh mythical

Event countdown: N/A (Event active)

Event difficulty: second bronze

Event description: Participants must defeat as many shadow spawns as possible or escape. Upon escape, the participant will automatically succeed with the rank of second bronze. If shadow spawns are killed before the escape, the participant's rank will increase according to the number of and strength of the spawn killed. In addition, participants with a large amount of defense around them (soldiers, guards, war machines, etc.) will be transported to the vicinity of other participants. You may cooperate with them or fight against them. Rank will increase significantly if other lords are killed. Those who cannot escape and do not fight but do survive will succeed with the rank of seventh ordinary.

Event success condition: Escape, fight, survive

Event failure condition: N/A

Event rank: N/A (participant not yet ranked)


The event was only of the second bronze difficulty, so it should be as easy as expected, Farron figured.

Farron cursed upon seeing that there was no failure condition before creating and releasing a spell designed like an RC circuit that stored a charge and slowly released it in the form of soft light. When the light shone across the bed of dead leaves and trees with naked trunks, the darkness in front of him was outlined.

Living shadows began to swiftly approach from all directions. Their forms were unsteady in the light and constantly shifted. They hid behind trees when they could, where they were comfortable, but they were swift and desperate for blood, so they disregarded every obstacle, including the light. If they had a choice, they would not let even death deter them.

Terrified and with taut nerves, Farron began to cast another spell to defend himself and hopefully gain a reprieve from what would be a frantic assault. He had no time. They were already upon him, so he shorthanded some parts of it to create the blade first.

He couldn't form the complete weapon and create a grip, so he would have to use an alternate form of control by utilizing another spell to make the blade float. The blade itself was hollow and made of glowing strings of elemental energy. It could be seen through, as only the blade's edge and a few more necessary points had been formed. It hovered in the air just beyond the tip of Farron's fingers.

Within a second, a shadow dashed out from behind a tree, and its wispy forearm transfigured itself into a curved blade designed to relieve him of his head. However, Farron struck first and used his blade to slash it from its right hip to its opposite shoulder. But nothing, nothing would stop the darkness. The shadow passed through the attack unscathed and swung at Farron's neck.

He only had time to widen his eyes before the shadow broke the skin on his neck. The Stygian blade slashed through the skin, blood vessels, cartilage, and all before it split his vertebra into two equal pieces and severed his spinal cord.

A splash of blood spurted into the air, but the moment Farron's head left his neck, it disappeared into a cloud of ash before new bone coalesced. The shadow responsible and his companions stood back in curiosity as they watched his recreation.

When he was whole again, less than a second passed before another flash of pain that seemed like lightning pierced him, this time through his temple. Ash was scattered, and white bones were woven for him again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

The shadows continued to torment him unceasingly. Only a scant few moments passed with consciousness. Slowly, the light beside him lost its charge, and the void became everything.

He was vertically split in half.


His skull was crushed.

The shadows never tired.

His heart was pierced.


His spine was grasped and ripped out.

The shadows never tired.

A spike pierced his chin and crushed his brain.


He was disemboweled.

The shadows never tired.

He choked on his blood. He was crushed. He was bled. He was killed again and again from everywhere. The night itself seemed to be his captor and tormentor. But from the midst of the night came a fire that exterminated the shadows and torched the forest.

From above, an enthralled young leviathan observed the forest. He spread a destructive firestorm everywhere he went but stopped above Farron, though Farron was currently unrecognizable as a human. A red and blue blaze surrounded a bed of ash and a dry, black river of congealed blood. It almost resembled an altar of demonic origin.

The man responsible for the blaze, Rolan, watched nothing unfold into a human for the first time in his life. He had never seen a sight like this, even in Babylonian courts, making it a mystery. Though Rolan had originally been human, after being pulled into the contest, he was placed into the body of the son of a prominent Princeps Dominus in the Babylonian Empire and inherited the High Leviathan bloodline in the body.

The power it afforded him was as valuable as it was extreme, though, unfortunately, he was still inferior to the Princeps Dominorum with the Noble Leviathan bloodline and the Serpentis Reges with the Royal Leviathan bloodline. His bloodline and abilities were dust in the wind to them, never mind the emperor, The Great Leviathan himself.