
loose spirit

ever wonder what happens after someone dies well here's what happens note: this is just a story to express my little world and It takes content from jjk and other anime show but the story is my own I don't own jjk and but the ideas inspired are my own

Blue_Boy_2656 · Võ hiệp
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18 Chs

the green oni and a bigger arsenal

Max was about to visit his family but then noticed a green haired girl and she was carrying a lot of bags and she didn't look like she wasn't even struggling but she was being confronted by the same punks that threatened the oni group but after a few minutes of arguing they were about to attack her but she catch a bat with her bare hands and she crushed it in her grip and the punks ran away because they were scared of her she then looked at the crowd but the she noticed that max didn't look at her as if she was a wierdo. She didn't know why but she felt like she was gonna meet him again and she would get along with him. max family made it to the shrine house and Mikado and mona were happy to see Moline and max. The shop was about open and max since he had nothing better to do he decided to help out but after moments of helping out he was sitting down waiting for a signal thar his adopted needed help but mona approach him. Mona: hey big bro. Max: yeah. Mona: you are leaving right? Then I want you to have this. She then gave him a necklace with a green gem with a leaf like design. Mona: I want you to at least use this to keep yourself safe along with your partners. Max: what is this exactly? Mona: this is gem has my spiritual energy and has my healing energy to activate it you just put your energy and it will turn it into healing energy. Max was surprised by mona's gift and there no way he would say no this would have him a lot of trouble from dying early. Mona: do you like it? Max just patted mona on the head and smiled at his adopted youngest little sister. Max: I love it thanks alot mona you probably save me the trouble of injuries. Moline the picked mona and she started to spin her around. Moline: good job little sis you save me the trouble to send him to the hospital all the time. Max just grunted and decided to help his mother with the customers. And it was the evening. The youngest sisters were asleep together. And Mikado wanted to give max something now that he has more experience exorcisting spirits she decided to give max something that she ask the exorcist corp to make and deliver her house and to max. Max: mom you said you had something for me what's this my birthday? Mikado: I just wanted for you to have more experience in combat. Max: fair enough Moline practicly protected me from the lost soul's. Mikado: well here it is. Mikado led max to her room then she grabbed a rectangular box and opened it and she had a sword bag. Max: is that a sword. Mikado:yup and it's yours. Max: really? But I don't know how to use one. Mikado: don't worry I know someone that will teach you but unfortunately he is busy he will comeback to teach you in 3 weeks. Max: so until he comes back I'm basically carrying a sword that I'm not gonna use? Mikado: you can practice if you want also you have Moline stroring it in her body. Max well she bearly keeps anything inside her so yeah guess she wouldn't mind. Mikado: oh I should explain something this sword is not a normal sword. If this sword breaks it can self repair but it's repaired stronger now if the shards that shatter still near the sword will get stronger but if the shards are too far away or it's erased or it's completely destroyed. The sword will still repair itself but since it'd bulding new shards the are like a new arm or leg so you will have to be careful on how you handle it and make sure that if the swords shards are recovered and don't break it too much yes it gets stronger by rebuilding it self and gets stronger it needs to time to adapt you got that max? Max: yeah I break it rebuilds itself stronger but I can't just break it over and over because it will back fire on me. Mikado: good now look. Mikado looked at max with seriousness. Mikado: max mona asked me to make a charm for her to store her healing energy so that you would be safe because I assume you suffered some injuries along with your friends I want you to at least have some way to keep yourself from getting killed. Max was touched by his family's worried and gave him more things to work with and not just his fist. Max: thanks mom I promise to be careful. Mikado smiled and hugged her adopted son. Max decided to sleep in his original room max felt like he never left and lay there looking at the at the sealing and was imaging himself with the sword that Mikado gave him and decided to practice when he comes back to the dorms so he went to sleep with positive thoughts.