
Looks Is Better than Stats

Looks Is Better than Stats In the year 2033, humanity achieved an astonishing milestone in the realm of digital technology and interface integration, forever altering what was considered "normal." The Neurochip, a groundbreaking invention by the enigmatic genius "Ilun Mask," swept across the world like a digital tsunami, transforming the very essence of human existence. This transformative technology paved the way for the birth of the world's first Full Dive MMORPG, NEuEarth Online. Amidst the millions of players who ventured into this immersive virtual realm, one particular player stood out. In terms of looks, he is the strongest! but the saying "don't judge the book by its cover" has never been real when it comes to this player. Embark on a journey into this immersive FD- MMORPG, where a grand quest unlike any other awaits.

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45 Chs


Kuonh's mind raced as he grappled with the reality of his situation. His extensive knowledge of human anatomy and combat tactics, honed through years of martial arts and sports, would be of little use against an opponent like Woody. Despite its humanoid appearance, Woody was far from human. This place might look real, but it was, in fact, a game—an unpredictable, challenging world where the rules were different.

Woody's movements grew increasingly swift as he closed the distance between them. Kuonh's eyes tracked every subtle shift in the wooden opponent's posture, trying to anticipate its next move.

As Woody closed the distance, his movements accelerated, transitioning into a sprint. Kuonh braced himself for the impending attack, his mind racing as he analyzed the situation.

Woody launched another punch, but Kuonh's reflexes were razor-sharp. He sidestepped the attack effortlessly, his eyes locked onto every nuance of Woody's movement. Kuonh gradually retreated, creating a buffer of space between them. He knew that he needed to adapt quickly if he hoped to survive this encounter. But what could a gamer do when faced with an opponent of superior strength and an ever-evolving one?

"Cheat?" Kuonh mused, a sly grin crossing his lips. "I would never."

"Use potions?" He mentally checked his inventory, only to find it empty. He had no healing items to rely on.

That left him with one remaining option: "Skill." Perhaps the battle had already earned him a new skill. As the thought crossed his mind, a small notification window appeared in the lower left corner of his vision:

[equipped iron long sword]

[+15 STR]

[skill: none]

Kuonh couldn't help but chuckle wryly at the sight of "none" under the skill category. It seemed he wasn't destined to be one of those overpowered protagonists from the anime. But he refused to be disheartened.

"Very well, let's do this the hard way," Kuonh muttered to himself, his determination burning brighter. He knew that in a game where the rules were constantly changing, he had to rely on his wits, adaptability, and a healthy dose of courage.

The relentless assault continued, and Kuonh found himself in a dire situation. Woody's attacks were unyielding, each strike drawing closer and closer to its mark. Kuonh's stamina was rapidly depleting, and with each dodge and block, he could feel the fatigue settling in.

As he danced around Woody's strikes, Kuonh's mind raced, searching for a solution to turn the tide of the battle. It was a feeling of déjà vu.

"I feel like I've been in this situation before," he muttered, his voice strained from both physical exertion and mounting frustration. He could only continue to dodge, his mind preoccupied with devising a strategy that could secure his victory in this trial.

But Woody wasn't just relentless; he was adapting more and more. With each passing moment, his attacks grew stronger, faster, and more unpredictable. Kuonh's efforts to dodge and block were no longer enough, as he started to feel the painful sting of Woodys punches.

"-10 HP inflicted by Woody"

"-20 HP inflicted by Woody'"

The damage continued to accumulate, and Kuonh realized that at this rate, he was heading for certain defeat. 

"Kuh," he grunted in frustration between labored breaths. "If this game just had a quick save and quick load, it would be very helpful."


In the midst of the intense battle, a moment of clarity washed over Kuonh. He blinked away the blood that obscured his vision and allowed a smile to spread across his face, even as his lips continued to bleed.

"…Now I remember," he muttered to himself, determination shining in his eyes. As Woody prepared to launch another attack, Kuonh took a calculated risk. He dodged the impending strike with lightning reflexes and leaped away, creating some distance between himself and his relentless wooden foe.

"I guess my knowledge about the human body can still help," he muttered to himself. With newfound resolve, he hoped that his understanding of human anatomy and weaknesses would be the key to turning the tide of this seemingly impossible battle.



Kuonh's resolve surged as he prepared for his next move. He knew that every moment counted, and he couldn't afford to make any mistakes. With a deep inhale and a focused exhale, he positioned his body like a coiled spring, ready to unleash its energy at a moment's notice.

He widened his stance, planting his feet firmly on the ground to gain better stability, and crouched slightly. Gripping his longsword with both hands, he raised it high, positioning the tip of the blade toward Woody. The tension in the room was palpable as Kuonh braced himself for the incoming assault.

Woody, an emotionless entity, showed no hesitation. With incredible speed, he kicked off the ground once more, hurtling toward Kuonh with relentless determination.


With unwavering focus, Kuonh's reflexes served him well as he dodged Woody's attack with pinpoint precision. In that fleeting instant, the world seemed to slow down, granting him a full view of Woody's momentarily unguarded body. It was a rare opportunity, and Kuonh recognized that this might be the last chance he'd get for Woody to lower it's guard as the wooden adversary grew stronger and smarter with each passing moment.

Kuonh didn't hesitate for a heartbeat longer. He seized the opening with a determination that burned brighter than ever before. This was his moment, his opportunity to strike back against the seemingly indomitable foe.


Kuonh's war cry filled the training room, a battle cry that echoed with determination and resolve. With unwavering speed and precision, he seized the chance to strike back. His blade start gleaming with a fiery red aura, slashed toward Woody's vulnerable point.

The slash was swift, leaving behind a luminous red trail that hung in the air, like a comet's tail streaking through the night sky. It was a move executed with pinpoint accuracy and tremendous force, aimed at the junction where Woody's upper and lower body met.


The words flashed across his vision, and Kuonh's heart leaped with hope. It was a critical hit—a strike that promised not just damage but a significant advantage in the battle. As he watched for the outcome of his bold move, a surge of adrenaline coursed through him, fueling his determination to overcome this daunting trial.

The impact of Kuonh's strike disrupted Woody's balance, and it staggered momentarily. Seizing the opportunity, Kuonh swiftly adjusted his position and launched another diagonal slash, targeting one of Woody's vulnerable joints.


Woody attempted to retreat, but the force of Kuonh's blows was overwhelming. It appeared as if the wooden adversary's right legs were giving way under the relentless assault. In that pivotal moment, Kuonh anticipated the movement and executed a horizontal slash aimed directly at Woody's neck, as though he had foreseen this very outcome.

"get wrecked" He muttered.