
Lookism: No Limits

Born without talent, only to wake up as a talented one.

TheJiujitsuGuy · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs

Chapter 9

Now I believe those are enough chapters for a while. I will concentrate on writing the next chapters of Path To Strength and accumulate the chapters of this story on my Patreon. See you soon!

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I hope you enjoy the reading!



Lohan was light, so light that Logan felt like he was lifting a pillow. But did that make the bully compassionate enough not to throw him to the ground so hard?

Obviously not.

Knowing that someone so light had been able to knock him out only infuriated him even more.

And it made him use all his strength.


The instant Lohan hit his back on the ground, there was no groan of pain, only the sound of something breaking and his consciousness immediately leaving. In the state his body was in, he could not handle such an impact.

By sheer luck, due to the way he fell, there was no fatal damage, but still, some of his ribs were fractured due to the powerful impact, which was still dangerous.

But Logan couldn't care less about that.

Holding Lohan by the hair and lifting him easily, Logan slapped him hard enough to draw blood from his nose.

"What? You're not such a badass anymore, are you?" Hitting him with another slap, Logan continued. "A trash like you needs to learn your place!"

Throwing him toward the alley, Lohan slammed his back hard into the wall, his unconscious body falling face first to the floor.

"I'm not done with you yet." About to walk toward Lohan's body, Logan stopped when he noticed a figure standing in the street, his eyes narrowing. "Pikachu?"

Facing Logan, Daniel Park in his original body had a serious expression, his eyes filled with a determination never before seen in his persona.

"Leave him." Daniel closed his fists. "I need to talk to you."

____Lohan Pov____


It seems the universe loves to remind me how much I hate people like Logan Lee.

Since I started reading Lookism, this piece of shit was the one I hated the most of all.

He does what he does because he likes it, and even his motives suck, plus he has a shitty personality. It's annoying that such a hateful character represents such an amazing martial art as Jujitsu.

It is annoying that he has such a strong body.

It is annoying that he fights decently.

It is annoying that he exists.

Because I am thinking, then I am definitely not dead. In a coma? Maybe. Just for the few seconds that I could keep my consciousness before I crashed to the ground, I could feel how much force he put into bringing me down.

And under no circumstances could I come out unscathed after hitting the ground.

So seconds before the collision, I used all my waist strength to rotate my body, even a little, to deflect the damage from my spine to my ribs and arms.

Because I was still alive, then I was able to do what I wanted, but I was not able to save my head from colliding with the concrete.

At worst, I became quadriplegic or fell into a coma. At best, I fractured some ribs and my arm.


How much time has passed...

Since I had the urge to kill someone?



In the alley where Lohan lay unconscious, Daniel stood with his guard up as he looked at Logan. His face was bruised, the result of some heavy blows he had received from the bully.

After finding out that Zoe Park, a good friend of his, was being blackmailed into going out with Logan just to keep the bully from beating him up, Daniel became enraged and returned from his isolation, which he entered after his second body went into a coma.

He was determined to beat Logan for daring to threaten his friend, but...

He had forgotten that his original body was far from being as strong as his second body.

For this, he was brutally beaten, with no chance of retaliation.

"Use your right hand, you son of a bitch."

But he would not give up because of that. To save Zoe, and to prove himself, he would go all the way.

"What? Are you going to wear boxing now?" Logan laughed as he saw Daniel change his posture. "You want me to use my right hand? That's a problem."

"Because I only use my right fist when I want to kill."

Daniel was not intimidated by the bully's words, which he noticed, a mocking smile appearing on his lips.

"What the hell. If you want to die so badly, then so be it. If you can stand my right hand, I'll leave Zoe alone."


Attacking Logan with a punch, Daniel had his fist parried before it could hit him.

"Will you let Zoe go? Do you promise?"

Logan's expression filled with fury as he clenched Daniel's fist, hostility exploding from his body.

"You can believe it."



As the two were about to return to the fight, Daniel's eyes widened in surprise, which caught Logan's attention.

"Hey, you tried to kill me, didn't you?"

Logan froze for a moment, slowly turning around to see Lohan standing behind him, blood dripping from his head and covering his face.

"It's normal for me to do the same, isn't it?"


Logan immediately attacked with a punch, his eyes going wide when instead of feeling the common sensation of flesh being hit, he felt only the hardness of the alley wall, his eyes turning to Lohan, who had his head tilted to the side.

"Don't move so fast, I feel like throwing up." Lohan remarked nonchalantly, Logan filling with fury and pulling back his fist.

"You piece of shit-"


Before the bully could finish his sentence, his windpipe was suddenly shot, which made him choke and take a few steps back.

"Big guys like you..."

Logan raised his eyes to face Lohan, who was approaching him with slow steps.

"They are very easy to get right."

Trying to push him away with a punch, Logan roared in pain when a kick hit him square in the testicles, tears pooling in his eyes as he fell to his knees on the ground.

Daniel could only watch that scene in silence, wondering whether or not he should get involved, since he was the one facing Logan a few seconds ago.

Holding Logan by the hair to hold his head in place, Lohan began to target his face with numerous consecutive punches and knee strikes.

'No, I think I'd better just watch.' Daniel swallowed dryly.


Pulling the bully's head down and slamming his face against the concrete, Lohan repeated the process a few more times before releasing his unconscious body.

"Ah... Are you done?" Daniel asked when the attack was ceased, the short man startling himself when Lohan turned quickly to face him.


"Yes?!" Daniel asked almost immediately.

"Take me to a hospital."


Finishing his order, Lohan fell unconscious, this causing Daniel to blink for a few seconds.

"Ah, okay-"

About to approach Lohan, Daniel suddenly fell flat on his face, leaving three unconscious people in the alley to be rescued.