
Lookism:My New Home

(PS: THE MC IS OP FROM THE START) I was reincarnated into Lookism by my own selfish desire. Desperate trying to change its ending, I looked for simulator games that were about Lookism and I found one. One that I could pick the time and place where I would first start and where I can pick my strength. So with me designing my character and putting all his ability’s to the max while adding the ability that I perfect every combat and defensive style…. I didn’t realize I was designing the new me. But did I go overboard? Nahhhhhhhhhh Disclaimer: The age between first generation and 2nd generation is about 1-7 years wide. Meaning THAT when James lee took down the first generation kings he was 17-19 meanwhile Goo and gun was 15 or 14 as well as Daniel maybe 11-13 THE TIME AND YEARS ARE NEVER DISCLOSED SO DONT EXPECT EXACT DETAILS BUT I WILL TRY MY BEST. Like I said. This book that im writing is nowhere near good as I’m a newbie at writing DISCLAIMER: THE TIMELINE FOR LOOKISM IS REALLY NOT EXPLAINED and im only gonna add 3 manhawas. LOOKISM, MANAGER KIM, (lil bit)QUESTIUSM, and viral hit. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN LOOKISM OR ANY PTJ UNIVERSE. RESPECT TO THE AUTHOR WHO WROTE A GREAT STROY EVEN THOUGHT ITS COMPLICATED PPS:PS:I’m not an award experience writer, I AM a noob, novice, beginner, green horn at writing but I will try my best for grammar. Like I said, not experienced writer. I AM writing as I go by. ALL PICTURES DO NOT BELONG TO ME BUT TO THEIR RESPECTIVE ILLUSTRATORS

FatherGun · Tranh châm biếm
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The guy with the gold teeth had to give props to this kid, he was still acting calm when seeing a knife getting pulled out and it put next to his neck so he got prepared for this kid to know how to handle himself against a weapon.

"Alright-" Unfortunately he extremely underestimated Ian as he didn't get to finish his word and he was already knocked out in the Jaw by Ian kick.

"What the…he was talking big." Ian said as he looked bored while everyone else looked shocked. Who was this and what was his relationship to Minji?

They even started to doubt if they should really follow Hyeri orders and bully her because the scene they just saw today, made them have goosebumps while they could practically feel the pain of seeing those guys getting knocked out.

"Welp, you guys should go home. I'll…oh shit…" Ian trailed off as he saw Minji Kim father right in front of him, Manager Kim. South Korea best and a legendary soldier out of 3 in the whole military.

Out of the 3 legendary man in South Korea military, he was probably the most dangerous one. Well, that could be debated but it looks like Ian didn't need to, after all he met the other two legends…which was a crazy story.

Anyways, the situation around Ian did not look good as it didn't need a genius to think what happened here.

With a swift and powerful palm strike, Manager Kim struck Ian as he blocked it by crossing his arms over to protect his chest.

It was definitely an interesting thing as that palm strike managed to push back Ian while leaving a tinge of smoke.

Manager Kim was surprised with this kid able to block him but he didn't dwell on it as he quickly knelt down to inspect his daughter.

Ian had to act oblivious as he delivered a kick to manager Kim head which he caught but didn't manage to fully block it as it made him tumble away.

"Old man, your probably the boss of those guys but this girl isn't going with you." Ian stated as manager Kim stood up while having tears down his face with a pissed off expression.

"What are you saying?, I'm her father." He managed to be reasonable thanks to his military training to be cool and collected but it looks like his emotional feelings were stronger than his rational ones.

"Well I'm gonna need to see some evidence before I let you take her." Ian said as the old man started to walk towards him. "I don't have time for this"

Manager Kim got into a stance as Ian widen his eyes noticing that. CQC. 'This kids strong , but It looks like he didn't hurt her instead he saved her'

Even if his emotions were stronger than his rational ones, he still had common sense so that's why he wanted to end this fast and painless.

And just like that, Manager Kim was past Ian as an unbelievable sound came from when he landed the hits on Ian body.

'What?!' Kim, for the first time in a long while was shocked. In all of his time, there was little people to almost none who could withstand his CQC without damage but he was sure it hit but the feeling was different, this boy different.

Hitting him was like hitting reinforced steel but stronger as he turned back to see the kid fine and well as he stretched.

"Wow! Man, that was awesome!" Ian said excitedly as he turned to face manager Kim with a smile. Meanwhile the latter was confused and complexed.

"I really wanted to see the last of the 3 South Korea military legend. So..was it like this?" Getting into a stance, Manager Kim looked serious as he hardened his face

"I don't know what your trying to pull but since you know my identity, you should know that's my daughter."

"Yeah yeah, I knew all along, I just wanted to fight you. I know you didn't use your full strength yet."

Manager Kim stood quiet as he was somewhat right, he used half his strength as he looked down at his hands to see them shaking a bit.

But in the next second his eyes widen like Ian did when he got attacked, because he saw his move used against him but it was stronger and faster.

Just like that, Manager Kim was taken back by that power as he fell back while his arms felt like they were broken.

"I don't get it. You shouldn't be able to master it that fast even if you saw it once." Kim said getting back up as he pushed through the pain to see Ian standing strong.

'He's strong….what did he go through?' Thinking that, Ian chuckled as he put his hands back in his pocket.

"We'll finish this up some other day, Kim. Your daughter needs a hospital. Besides, I think we'll meet often from now on." Ian left parting those words as manager Kim finally loosened his guard to quickly go check up on her daughter.

Her wound has somewhat stopped bleeding as it was thanks to Ian coat that mostly helped clog the blood from spilling. At this point, manager Kim forgot the kid,ian, as he quickly carried his daughter to the nearest hospital.

He finally took this chance to see the 3 suspicious looking men with knifes beside them as they were unconscious. But he didn't pay them mind as he ran.

Minji Kim woke up in a hospital bed and saw her father by her side asleep as she remembered what happened last night. Before she blacked out, she was sure they called for someone to take care of it but she also heard another voice

That voice was male that much was known by her as she tried to stand up but a moan of pain escaped her lips which woke up her dad.

For the first, Minji saw her dad crying. She didn't make eye contact due to believing she was in trouble but in the next second, his warm embrace comforted her.

And before she knew it, she was crying along with apologizing as it was a stupid thing she had gone and did.

While they were hugging, manager Kim opened his eyes to see the kid from last night in the door way with a smirk. He saluted him as he exited.

"Dad? Are you okay what's wrong?" Minji asked as she interrupted their hug and turned around to see personals walking by and then turned back to see her father who only smiled.

"Nothings wrong, your safe that's all that matters." Manager Kim said as he caressed her faced 'what would he want."

It didn't take long for manager Kim to find out as he was told to wait outside because they need to do some last minute stuff. Kim saw Ian at the end of hallway as he turned and went left.

Following him, they finally stopped at the parking lot 2nd floor that was parked with minimal cars.

"South Korea military legend, Sergeant Kim. I came here wearing this seeing if she didn't make it but it looks like my worries weren't true. After all she did get struck in the head." Ian said while wearing a black suit with a white shirt under it.

That joke wasn't enough to make manager Kim lose his rational thought but it did push some buttons as he looked serious.

"Your going to tell me answers from last night."

"And if I say no?"

"Then last night would've been your last day to be alive." Manager Kim said as Ian smiled disturbingly. That was all Ian needed to make the first attack as Kim blocked it with his right arm and countered with many palm and jab strikes to his body

'He seems to be around Minji age, then instead of killing him I should…'

"It's not gonna be that easy!" Kim barley dodged a kick to his jaw as he noticed those movements. Capoeira. But he got surprised the next second as saw a martial art he hadn't come across in a long time. Silat.

Ian quickly got up close and delivered strikes to quickly incapacitat him but Manager Kim wasn't a legendary military sergeant for nothing. Even when Ian went to twist his joints, Kim didnt care as he managed to get out.

Silat a marital was know for one thing, violence,Its fighting style is all about exploiting weaknesses in your enemy and incapacitating them as quickly as possible. It's all concentrated only on causing pain and no honor.

So kicks to the groin were encouraged but Ian didn't do that as he blocked Kim kick and lifted him to smash him onto the ground.

"Come on Sergeant! Take it seriously" Ian laughed as he used pure strength to get out of his grapple and kneed him straight in his face as stumbled back to see an elbow few inches away. "Your really going to die at this rate."

"Who says I'm not taking it seriously." Kim stated as Ian saw a thin wire below his neck and below his elbow as he chuckled. "Oh man, fishing wire?"

"No." Kim was surprised again. This kid was unbelievable strong, just taking this out meant he planned to restrict his movements so he could attack. 'It doesn't make sense,his power reminds me of Jincheol park but stronger and he doesn't make unnecessary movement in his attacks. There's also the fact he copied my move yesterday just from one glance so who the hell is he?…is it him? The person Zu warned me about in South Korea?'

"Thinking is sometimes more dangerous than not thinking you know!" Ian said getting out of that wire trap and kept his distance. This time it was manager Kim taking the offensive as he used grapples and his wire to restrict Ian movements.

And it worked as that wire would leave a small shallow cut through his clothes onto his skin while the occasional grapples made Ian have to be careful.

He created more distance as he used his leg to strike Kim in the head. This move was anticipated by him, and had already positioned his wire beside his head to trap Ian's leg. However, Ian's leg suddenly changed course and kicked him right on the solar plexus.

"Okay okay….i would say 70%? Hmm" Ian put his hands on his hips as he looked down and hummed while Kim was catching his breath and endured the pain of that kick.

Manager Kim didn't know what that meant and he didn't have time to dwell on it as he barely dodged a punch coming for his head as he moved to the side. The roles were reversed now.

The relentless attacks by Ian were going faster as Kim managed to dodge it but not fully as it grazed his cheek. That was the last attack Kim managed to dodge as Ian kneed him in the stomach and managed to get a grip over his stomach.

That's when Ian suplexed Kim and managed to cause serious damage to him. 'It doesn't make sense no matter how much I think about it…'

"Well, that was-" Ian didn't get to finish his setence as he was grabbed by his hand with the wire.

"Got you, you Brat." Ian couldn't use that hand if he didn't want it to be sliced off and that managed for Kim to use CQC with full power this time.

"Don't blame me, your the one who wanted to know." Kim said as Ian widen his eyes '71.78%!'

The wire that Kim had on one of Ian hands loosened as he managed to block the oncoming attacks.

But it didn't help as much, as the attacks managed to sent him flying back. He crashed into a car as Manager Kim continued with following up kicks and knee strikes as he didn't want to give this kid, which he deemed a monster, a chance.

"You said you knew me? I also know you. Ian Sun, code name the Devil, I may have lost touch with the military but not with my friends."

He talked while continuing to deliver attacks and used the wire to leave shallow cuts while Ian got out of the entrapment and continued to dodge.

"And you know what they said.Your a devil, that has to many cards up their sleeve but I also know you through Zu, so of course i know the person he most covet out of this whole world and would probably trade the Tai Wan group. That's you, isn't it? Lunatics above monsters and Devil above lunatics. Is what he says"

(AN: Thars how Zu classified GOO. Strong above weak, monsters above strong, lunatics above monsters(Goo is classfied as a lunatic by Zu) while I made up the last part, Devils above lunatics)

When Kim stopped talking , Ian chuckled as he stopped blocking and managed to grab onto the wire with his hand that had his shirt around it like a boxing glove.

"Wow! You did give it your all! So you know Zu after all, did he…no,no, sorry l almost spilled the beans on something" Ian jokingly said as he continued to dodge Manager Kim attacks with ease this time.

"Let's go above one number shall we? 72 would be alright right?"

"What the hell are you talking about, take this fight ser-" In that second, Manager Kim eyes widen while also spitting out blood as he was suddenly body shot by Ian.

"Oh wow! What? Don't tell me you didn't see it!" The taunt was clearly heard by Kim as he quickly put distance between themselves but that didn't do anything as Kim saw the attack but he was too slow to block it.

The only thing he could do was shift his shoulder as it took the power and dislocated.

It was evident Ian was not using his full power to deal with Kim and he knew it as Ian still had a playful mood. Kim saw Ian long leg going for his gut and he braced his body for another attack but their fight was interrupted as the kick was stopped by someone wearing a taekwondo outfit.

Neither one wanted to give up but it wasn't a choice as the person wearing the taekwondo outfit, was brought down by Ian having a stronger core strength as another kick was sent but Ian bended backwards and used one of his legs to counter attack but it was blocked by manager Kim by getting in the way, but it didn't matter.

The power behind it sent Kim and the new guy flying back, crashing into a car as the new guy was impressed, he lost in core strength and in power.

"Kim, you never mentioned he was a kid."

"How was I supposed to know, they make him sound older." The taekwondo guy just shook his head once he heard that and rested his arms but for a moment, he felt his arms wobbly.

'That's no kid, that's a monster' Hansu Seong, a middle age man with short brown hair that was parted to the sides and had glasses on while wearing a taekwondo outfit with a black belt.

'Taehun father….why is he here?' Ian was curious because but he then remembered their relationship, they were basically brothers.

"Anyways, look kid, my friend over here could be a hot head about his daughter but he's a good guy so please forgive his mistake." Hansu said nervously as he laughed it off while Manager Kim just crossed his arms as he looked at Ian with a cold stare

'This feeling…it's overwhelming, his strength. Just where did he get it.'

"Why are you here."

"I was the one who saved her, just making sure she was alright."

A new kind of emotion sprung on Kim, it was a mixture of annoyance, jealously and anger. He didn't know why he suddenly felt this but he didn't like it as he continued to stare back rudely at Ian all throughout the way back to Minji room.

Though, Ian was once again attacked as he was pinned to the wall with a wire under his neck. "Where is she!"

"Man, you and your wires. You really love them huh?" Ian snarky response didn't help the situation as Kim was going to press the wire more in but he suddenly felt something sharp hitting his left chest right above his heart which was a toothpick.

"I guess toothpicks are my calling or not…sigh, acupuncture is a neat thing Kim."

"Calm down Kim, he didn't do this, I spoke to the nurse and looks like a man with gold teeth took her. It looks like they were in a rush as one of nurses heard him saying he's taking her to meet up with Jooyoung Construction." Hansu said trying to calm down the situation at hand. He grabbed Kim and Ian hand as they slowly put down their tools.

"Jooyoung….jooyoung….construction…!Hansu, we're gonna need that Van." Kim realized what happened as he got furious while walking away, not sparing any time to talk to Ian.

Ian also didn't spare any time to bid goodbye as he walked away in the opposite direction.

"I'll be right there!" Said Hansu as he kept looking back at Ian leaving. He took a deep breath as he tapped Ian shoulder when he caught up to him.

"Hey kid, Kim is a good guy, it's just his daughter is his only family memeber left so he's extremely sensitive when it comes to her but don't hate on him."

"Your point?"

"Don't judge him on what you seen or heard from him today. Listen, here's my card. Call if you need any help." He smiled as Ian rolled his eyes. This guy was cheerful even though he almost saw his friend die today.

"Instead." Ian took a toothpick out from his pocket and managed to engrave numbers on it thanks to it being paper. "My number, call me when you need help or give it to Kim, I'll like to see him as a nice guy one day."

Hansu took the card from Ian hand as he saw the kid leave while putting on shades. He had to admit his physical appearance was amazing as those eyes even gave the creeps to him.

He couldn't believe he was only 19, from what he heard and read in the black market about his profile he thought it was a myth, but this encounter with him in the parking lot, made him think it was true.

(AN:Chapter coming this coming Sunday or next Friday. So I'm still going a little bit with arc plot as I still want to make Minji see her dad isn't just any normal dad.)