
Lookism: Fighting Prodigy

A young boy plagued by rumors surrounding his father's alleged ties to the Yakuza. Despite never knowing his father, Jin-Ho faces daily torment at school due to his slender physique, enduring relentless bullying from classmates Sunghoon Bae, Woosung Kim, and Jisoo Jung. One fateful day, Jin-Ho is ambushed and subjected to a vicious assault in a school bathroom, recorded by one of the bullies. Helpless and outnumbered, Jin-Ho's torment escalates until the intervention of Taeyoung Bae, a formidable figure known for his prowess in Taekwondo. Taeyoung's timely arrival thwarts the attackers, leaving Jin-Ho in awe of his rescuer's skill. Desperate to defend himself and inspired by Taeyoung's abilities, Jin-Ho pleads for Taeyoung to teach him. Initially reluctant, Taeyoung sets a seemingly impossible challenge: if Jin-Ho can perform a complex 540-degree kick, Taeyoung will consider teaching him. Doubting his own capabilities, Jin-Ho nevertheless accepts the challenge as his only hope for self-defense. With determination and focus, Jin-Ho channels every ounce of strength and concentration into executing the demanding kick. Against all odds, he executes the move with surprising precision, astonishing both himself and Taeyoung. Recognizing Jin-Ho's untapped potential, Taeyoung acknowledges his skill and hints at the truth behind Jin-Ho's rumored lineage, setting the stage for a journey of self-discovery, martial arts mastery, and uncovering familial secrets. (This fan-fiction is republished.)

Geezy_Clipz · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs

Chapter 1: The Start Of Everything

Jin-Ho Park had heard the whispers swirling around his name.

People said his dad had ties to the Yakuza, that he was a tough guy. But Jin-Ho didn't know his dad at all.

His mom had told him that his dad had another family and had left them behind. So Jin-Ho never bothered looking for him.

Life wasn't easy for Jin-Ho.

He was always picked on at school because he wasn't as strong as the other kids.

With his slim frame, he was an easy target for bullies. Every day was the same, enduring taunts and coming home battered and bruised.

One particularly rough day, as he walked through the school hallway, he felt a hand grab him.

It was Sunghoon, Woosung, and Jisoo – the usual bullies. They dragged him into the school bathroom, ignoring his protests.

"Let go of me!" Jin-Ho pleaded, but they only laughed, tightening their grip.

Because Jin-Ho was skinny and not very strong, he couldn't fight back when Sunghoon grabbed him, and he couldn't even yell because Sunghoon had his hand over Jin-Ho's mouth.

Inside the bathroom, Jisoo pulled out a phone and started recording.

Sunghoon and Woosung began kicking Jin-Ho while he couldn't do anything to stop them.

The kicking went on for about five seconds until Sunghoon and Woosung suddenly stopped.

Then, they did something.

They took out a sock and... and peed in it.

They wanted Jin-Ho to swallow the sock! Jin-Ho said no, of course, but then Woosung grabbed his arm, and Sunghoon forced his mouth open.

Just when things were at their worst, someone unexpected walked in.

It was Taeyoung Bae, the toughest kid in school. He was even a Taekwondo pro.

The three bullies saw Taeyoung and got really scared.

Taeyoung asked them what they thought they were doing.

The bullies quickly made excuses, saying they were just joking around, but Taeyoung wasn't buying it.

"I can't stand bullies," Taeyoung said firmly.

Then, without hesitation, Taeyoung unleashed his roundhouse kick, knocking the bullies out cold.

Jin-Ho watched in awe. "Wow, how did you do that?" he asked. "Can you teach me?"

But Taeyoung didn't pay him much attention.

He thought Jin-Ho didn't have what it takes to learn.

For days, Jin-Ho kept pestering Taeyoung, begging him to teach him the move.

Finally, Taeyoung got fed up. He told Jin-Ho that if he could pull off a certain move, then he'd consider teaching him.

That move was called the 540 Degree Kick.

Taeyoung performs the move and Taeyoung explained that it's a tough move to master.

You have to spin around while keeping your balance, generate a lot of power, and hit your target with perfect timing.

When done right, the 540 kick can be a game-changer in Taekwondo, catching your opponent off guard and maybe even scoring a knockout.

But mastering it takes a ton of practice and skill.

Taeyoung himself was still working on perfecting the move, so he knew it wouldn't be easy for Jin-Ho.

Jin-Ho's eyes widened with wonder as Taeyoung made his offer.

"If you can do that move, then I'll teach you everything I know," Taeyoung said, looking at Jin-Ho with a hint of skepticism.

But Jin-Ho felt discouraged. "That move seems really tough. I don't think I can do it," he said.

Taeyoung nodded knowingly. "It's one of the hardest moves out there. Even I struggle with it sometimes," he admitted.

Jin-Ho felt a sense of unfairness creeping in. "It's not fair to expect me to do something so difficult when I'm just starting out," he protested.

Taeyoung put a hand on Jin-Ho's shoulder. "I understand your frustration, but potential isn't about doing everything perfectly right away. It's about how much effort you're willing to put in and how far you're willing to push yourself," he explained.

"If I see that you're giving it your all, even if you make mistakes, then I'll know you have what it takes to learn," Taeyoung assured him.

Jin-Ho felt a surge of doubt as he prepared to attempt the challenging move. It seemed like his only option, but he wasn't sure if he could pull it off.

Taking a deep breath, he focused his mind, blocking out any distractions around him. With determination in his heart, Jin-Ho began the complex series of motions.

He shifted his weight, getting ready like a spring about to unleash. Each step of the move played out in his head, thanks to the memory of Taeyoung's demonstration.

Slowly, he started to spin, keeping his arms close and his balance steady. The world around him blurred as he completed the first part of the rotation, his leg rising smoothly.

With each turn, Jin-Ho's movements became almost mesmerizing. Every muscle was working, his body moving with a grace he didn't know he possessed.

As he neared the peak of the spin, anticipation filled the air. Then, in an instant, his leg shot out with incredible speed and accuracy.

He could feel the power behind the kick, the rush of air as it sliced through the space in front of him.

With precision, he made contact with an imaginary target, holding the pose for a brief moment before landing firmly on his kicking leg to complete the move.

Afterwards, Jin-Ho felt a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. The 540 Kick had drained him, but he also felt a sense of accomplishment for having pulled it off PERFECTLY!

Taeyoung couldn't believe his eyes. "Whoa... What? Ho..." he stuttered, utterly astonished.

Confused, Jin-Ho asked, "Huh? What do you mean?" He was still trying to catch his breath after the intense move.

"You didn't just copy me," Taeyoung exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You perfected the kick. And you only saw it once? That's incredible! You've got real potential inside you."

Then, Taeyoung's expression turned serious. "I guess the rumors were true after all. You must be the son of a strong Yakuza member," he concluded, nodding to himself.