
Lookism After all im the Strongest

My name is John Black, and I'm 25 years old. A pretty good name, right? Well, I had a pretty bad day. After all, I got fired from work because I didn't participate much. The reason is I was sick, but my manager is a bastard who likes to bully his subordinates. As I was transitioning into town at the crosswalk, I heard someone honking on my left. When I looked to the side, I saw a very scared face outside the truck windows. Then, I realized I was going to die, so I stopped, even though I tried to run. But it was already three meters away from me, so I accepted it. -------------------------------------------------- and if you are looking for mc who fall in love with single flirt or because he sees beautiful girl this is not for you NO HAREM/NO ROMANCE Lookism,Jujutsu Kaisen,Images are not mine

mantaege · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

Chapter 9# The Fight with DG

They ventured to a remote area, and DG began the conversation.

"So, how old are you? 23?" DG inquired.

"No, 25," Gojo replied.

"I see, so you're two years older than me," DG observed.

"At least entertain me," Gojo challenged.

"Huh, quite arrogant, aren't you?" DG remarked.

"You remind me of someone with that arrogant tone," DG added.

"Gun Park," Gojo guessed.

"Oh, you think of the one who wore the all-black outfit?" Gojo confirmed.

"Yes, exactly."

"Enough talk, let's fight," Gojo declared.

With that, Gojo assumed his Renewal Taekwondo stance, while DG took on his Taekwondo stance. Gojo advanced and executed Renewal Taekwondo Baekdu to DG's stomach. DG managed to block it.

"Hmm, you do something similar to Taekwondo, but I've never seen that in any martial art," DG remarked.

"If that attack had touched my stomach, it would have hurt," he admitted.

"Indeed, but it's not exactly Taekwondo; it's Renewal Taekwondo," Gojo explained.

"Renewal Taekwondo?" DG questioned.

"I'm hearing it for the first time. Then show me what you've got with that martial art," DG challenged.

Suddenly, DG fell to the ground but used his right hand to support himself. He attempted to kick Gojo's head, but Gojo dodged. However, as Gojo dodged the kick, DG swiftly got a hand on Gojo's head and smashed it to the ground. After a few seconds, Gojo stood up, unscathed.

"For the first time, I see someone withstand this attack. You have quite the durability," DG acknowledged.

"Thank you for the compliment, but do you still have anything in your arsenal?" Gojo asked.

"Hah, of course I do," DG assured.

DG attempted to kick Gojo's head again, using his right leg for the kick and his left leg for balance. However, Gojo remained unscathed, except for his broken blindfold.

"Quite beautiful eyes you have there. Be careful against collectors of beautiful things," DG warned.

"Now I have copied three of his moves," Gojo thought.

After 30 minutes of exchanging moves, DG executed a complex maneuver, resting his leg on Gojo's shoulder, jumping off, kicking Gojo's head with his left leg, and finishing with a backflip. Intrigued, Gojo decided to try his DG moves against him.

In a swift move, Gojo's hand was on DG's head, replicating the move DG used against him earlier.

"Ahh, that hurt," DG winced, holding his bleeding forehead.

'Now I understand why he didn't attack me; he wanted to copy my moves. But while he copied my moves, he still must practice them. I showed it to him for the first time, and he already did it like he has been doing it for years,' DG realized.

'Finally, I have it,' he thought.

"DG, I'm going to stop playing around with you," Gojo declared.

With that, he executed Renewal Taekwondo Spinning Top Kick. DG was hit by Gojo's right leg into his head, followed by a hit from Gojo's left leg into his face. DG's face was now covered in blood as he fell to the ground on his back.

"Thank you for the fight, James Lee," Gojo acknowledged. However, unbeknownst to him, Charles Choi was watching from the shadows.

"To think I'm going to see DG defeated..." Charles Choi pondered.