

"uhhhhhhhh" screamed Narcos as he woke up with a start. "Where am I" Narcos felt drenched from sweat as he looked his surroundings he was lying in an ocean of dry bones. "Where the F*** is this place" Narcos quickly got up and climbed his way up to a near by hill of bones to get a better view of his surroundings.

"Why am I moving so slowly" Narcos thought he looked at his hand "why is my hand so small". Narcos felt his face and observed that it felt totally different from how it usually felt .

He shoved that to the back of his mind as he continued climbing to the top.

He only saw an endless ocean of bones, then he noticed something that made him horrified. High up in the sky he couldn't see the sun, the sun was replaced by a glowing blue ball of light.

"This can't be, am I on a different planet ?" Narcos wondered.

"Young Master what are you doing in the dump"!

A middle aged woman shouted from 50 kilometers away. Narcos felt his vision zoom in on the middle aged woman from where he was standing, he felt like was standing right in front of her, he could even smell the scent on her body.The middle aged woman was a relatively beautiful woman, she wore a black blouse and jeans and she had a dangerous aura around her.

The woman suddenly vanished and appeared in front of him. Narcos gasped in shock, "young master, master wants to see you". Narcos was about to reply when he felt a piercing headache, he felt like his brain wanted to jump out of his head. He felt foreign memories invading his mind, he screamed his lungs out in pain and fell down unconscious. The middle aged woman grabbed him before he hit the ground and disappeared.

Vlad stared grumpily at his grandson who was lying in his bed sleeping soundly as if there was no care in the world. "Huhhhh" he sighed in melancholy, His son, Emperor Dracula had been plotted against and captured.

Ever since then things had not been the same, after the Empress Elisabeta gave birth to Abbadōn, 12 years ago, she stayed around to raise him for about year before locking herself in her room never to be seen again.

Under normal circumstances, since Vampires were a relatively strong race compared to the humans, their reproductive capabilities were very low but his son Dracula and daughter-in-law Elisabeta were an exception, about 15 million years ago they ate a treasure capable of destroying this restriction but even then within 15 million years they were only able to conceive several thousands of children.

An average Vampire couple would've given birth to one child within 10 million years if they were lucky. The reproductive rate of vampires was a huge curse of their race compared to humanity they were very pitiable but they were far stronger than them.

Some of his grandchildren went out to train in order to become stronger to help in the rescue of their dad, the eldest son, Bora went on a mission to bring back Dracula, but to bring back Dracula the difficulty of the mission was as difficult than ascending the heavens.

A genius was born in the human race who had the ability of clairvoyance. He predicted the time when Dracula would be at his weakest and they made an impeccable plan to capture him. But even then they lost trillions of human lives to capture him. Since then the genius and Dracula seemed to have vanished into thin air.

The most terrifying thing about the human race wasn't their strength but their breeding speed. They multiplied like ants and some of the stronger human immortals could live for a very long time and spread their seeds all over the continent.

"Those damn human race experts are so despicable" Vlad snorted in disdain. "But no matter what they do its impossible for them to kill my son I'm sure he's giving them hell"

Dracula was a one in a trillion year old talent of their vampire race, he surpassed his father before the age of a billion years and defeated the King of the Vampire race and became King.

Unlike the human race which kingship is hereditary the vampire race gave the power to rule to the strongest vampire.

"What could possible make my grandson fall into a coma, its not normal". Vlad silently thought. Abbodōn had the blood of The King of darkness flowing through his veins, not just anything can make a vampire faint.

Abbodōn's eye twitched and he slowly opened his eyes.