
Look around - it's hidden in plain sight

Mother Nature created us equal. There has to be two for everything, even once alone. These stories talk about a love lost, the frustration and the healing from a lost love. Some stories might be real. Some stories might be in my imagination. Some stories, a scape from reality. You judge. Share your thoughts....

Chacha_3290 · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

CHAPTER 9: ‘Dying Inside’

Cree's time to travel with the band. Great. Concert time!

It hasn't been easy for Cree to keep Ada's last time together out of his mind. Her lips, her perfume, her smile, her everything. Images that instead of making him happy, hurt him more. They increased the need of being with her, feel her, smell her, taste her. It was obvious by now; that they truly, madly, deeply loved each other.

But Cree had a feeling deep inside nobody knew about. Cree needed to make sure he was not going to loose that love he once found and felt when meeting Ada at the Bandaid concert.

When they were together everything around the two of them disappeared. Nothing was to disturb those moments of intimacy that relive the fire inside their hearts. A moment of vulnerability that turned into a moment of strength and conquering the pinnacle of their fears, when ecstasy finally claims two bodies eager of misunderstood love.