
Introduction To The World

A man named Mo (21) leads a normal life like most of the peoples around him. He is a middle class yet he is fulfilled by what he has in outer but inside he has some thing missing like he has a big hole in his heart.

The society he lives in is full of flaws and he couldn't tolerate it. As his status is not much to do any thing about this condition of the society he lives. But he wishes to change it completely as there are peoples suffering due to this state.

The Government shoes a blind eye to the conditions of people suffering there is a certain region named (T) where the government itself is directly affecting the people living there. mo lives in the exact region were all are suffering but this people doesn't let there hope down they worked, they have fun, the produce extraordinary talents in every thing but as for other region people this T-region people are just a rubbish people who are not worth to consider but T-region people are like others who work hard and good to some extent. Like other all people are not good even there are traches who are not to look for but mostly there are always two types of people good and evil.

Coming to the story Mo has an talent in which he could copy any talent exposed by others in a first look but he could not exactly do what they did but could do close to it he could and improve it by every image training he does and will provide a better out come