
Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks

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Star_Maker4 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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Honorary right to die for the Motherland (April-June, 1917).

Circle of trust: Ideas]

True that, Nicholas II and his associates were progressive on some issues, but they remained conservative on many others (specially in social issues).

A clear example would be the ideas of the circle of Nicholas II about the national-regional autonomy and the administrative organization of the Russian Empire.

The Tsar's circle of trust wanted changes in the way the country was administered (change the governance and administration system), but they were firmly against the federalization or separation of the Empire.

"Russia is One and Indivisible.

So each and every part of Russia is an inseperable part of the state, and any form of separatism is absolutely prohibited. "

As established by the Law of the Russian Empire on Regional Autonomy. Later ratified during the rule of Tsar Nicholas II.

The objective was to maintain a unitary empire, but with a certain level of decentralization and autonomy to simplify administrative-bureaucratic tasks and keep local ethnic-cultural minorities (such as the Baltic, Caucasus and Central Asian ones, or Polish people) under control.

The plan designated by the Tsar's circle was an administration composed of three different levels, with an elected system (for legislative powers) and certain officials appointed by the central government.

These levels would be:

* 1 or First Level- Oblast (Область, Области /Oblasti) - Krais (Край/Kray) - Autonomous Oblast (Автономная область/Avtonomnaya oblast) - Autonomous City (Автономный город /Avtonomnyy gorod) - Grand Duchy (Великое княжество/Velikoye knyazhestvo).

* 2 or Second Level- Districts (Районы/Rayony) - City/District-level city (Город / районный город/Gorod / rayonnyy gorod) - Municipalities (Муниципалитеты/Munitsipalitety).

* 3 or Third Level- Towns / Township (Города / поселок/Goroda / poselok) - Community (Сообщество /Soobshchestvo) - Village Councils (Сельские советы /Sel'skiye sovety) - Island Territories (Островные территории /Ostrovnyye territorii).

Oblasts - Krais: Originally an Oblast in the Russian Empire was a third level administrative division under the governorates, but the plan was for these to become the main administrative division of the Russian Empire, replacing the governorates (with all their duties and powers).

The Oblast (similar to province) and Krai (similar to territory) would be practically the same, without much legal difference in terms of characteristics, rights or responsibilities.

Autonomous Oblasts: An Autonomous Oblast is an administrative subject with a significant population of a particular ethnic minority group.

This Autonomous Oblast would have the right to a legislative (legislative assembly or legislative council) and executive (government, led by an elected Governor) with some autonomy in the formulation of legislative rights.

The people would elect their governor (acts to carry out the policies and most ceremonial duties), but there would be particular positions given to members chosen by the central government of Moscow.

These officials elected-picked by Moscow central government would be for example the military or the "Secretary of Politics" (who serves as a policy maker in the oblast), directly representing the central government.

Autonomous City: Major cities that practically function as a separate administrative unit due to their population and / or economic-administrative importance.

An example of this Autonomous City would be Moscow, Saint Petersburg or Kiev.

Grand Duchy: Simply Finland, which was a second system within a single country.

All of this would still have Zemstvos as local administrative-government bodies of course.

This reform planned by Tsar Nicholas II and associates was theoretically feasible, but implementing it would mean major changes in the State Duma and Senate.

Among other parts of the state and bucrocracy of the Russian Empire.

The plans obviously stayed put for the time being in the year 1917, but the group was simply waiting for the right situation for the change.


It was April 8, the circle of trust of Tsar Nicholas II was presenting for the first time the finalized details of the enormous administrative re-organization of the Russian Empire.

"The Senate and the Duma would not be happy about these kinds of changes." Kerensky insists on the ideas proposed by Nicholas II and Stalin.

"They wouldn't be the only ones." Savinkov mentions nonchalantly. "But do we care about what the Senate says? Or even the Duma?...".

"That's why we have the Sovereign Ukaz, we just need an emergency situation that justifies the changes. Emergency that happen to be right around the corner." Nicholas II points out.

"Even though this is true, I remind everyone that we still shouldn't let our guard down about Kolchak and his allies." Stalin adds to Tsar Nicholas II's comment.

"Once they are no longer useful, they will be executed or put in prison." Nicholas II mentions, but promptly changes the subject. "But it is true that it is better not to totally underestimate them."

"For the change we need to have the armed forces ready, before and after the elimination of undesirable elements. And I think that's why I have a presentation that is of our interest." General Aleksey Brusilov mentions.

"Let's hear it then." Tsar Nicholas II and others exclaim with some friendliness.

"Normally I would think that someone like Stalin would be in favor of a similar idea. I mean, he is Georgian" Mannerheim indicates with some curiosity.

"You are in favor of this." Nicholas II mentions.

Mannerheim gives a little laugh. "True, I care about Finland, the state and the monarchy. Not so much the rest of the minorities of the Russian Empire." Soon the governor-general adds another comment. "If you forgive me of course, your highness."

"Of course." The czar mentions without taking too long. "The weakening of the central power in our country is very dangerous, especially in times of crisis. Many people like to talk about autonomy, determination of the people, popular sovereignty, federalism and civil rights, but they never talk about the negative side of it." Nicholas II comments.

"Maybe it's just a matter of perspective, we are Russians. The rest of the world is simply not Russia." Mannerheim mentions.

"You are probably right Governor Mannerheim ...". Tsar Nicholas II calmly indicates. "And that is dangerous, we need a strong Russia to protect us in case of dangers from abroad. First the Imperial Federation for example."

"And then who knows." Mannerheim indicates.

"Exactly." Tsar Nicholas II approves.



April 16 there is an important diplomatic visit from West Germany (Free Republic of Germany) to the Russian Empire, led by the Volk-Kanzler Karl Liebknecht and other high-level members of the German government.

This meeting held in the city of Petrograd was to discuss a variety of issues, about greater diplomatic and technological cooperation on various issues.

In short, continue the measures already proposed above.

In rhetoric Red Germany was brutally anti-capitalist, but the transition from socialism to capitalism was laborious and of various characteristics.

No socialist country could be isolated and survive adequately, not with the threat of the Imperial Federation present.

And a common enemy undoubtedly linked Imperial Russia with Red Europe.

Diplomatic cooperation was more vital now than ever, because a time of reconstruction was needed in Europe and the United States was changing its pro-Allied policy (Russia, Argentina and Red Europe) to a more isolationist policy.

The proposals were simple, for now Russia and the socialist countries of Europe must continue to cooperate to form a powerful balance against the Imperial Federation.

Russia only had the Russosphere and had important issues to resolve within itself (reforms) and the Russosphere (such as the change of government in Persia).

So having more allies in Europe, beyond Eastern Europe and the Balkans, was very helpful.

Through closer ties on the continent, countries not aligned with the British could effectively reduce their own ties with the Home Islands, East Germany, and social aristocratic Scandinavia.

It was impossible to eliminate them to 100% at the moment, but it was possible to reduce them through mutual cooperation.

In the technological aspect it was clear, there was a revolution in light industry (consumer goods) and heavy industry (military-industrial complex).

Through mechanization and new technologies, there were significant improvements in the quality of human life in the world.

The proposal was that Russia and Red Europe would share research efforts and technologies in the development of mechanized units.

Through this, civil utilities would also be obtained, such as improvements for tractors and consumer goods for the population.

It was not unilateral, Russia also obtained interesting improvements within these bilateral treaties.

European electrification and reconstruction was going from strength to strength, within a little more than 5 years many damages from the war would be reversed.

Only France would drag some problems, such as its significant demographic decline as a result of years of civil conflict. But still they could develop important improvements.

At the military level, a major leap was taking place in the development of the Medved and other mechanized units in Europe, resulting in some of the most important medium-heavy armored vehicles of the 1920s.


"It was an interesting visit, I'm not going to lie to you. Productive, no doubt." Lenin calmly mentions looking at the Baltic Sea alongside Karl Liebknecht.

"Do you miss your home?" Liebknecht asks curiously.

"A little ..." Lenin readily asserts. "Some things have changed, others remain the same." The Russian-German socialist insists.

"Well, there is still a lot to build in Germany. Soon we will go to France and Switzerland to continue other projects, perhaps one day Russia will finally adopt socialism." Liebknecht proposes.

"Yes, you are right." Lenin mentions another optimistic time, for the moment tradition and capitalism were too strong in Russia for a revolution.

A tragedy in Lenin's opinion, but there was still work to be done elsewhere.

In the first place in other developed countries, such as Germany and France. There were productive forces to develop and continue the political-economic integration of socialist Europe.


[Brusilov Military Reforms]

War Minister Aleksey Alekseyevich Brusilov was 'new', true that Brusilov had decades of experience in development of military theory and years of practice, as well as being a war hero in the New Great War.

But is just that his career from deputy minister to minister of war was very short. Due to external factors (the death of Mikhail Skobelev), that's true, but still he was very new to the job.

Consequently, Brusilov and other elements of the Russian government understood that action was necessary. Prove that the new direction of the ministry was correct and stabilize the situation after Skobelev's death.

Brusilov's first reforms in May of 1917 was the implementation of the Molniyenosnaya Voyna (lightning war) within the forces of the Russian Empire, and the creation of the first unit-battalions "ударные войска" (Udarnyye Voyska).

Udarnyye Voyska means shock troops / units. Being in essence assault troops, dedicated to breaking the enemy's defense.

The Udarnyye Voyska (also sometimes called assault battalions or ударных / udarnykh, which translates to shock, percussion or striking) were selected from units of the armies under Brusilov's command during the Brusilov offensive and volunteers from the center of the Russian Empire.

They are troops "with the honorary right to die for the Motherland/Fatherland", a volunteer who 'gave a word of honor, a citizen oath that came voluntarily, selflessly and exclusively motivated by love for Russia, and joined the forces in order to protect its honor of freedom, brotherhood and protection of the lands of Russia'.

Militarily speaking, the mission of these troops was 'simple':

1. When attacking enemy positions:

* Raiding especially important areas (vital / strategic).

*Support the attack of the front line infantry in the offensive, carrying out the elimination of the enemy.

2. When defending:

* Improve the position of the allied forces through the capture of strategic points and counter-attacks to the enemy.

* Search for the capture of prisoners and destruction of enemy structures-infrastructure.

* The destruction of the enemy.

Brusilov's May reforms were aimed at integrating lightning warfare into the professional repertoire of the armed forces of the Russian Empire, preparing for future conflicts, and designing the necessary assault units and special troops within the Russian army.

As an associated objective, thus Brusilov could maintain new units capable and loyal to the Russian state for the next changes and problems within the Russian Empire.

The creation of Udarnyye Voyska was quite successful, considering that the Russian Empire was emerging from the New Great War.

Patriotism is strong and there are still fresh veteran troops very useful for the project, like trainers for the volunteers.

Brusilov and his associates then can recruit young and capable officers into the armed forces while preparing the purge of the most disastrous and disloyal elements to the state.

By taking such officers, Brusilov and associates made them loyal or isolated from the influence of the National Salvation Directorate.

An example of Brusilov's successful legacy in the development of Russian army units is the formation of the Assault Engineering Brigades (Штурмовая инженерно-сапёрная бригада), years after the first Udarnyye Voyska.


General and Minister of War, Aleksey Alekseyevich Brusilov.


Registration of volunteers in the Udarnyye Voyska after the May reforms.


Udarnyye Voyska brigade in one of the Caucasian corps of the armed forces of the Russian Empire.

In all this Anton Denikin played an important role, supporting positive propaganda for the state, supporting the creation of voluntary units and making improvements in the logistics of the ministry and armed forces for the Brusilov reforms.

Denikin officially became Brusilov's Deputy Minister, serving more as a civil servant than as a military man.


[Third Duma]

Similar to other periods of Russian democracy, the Third Duma was mainly put to the task of solving 'legislative noodles', that is rather the revision and amendment of various older laws of the Russian Empire.

It is true that there were improvements and reforms within the Third Duma, such as the one already seen in the labor market, military pensions and family allowances.

But in reality this was not the action of Premier Pyotr Balashov or the New Progressive Bloc.

Simply because the New Progressive Bloc had a weak government over the Third Duma, and the right was basically bankrupt right now.

Only the RSDLP-Trudovik alliance could effectively move many legislative-executive issues, which was not the priority in 1917, since other issues were already being done.

* Brusilov's reforms.

* The aforementioned reforms during the last days of Skobelev.

* The plans proposed by Tsar Nicholas II.

Balashov was more progressive and moderate than many members of the defunct Pan-Russian National Union, but moving through politics was tricky.

Not for lack of charisma or resources, but simply because of the political situation at that time in post-war Russia.

In addition Balashov had to be careful not to get into trouble, the wealth of the Balashov could be useful but there were important prohibitions to use such wealth (anti-lobbying laws, anti-corruption laws, anti-political patronage laws, etc).

Fortunately for the Balashov administration, Pyotr Balashov had an important ally, former Premier Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin.

Balashov had previously supported Stolypin, and now Stolypin supported Balashov, allowing a transitional government and much smoother work for the fourth Premier of the Russian Empire.

These New Progressive Bloc unions and the help of Stolypin enabled Balashov to earn a clean reputation and a job as a 'middle man' between the Duma's left and right.

What allowed that this Third Duma was not so conflictive, during the Premiership of Balashov. Although of course, there were tensions.

Especially when the elections of 1920 approached.



April 1, the military dictatorship in Costa Rica holds 'general elections'.

Of course, we cannot say that they are fair elections. Federico Tinoco Granado (precisely who launched the military coup) was declared the winner after the votes for Rafael Yglesias Castro were declared invalid.

First publication of the Russian newspaper Pravda Severa (Правда Севера, Truth of the North) in the city of Arkhangelsk.

The theme of the newspaper is coverage of events in the Arkhangelsk region, analysis and comments, an overview of social problems and the economy, events of the cultural and sports life of the region and the country.

Japan's first professional animated short, Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki (The Story of the Concierge Mukuzo Imokawa), is released in early April.

With a duration of five minutes, made by Ōten Shimokawa, this animation is currently lost and little is known about it abroad.

April 3, in the Empire of Brazil the Socialista Sport Club is established in the city of Maruim.

The club would change its name on a few occasions (becoming Centro Sportivo Maruinense, Maruinese, CSM or others), but it would always return to Socialista Sport Club.

April 4, Ford administration advances in re-construction and culture projects. The first major breakthroughs are made in the federal foundation for post-New Great War infrastructure in the United States.

We mainly talk about theaters, the new defenses of Washington D.C, transportation and the planned cities of the Ford Administration.

April 6, the Emirate of Ha'il prohibits Jewish immigration to Palestine-Israel (Holy Land), issuing orders to deport any Jew who tries to settle permanently in the area.

Palestinian Jews

They take place the general elections of the Prussian Republic of Germany, with Chancellor Erich von Falkenhayn abandoning the military dictatorship established in the country until that moment.

April 7, President Ford begins to have plans for Hispaniola and Panama, planning to continue the work of old President Elihu Root.

Although of course, it is not the best interest of the Ford administration, more focused on the United States itself and not on the territories.

In the elections the German government is dominated by three parties, after the prohibition of socialists and other elements.

These parties were the Christian People's Party (also known as Zentrum), the German Democratic Party (Deutsche Demokratische Partei, DDP, a liberal party) and the German National People's Party (Deutschnationale Volkspartei, DNVP).

The DNVP is a fusion of the old Große Nationale Deutsche Reichspartei and various conservative-nationalist elements of the old German Empire.

Arthur von Posadowsky-Wehner of the DNVP becomes Chancellor, but will not be able to carry out many reforms expected by the opposition of the DDP and factionalism within the DNVP.

In general, the Prussian Republic of Germany is in a bad state, with nationalist paramilitaries and various elements fighting against socialism, foreign influence (except the British), etc.

April 9, the Social Aristocracy of Sweden, under the initiative of a local Stockholm circle (including a young Adolf Hitler) founded the Patriot Youth League of Sweden.

In essence a youth group in favor of conservative-nationalist militancy (and indoctrination).

April 11, Emperor Pedro III promises a constitutional reform to re-establish order and stability in the Empire of Brazil.

April 12, French attempts to negotiate with the Sudanese rebels fail.

April 13, despite the end of the war, the Henry Ford government actively saves the existence of the Committee on Public Information founded during the New Great War.

Through this body, the United States government is able to influence public opinion and journalism within the United States.

Which is very useful ...

April 16, West German diplomatic visit to the Russian Empire.

April 17, the socialist theses begin in France and Germany that lead to the subsequent founding of the Third International (Communist International, or Comintern).

April 20, problems in Japanese politics due to fighting between military factions and problems in the general elections.

The navy still has significant control over the government, but the Diet elections are won by the Rikken Seiyūkai (a center-right and right-wing party). Party that is divided between pro-IJA, pro-IJN and independent factions.

Resulting in a major political crisis in the country.

Finally the Imperial Japanese Navy comes out on top, but it does not mean that many problems still exist within Japan.

April 21, expansion of the New York City Subway (in 1917, the New York subway was divided between two private companies).

April 24, the Imperial Japanese Navy signs with various Vietnamese 'authorities' the Convention on the Internal Administrative Regime of Vietnam.

This convention establishes the internal administration of Japanese Vietnam, where the Japanese after the internal fights of monarchical groups, managed to obtain power as 'neutral mediators'.

Through Vietnam, Japan manages to obtain important commercial ties with Thailand and influence in Laos, targeting the Philippines and Indonesia.

Reforms in the Ford administration give certain subsidies to large and medium-sized private companies for the post-war period.

May 1, major expansions in the air force of the Red European countries.

May 5, finally the All-British Party reaches supremacy in South Africa, Imperial Federation.

Similar to the victories of the All-British Party in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United Kingdom, a de-facto one-party government is established (although de-jure opposition parties still exist).

However, the All-British Party in South Africa is different from its brethren, due to the situation in South Africa (the only part of the Imperial Federation with an African majority). As a result, focusing heavily on apartheid, racial issues against native Africans, etc.

May 8, Costantino Lazzari tries reforms for the centralization of the Communist Party of Italy, but is not very successful.

The division of Italian socialism continues.

May 12, the ballet The Wooden Prince, produced by the composer and pianist Béla Bartók, opens in Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary.

May 13, Socialist Switzerland changes its stamps and introduces certain reforms in its bureaucracy and communications.

May 14, Cecil B. DeMille released the drama A Romance of the Redwoods, starring Mary Pickford. It's Pickford's hit this year.

To modern times, only one copy of the film has survived.

May 19, the Imperial Federation and collaborators in Indonesia seek to crush several of the region's 'troublesome' groups, especially those who oppose British interests.

While there is success in crushing several, the Partai Komunis Indonesia (Communist Party of Indonesia) survives successfully, and will continue to be a problem for decades to come.

May 23, Sudanese columns advance in destroying infrastructure of the French military dictatorship in the region.

May 25, a series of tornadoes hit the United States (more specifically American Midwest and the Deep South).

May 29, Ford management improvements in mechanized units in the United States.

June 3, some of the first advances in the Libyan socialist movement (founded in part by the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy).

Several Libyan socialists return to Libya to oppose British colonialism, although the situation is not simple in the country.

There are socialists, tribal leaders, religious-monarchical movements and of course the Kingdom of Italy in exile.

June 4, King-Emperor Edward VIII establishes the order of chivalry, Order of the British Empire (full name, Most Excellent Order of the British Empire).

June 7, major improvements to the Addis Ababa to New Moscow (Ethiopia-Sagallo) railway during the reign of Nicholas II and Iyasu V.

June 9, secretly the Russian Empire continues successfully in its preparations for a coup in Persia.

Several intelligence and propaganda networks are created against the regime of that time, and in favor of the successors raised by Russia and Persian collaborators.

June 11, the government of the dictatorship of Greece survives the instability, for the moment.

King Constantine I of Greece and the Greek Social Aristocracy maintain their rule over the Peloponnese while the Democratic Republic of Greece is in civil war.

June 15, through the Committee on Public Information, the Ford administration government creates various laws against espionage and 'subversive' activities.

Marking a major government move to attack espionage and treason, but also to target political opponents.

In this case, the American-European anarchists were first attacked in the USA.

The polarization between conservatives and leftists (socialists) intensifies after the defeat of anarchists and the loss of popularity of the Democratic Party.

But this is a matter for later.

June 17, Charlie Chaplin creates his first romantic comedy, The Immigrant.

June 20, advances in the US Navy and Air Force under the Ford administration.

June 22, death of Yevgeni Franzevich Bauer, one of the founding fathers of Russian cinema who defined part of the aesthetics of the cinema of the Russian Empire in its early years.

June 23, the Imperial Federation makes plans against the Kingdom of Italy in exile, seeing the instability of the region.

Libya-Tunisia would allow the Imperial Federation to project even more power into the Mediterranean and North Africa, targeting Egypt overland, and Arabia through the west-north.

Influence in the Red Sea, targeting the Petain board, would only be useful if you have Suez. So it is a secondary objective of the Imperial Federation for now.

June 30, one of the most popular novels originating from the Indian subcontinent, Devdas by Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, a romance novel in Bengali, is published