
Loneliness of the duke

Elena , the illegitimate child of the western duke . she used to a in main spotlight before but after a child named Lucia . said that she claimed be the child of duke . she looked just like her father.......................

OTAKU64 · Kỳ huyễn
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The struggle.

Lena POV.

I lena , who lived a great life . my mom passed away and father didn't care about my existence . even though I was hated or was a play toy to others I didn't care cause I loved with what i had but wished have more. my life was destroyed because of the women , she looked just like father and I was shocked to she how father treated her . her name was Lucia cause she has crystal blue eyes like my mom . I was jealous of her . I hated myself cause I didn't look like my father or didn't had my mom's eyes but one day Lucia was poisoned and everyone suspected me . the investigators searched my room and found the poison . the investigator said

" how could you poison your own sister. wait.....it was the holy water the she gave me . I said "I didn't , how could I do that " after that I was become a prisoner and the day came when I was getting my head cut off.

Lucia visited me for the last time . she said " sister are you alright . I said " I am not the one who poisoned u please believe me . she said " I know" . "what do you mean " I replied . it looks like the truth should be opened , I was the one who wanted you to die . she replied . what , how can you . I treated you like my own sister . well , you and your father fell for my trap . if your father tries to hurt me my fiance will kill all of your family there won't be a heir or heiress of eastern duke family . you... you will pay for this. later, I lost my head.

third person POV

after lena died . everyone started to celebrate and the people who loved her started crying in pain . after lena died . she opened her eyes in the dark forest . she was thirsty , she poured some water on a big leaf and started drinking . she realised that she was dead and cries in pain of betrayal . she lonely all the time when she was alive and now too . she sees the reflection of her self in water and smilies but suddenly gets pulled by her reflection . she gets wet and cold . she sees nothing but dark mist but suddenly a light shines in darkness.

in that bright light she sees her past . she finds out that she was not the daughter of the western duke but was the daughter of a magic tower the arcmage and powerful mage . can destroy western duke family anytime . the western duke stole her cause she looked like her mother. the western duke used to like lena mom but instead of him she liked the arcmage .

the bright light break and the entire place is filled with light . a book from no where headshots her head . she opens the book and reads it she cries at the end . it was ugly ducking story. but a human saves her and duck fell in love with the human . the human lets her go at last. the swan flies for it's freedom. she cries and says that the duck was just like her but the duck live was wonderful. the book disappears and it turns into golden sparks for that sparks a beautiful swan comes out . " who are you " lena replied. the hits her head with her beak . I am a Spiritual beast . "oouch ,that hurts" lena replied. I am belone , you were not supposed to die , so I will grant you another live . find the human belone replied. what......lena replied. find the human.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------yo, I'm one who wrote the story . do u like it . well , it was my first story (*_* ). I surprised that I wrote this story ( ---- _ ---- !)I I hope u like it