

Amy a young adult who has always hoped to fill the space of loneliness, emptiness inside her. She and loneliness have been one for a long time. There was nothing that could pull her out of her trance of loneliness. Not even her own family members. What would happen when she meets a guy who she befriended and then turned her world of dullness into a colourful world??

Daoist7TvEr5 · Thành thị
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13 Chs

The D-Day

The D-Day for the party arrived. I woke up around 10 am because well it's a Saturday and no one would ask me why I woke up so late.

I hurried into the bathroom to carry out my morning business then brushed my teeth, washed my hair, and bath afterwards. I had already prepared my cloth, shoe, and bag so I had extra time to do whatever I wanted and my makeup too.

I went into the kitchen to make oatmeal just cause I wasn't too hungry that morning and also cause I wanted to eat something light. The party would start at 7, I guess it'll be overnight. I sat down and took the oats and cleared my plate after eating.

I was on my phone for some hours scrolling through every social media app because I didn't want to get bored and just sleep. I finally decided to watch a movie to keep myself busy instead. I then picked 'After' to watch just because I'm in love with both the male lead and the female lead. Anna Todd did a great thing by agreeing to make a movie about it.

I was watching it when I heard the doorbell ring. I went on to check who it was and I saw Courtney. I opened the door for her and she entered.

"girl don't you know what the time is?" she asked me

I didn't why she asked that way so I proceeded to check the time and I saw that it was already

"oh shit, I lost track of time. I was busy trying to make my day not seem boring that's why" I replied her

"now you know what time it is, we have just 2 hours to fully prepare for the party. we have to look stunning" calmed down and said

she brought some bags with her. one containing her cloth, another containing her shoe and bag and the other containing make-up kits.

"Wow, you brought all this just for a party?" I asked in surprise

"yes, yes I did, now go take a bath again, you need to smell fresh," she said while unpacking

"madam," I said and went into my room

I finished bathing and brought out the dress and shoes and bag we had bought the day before. I packed my hair up and applied all my skincare products and was about to start doing my hair when Courtney entered the room.

"did you just apply all that on your face?"she asked

"uh, yes, any problem?" I asked her

" ha ha ha, yes, you don't need to apply all that since you'd be putting on makeup" she laughed and said

"oh, I didn't know" I replied her

" okay let me go take a shower and I'll be out soon, in the meantime just use a wipe all over your face and that should be good" she said and entered the bathroom

" oh okay," I said then proceeded to take the wipe and clean my face

why do women go through all this stress just to look beautiful I said to myself

she came out of the bathroom after some minutes and came to sit beside me in front of my dressing mirror

"Okay, what type of hair and makeup do you want?" She asked me

" I don't know, just something simple and basic" I shrugged and replied her

"Okay, you got it" she said and stood up and stayed at my back and loosen my hair and she took a gel which she had brought with her and a comb and brush and some other things

she proceeded to do some things with the gel and I fell asleep in the process. She woke me up when she was done and I was surprised at the reflection that I saw in the mirror.

I looked different but in a good way.

"oh my God, I look so...so different" I said and turned to Courtney who was smiling all ears

"of course you do" she replied to me

The hair was tied back, some of the hair were made as braids and wrapped around the one that was already packed, she applied some gel and some other hair supplies to make it look shiny. she also put some white hair pins which had flower designs to secure the hair and it also looked like a hair decoration.

" I love it," I said while I turned to look at her

" yes, you do, now let's get in with the makeup" she said and turned my chair to face the mirror

she took the makeup kits and started working her magic on my face. it took about 25-30 or so and she was done.

I looked into the mirror and was completely speechless, The makeup was not too much and it wasn't too less either

all I knew was she put some light brown shadow on my eyelid and applied some glitter to make it shine and she also applied blush which wasn't too pink either. whatever it was she did. it made me look beautiful

she took her phone to check the time and realized we had only thirty minutes left. she took the hair curler and used it on her hair to make curls almost from the beginning till the tip of the hair and then also applied makeup

she helped me wear my clothes and shoes and also proceeded to do that for herself too.

I stood in front of the mirror and admired the new Amy I saw.

" you through checking yourself out" Courtney smiled and said

I nodded and she let me know we were almost late. we rushed and went to her car and drove off fast


we reached t house the party was hosted according to what Stephanie told us. it was quite massive while looking at it I figured it would be a mansion. is she the daughter of a rich ma? I thought to myself

Courtney beckoned and we went inside the house. immediately we entered we saw some people hanging around the corner of the house making out, some were smoking and some were chatting. we kept on walking till we reached the inside.

The place was filled with people and music was playing in the background but it wasn't too loud. I recognized some people from class and I couldn't recognize others.

We found a sit and we sat there waiting for the party to kick off. while waiting we were served drinks in glass and drank those.

Stephanie approached us and thanked us for coming. we told her we were happy to be there and she left.

Suddenly we heard a voice and every eye turned in the direction of the voice, even the DJ stopped playing music.

" Good evening everyone, I thank you all for being here today. is a party in throwing for the newly admitted students to celebrate their admission into the school and also to enable them to meet each other, I hope you all have fun tonight. thank you" Stephanie said and dropped the mic and music began playing more loudly than before.

People moved on to the center to dance with their partners, while Courtney and I just sat by ourselves drinking every glass of wine that is served our way. we agreed to have fun and not be left out before we attended the party.

Amidst our drinking spree which made us both almost tipsy, someone approached us and when he came closer we saw that it was Christopher, he came with a friend who later introduced himself as James

"Hello, beautiful ladies, care if we join you?" He said with a smile

"Hello sir, we do not mind at all," Courtney said with a British accent which made us all laugh

"You two look good tonight" Chris said facing us and taking away his eyes from the crowd

"Especially you Amy," he said with a softer tone while gazing into my eyes. I was lost in his beautiful eyes.

"Ah hem" Courtney coughed which brought me out of my daze. I quickly looked away and was feeling so shy all of a sudden

'what is this feeling?' I said to myself

Christopher smiled and looked away also. I looked at him and noticed the sharp feature on his face. He had this soft yet manly look which made me drool

We talked and talked and they made us laugh a lot. suddenly Courtney grabbed james' shirt and started kissing him, he pulled away and looked worried for her cause she was so tipsy and I guess he didn't want to take advantage of her. this made Courtney annoyed and she said " why did you pull away?, you think I don't know what I'm doing just cause I'm a little tipsy?" she scoffed

" no, it's not that I just didn't want it to seem like I'm taking advantage cause you are drunk" he replied her while holding her face softly. I guess they both have a thing for each other considering the way they looked and smiled at each other before

"hmmph" she said and went out angrily. James looked confused and followed behind her immediately. " please make sure she's safe" I said even though I wasn't as tipsy as her but I was still drunk

Christopher turned to me, he looked concerned and he took me to a chair and asked me to sit there and wait for him that he would go get me water


I nodded and he left. some seconds after, I heard footsteps approach me and I saw an handsome man. he smiled at me and I smiled back, he introduced himself as Blake and I did same. we continued talking and he offered me a drink. I took it and gulped it down without any hesitation.

After a while, I began feeling dizzy, I couldn't see clearly and I saw someone approach me and dragged me with him. I wasn't in my right senses and had been taken over by the drinks I had and I blacked out

I opened my eyes drowsily, my head hurting, my body feeling some type of way and hot from the inside. This feeling I had never felt it before. I started feeling very sexual and the urge to get down with somebody and anybody clouded my thoughts that I couldn't think.

I saw a man and he came closer and said "you really do like a cheap slut" and started climbing over me

That sentence brought me back to my senses. I was still feeling very sexual but the thought of getting away from this monster of a man I had once dated took over me. 'why would dan want to do this to me' I thought inside of me. I was so weak and powerless even though I had no reason why.

I started to scream on top of my voice as he pulled my cloth off roughly and started to touch me. I needed someone to save me, I didn't care whether anyone saw me in this state or not. I just wanted to be saved

I screamed Christopher's name on top of my lungs as he was the only one I could think about. The son of a b*tch kept touching me everywhere. I started crying and shouting hoping Christopher would hear me.

he almost put his d*ck into me to when I heard a large bang on the door. I prayed it was Christopher and not another crazy b*stard.

"ugh who is this asshole that won't let me have my time in peace" he said with a tone of disgust and anger as he asked someone which I later remembered that he was the guy that came to drink with me some seconds after Christopher left to open the door.

"bow" I heard and the guy fell to the floor

" who the fuck are you?" Blake asked as he approached the guy who just entered

I didn't hear any response after that as all I heard were sounds of beating. I was crying and d thankful after I saw that it was Christopher who had come. he came over to the bed and asking me if I was alright. I just nodded and passed out immediately.


I opened my eyes and found Chris sitting next to my bed looking very worried. I was still feeling very sexual and needed to relieve my body of this tension.

I slowly grabbed his shirt as I kissed him softly and then roughly. he looked at me with a confused expression and I explained how I was feeling

"that bastard must have drugged you" he said looking angry and worried at the same time

" I just want you to help me relieve this tension I'm feeling inside" I said as I continued kissing him roughly

he stopped the kiss and asked "do you really want it?, I don't want to seem like I'm taking the advantage cause I like you"

I nodded and he grabbed me immediately pushing me down on the bed, his body hovering over mine. he kissed me as if there is no tomorrow. he removed the little gown I had on by unzipping it from the back roughly

he touched every inch of my body carefully as if he was praising and worshipping it. "Gosh, you look so beautiful Amy " he said then kissed me softly and then roughly again while touching me in places I didn't even know would turn me on.

he grabbed one of my breasts lightly and squeezed it while kissing me roughly. he played my my nipples till they were as hard as a rock

he went down slowly on me kissing every inch of my body and did things to my body. I felt as if I was floating through hair as he did unspeakable things to me. he then came up to me, kissed me lightly and asked if I was ready for the next step. I nodded and that was all he needed till he did so many things to me


I woke up the next morning feeling pains in my body and sore down there. I looked around and saw that I wasn't in my apartment. :then who's apartment is it'? I asked myself

I opened up the bedsheet and found that I was naked and memories from last night came rushing in like a gush of water.

I covered my mouth with my hand as I was too shocked to even process what I just remembered. I quickly took the underwear I saw scattered on the floor and wore them a d rushed to check if my purse and clothes were intact. my purse was safe but my dress wasn't. ' Dan, that son of a bastard' I said and opened the door and immediately a sweet smell hit me in the face. I followed the smell and found myself in the kitchen. I'm a sucker for food, any type of food

I gasped at the sight I met in the kitchen. ' Christopher shirtless in the kitchen'. He has a very broad back with toned muscles all in the right places.

He turned back as he heard the gasp and said " good morning Amy, I see you have woken up" and approached me

I was brought back out of my dreamland and answered "yes, I am". he pointed to the chair and asked me to sit down

"breakfast would be ready in five " he said and left

He finished cooking and set the table, I was so angry that the questions I had planned to ask him flew out of my head immediately I saw the foods. he made tacos, egg fried rice, and smoothies.

I started munching and eating like I hadn't eaten in years. it was just too good. he kept on looking at me as he ate.

Immediately I finished eating I ran upstairs packed my clothes and bag and ran out making Chris confused.