

it's already nigh time and I'm walking in the streets with a little bit of money in my pocket.

"I guess at least my stomach is full the problem is where should I sleep"

after walking for a while I ended up on a brick bridge and below is a clean clear river.

"sleeping under this bridge is not that bad"

i said to myself and i immediately go down to found a spot.

i found some broken wooden wood plank. The wood is wide enough so I use as my bed tonight yeah.

my loose clothing helps me fight off the cold. And so I spent my first night in this world under a bridge 😅.

I slept well although a little bit cold but not that much .


a group of suspicious men is walking the bridge. they're all wearing long black cloaks one of them whispered.

"we risk our life for this garbage i even lost some of my valuable men"

"yes boss they said this knife 🔪 is a powerful weapon but the ability it have is to only get heavier when you pour mana into". the other one said.