
Loki Odinson

Blue skies rained above as the sun shined brought and could be witnessed from down below. In a floating castle many gods could be seen sitting at a long rectangular table. At the head of the table sat Loki listening as the the rest talked his chin was leaning on his hand quite bored of the conversation.

He stood up and all the other goods directed their attention towards him. He grinned, he enjoyed the power he currently held, " Fenrir, Jormungand, and Hel take your spouse's and head to Midgard. The rest of you feel free to disperse no need for anymore of you to die, It seems my brother won't be saving my ass this time around." Most gods nodded but one with long silver hair and a square jaw stood up.

"Father we refuse to leave you in your time of need." Fenrir spoke as his sibling and their spouses nodded.

Loki smiled seeing his children, he was period of them he regretted not being a better soon to his father. His eyes glowed green as they disappeared one by one his face became darker he was proud of them but he would never let them die for his own mistakes.

He took his seat as the rest of the gods left his attendant Syr Skjalf. She poured him wine before taking a seat next to him. He spotted from his wine never removing his attention from the door. "How is she doing?" Syr sighed looking at Loki she knew what he was planning but she had no way to stop him. She was his protector, his shield but even she couldn't defend him from the wrath the gods would soon strike upon him.

"She's fine pretty soon she'll have given birth to a Demi-God who knows how powerful he will be." Loki smiled he knew he had to sacrifice himself for his family this war had been going on far too long it was time to end it.

"Well Syr do make sure my brother arrives on time," Loki clapped as Syr disappeared before she could reply now he was alone but not for long.

Soon a man with the complexion of the dead walked in behind him an Army. He signaled for his men to stop before walking towards Loki. "Loki Odinson you've been charged with crimes of- oh who gives a crap." Hades laughed as he looked at the indifferent Loki.

"You Greek Gods speak so highly of your chivalry and honor yet when it comes down to it you're the most shameless bunch of gods there are." A grimace appeared on Hades face he knew Loki was right but he believed only he had the right to criticize his family.

Hades raised his hand and a orb of black he shot it towards Loki won only smiled in reply as a green force field blocked the fire. Loki disappeared reappearing in front of front of Hades with a smirk on his face he back handed him sending him flying out of the castle. He quickly followed as he landed on the rubble from the destroyed castle he saw Hades who had slid all the way to his army. Hades stood up wiping the dirt from his clothes he laughed as he looked at Loki.

"What don't tell me you thought this was gonna be a fair fight. Loki the God of Mischief, The one who destroyed Ragnarok with his dimwit of a brother Thor, I don't think so." Hades laughed hysterically as he half dead half alive army marched towards Loki.

The ground shook and Hades smile only got wider as Heroic figure landed in front of his army standing next to him. Athena, Poseidon, Ares, and the great Hercules stood before him yet Loki appeared just as indifferent as before.

"Brother i see your tactics for war are the same full on attack with every soldier you have, or maybe it's the horrible jokes you tell i really don't understand why you didn't wait for our arrival." Athena gritted her teeth as she looked at Hades.

"Calm down dear niece, his only talking companion is dead of course his jokes are just as well." Poseidon chuckled as he pat Hades on the shoulder.

"I don't think this is the best time for a family reunion, how about we do what father sent us to do." Hercules wasted no time as he jumped towards Loki.

With a smirk on his face Loki stepped forward catching Hercules by the neck as he floated through the air. Loki looked towards the others as he gripped Hercules neck, " You Greek Gods truly are shameless 5 against 1 and I still hold the advantage."

Loki used all of his strength sending Hercules flying towards Ares the weakest only barely stronger than Hercules, Hercules slammed into his chest before anyone could react Loki disappeared reappearing between both Poseidon, Athena and Hades.

He clapped his hands as a green force field instantaneously grew around him sending the unsuspecting gods flying.

Clouds started to form up above as thunder could be heard lightning shined through the clouds. Loki's face grew grim knowing it wasn't his brother causing the changes In the sky.

Hercules stood up blood leaking from his nose he reached into his shield pulling out a lightning bolt. Zeus's lightning bolt forged by hephaestus himself it was the weapon that grew as he did with power. Loki knew he would never give it away, meaning this was planned Zeus wanted him dead.

Hercules raised the bolt sending lightning flying towards Loki. A spear appeared in Loki's hand as he blocked the lightning bolt he barely stood his ground as he slid across the ground. Gungnir was the name of the spear given to Loki by Odin who once used the spear like his father before him.

Hercules knew that Loki wouldn't last long he charged the lightning bolt shooting it towards Loki. He was done for he knew it, he didn't even dodge he just raised his spear which was known for it's accuracy and threw it towards Hades. The spear pierced his heart and a smile formed on Loki's face though it didn't last long as the lightning struck his side sending him flying destroying the ground in the process.

Poseidon and Athena ran towards Hades his form was quite pathetic. Died as the spear flew straight through his chest preaching a pretty sizeable hole. Though he was dead both Athena and Poseidon looked indifferent to him he was weak. They looked to Hercules who still held the lightning bolt tightly, they both knew there were consequences for wielding a power that wasn't your own but Loki was too strong the didn't have much of a choice.

The hole created from the lightning bolt was covered in dust. In the middle of that dust was Loki blood covered his body. He was barely breathing anyone looking at him would think he was dead.


AN: This is all a part of something bigger, this is my take on Loki in a world where every God that we know on earth exist. That means Christian God, Norse Gods, Greek Gods etc.

This story is actually connected to two other stories I have in my head right now. Hope someone out there enjoys it i definitely won't be updating this until I have a sizeable number of chapters and that won't be for a while since i have to get the other story up.