
New Founding Titan.

The Demon Titan slowly started walking towards the Titan shifters while the huge creature was crawling towards them from behind. The Titan shifters were truly stuck between a rock and a hard place.

The Demon Titan then raised his cannon-arm again and shot a missile towards the direction Bertholdt was hiding in. Bertholdt immediately used his ODM gear and escaped from the blast radius, but even then a few shrapnel cut into his skin.

The Demon Titan's hand started following Bertholdt's direction and kept on shooting. The Armored Titan intercepted a lot of missiles but that costed the Armored Titan its arms.

Realising that there is no other option, Bertholdt transformed.

Instantly, an extremely bright light started being released from Bertholdt's body.

The huge creature instead of attacking the Titan shifters wrapped itself around the Demon Titan. The Demon Titan then entered the structure through which he had came here on the body of the large creature.

The creature then went inside the ground just as the shockwave from the transformation of the Colossal Titan hit everyone.

Buildings were destroyed. People were sent flying. The Titan shifters had barely held on to the ground from that explosion.

After the smoke and dust from the transformation cleared away. It was visible, a 50 meter tall skinless monstrosity.

The Collosal Titan looked down towards the ground. He bended over and started digging the ground out. (AN: Like he was doing in the 3rd Season in Shiganshina district, when he was continuously grabbing and throwing the houses around)

Suddenly, from behind the Titan a huge metal worm came out of the ground and attacked the Titan. The Titan instantly turned around and was about to slap the creature, but suddenly the other end of the creature came out of the ground and attacked the Colossal Titan. The creature then wrapped itself around the Colossal Titan and started constricting the Titan. The Colossal Titan then started releasing steam from its body to shake of the creature but the creature was not affected by the heat.

The mouth of the creature opened up and started rotating at high speeds. The mouth then swallowed an arm of the Colossal Titan and within a few seconds the arm was completely shredded to pieces.

Seeing the crisis of their friend, the Armored Titan and the Female Titan ran towards the creature to buy Bertholdt some time to get away. But they were stopped in their tracks when someone attacked them from behind. Looking back they saw the Attack Titan trying to punch them.

In Eren's mind the only thing that was going on was to take revenge for his mother's death. In a frenzy he started punching, kicking and biting the other two Titan Shifters.

Suddenly someone grabbed the Attack Titan by the neck. Turning his face around Eren saw the Demon Titan was the one that grabbed him. But before he could fight back, the Demon Titan tore off the neck of the Titan and pulled out Eren from inside the nape of the Titan.

Eren was confused for a moment but couldn't do anything else as the Demon Titan crushed the body of Eren into paste and stored the blood into a container. Everyone else watched this in horror. The first one to act was Mikasa. She instantly used her ODM gear to appear right in front of the Demon Titan and started slashing at the Titan in total frenzy, but the blades weren't able to damage it. The Demon Titan starting to get irritated tried slapping away the human but the human dodged his attack at an impossible speed. The Demon Titan's interest was piqued. Suddenly a second human started slashing at him at the same inhuman speed as the first one. He looked towards both of them and thought of capturing them for further research on their inhuman capabilities.

The Demon Titan then looked towards the Collosal Titan and saw that his pet was making short work of the Colossal Titan. The Demon Titan then ignoring the two humans trying to get past his defences looked towards the other two Titan Shifters.

The Titan shifters also noticed his gaze and got into an attack stance. The Demon Titan then started slowly walking towards them. The Titan shifters bacame unnerved seeing the Demon Titan so relaxed. The Demon Titan then lifted his arm, but instead of instantly firing missiles like the other times, this time the muzzle of the cannon-arm started brightening up.

Sensing that something bad was coming the two Titan Shifters tried escaping from the line of fire but the legs of the Titan shifters separated from their torsos. Looking down they saw their legs were separated with a clean cut. Behind them a burnt and melted line was formed on the ground. The Demon Titan then looked down on the halves of the Titan shifters and pressed his hand on the necks of the shifters one by one. After he was done extracting the spinal fluid from them he crushed both of the humans inside the Titan and collected their blood.

Immediately the ground beside him broke up and his pet came out. The creature then spit out the dismembered body of Bertholdt which the Demon Titan picked up and did the same as he did with the other Titan shifters.

He looked around but couldn't find the Jaw Titan anymore nor the blond haired woman that the Jaw Titan was protecting.

He also realised that the two humans were not attacking him anymore and had escaped. He then looked towards the direction of the royal palace and ordered his pet to eat anything he wants.

The Demon Titan suddenly jumped a little and the next moment he had transformed into a alien object for this world but which was actually a Cybertronian jet.

He then flew up to the sky and went towards the direction of his lab outside the walls for some new experiments.


In a desert which is full of white sand and is always surrounded by perpetual night time. The only source of light was the white tree like object in the centre of the desert.

A little far from the tree a young girl can be seen lying down on the sand unconscious. The girl had blonde hair and was wearing the uniform of the Scout Regiment. The girl started to wake up.

"Mm? Where am... I? Ymir? Where is everyone else?" The girl speaking to herself as she started to become fully conscious. The girl started looking around her but when she saw the white tree like thing in the middle she unconsciously started walking towards it. Her eyes glazed up and became unfocused. The only thing on her mind was to reach the tree. She started moving as if in a trance. She didn't even seem to notice the other girl that she passed by who had a dirty blond hair and was wearing a dusty and old dress and whose eyes were hidden under an eerie shadow.

The moment the first girl touched the tree, that instant a single branch of the tree shifted from its previous position and touched the girl on the head.

A new Founding Titan was made by the most unique way possible.

(AN: Had my maths exam earlier today. It went great. Didn't think I would write anything today to give a break to myself. But still wrote a little something)