
Locked and Loaded

Lillian Brown, a recent high school graduate, was invited to a party where she met Alexander Smith, a college student at the world's most prestigious university. The couple abruptly separates after a lustful night, allowing each other to focus on the future. Their reunion was more than they could have hoped for. Their love story began with a sudden kiss and soft touches evolving into date nights and marriage. One she'll never forget. Cover belongs to the original owner

Hope_Worlds · Thành thị
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Exiting my sister's car, I waved her goodbye before glancing at the house in front of me. It was vast, as expected from the principal's daughter.

Somehow I found myself in front of her house, Angela Emilia Sanchez. I've always been a conservative girl. Parties and mass gatherings weren't pleasant things. Instead, I prefer to sit in the dark and enjoy a book but here I am at a party.

Grasping my bravery, I lifted my quivering legs from the ground and stiffly walked towards the front door.

For a few seconds, I stood motionless, staring at the door, getting ready to call back my sister. I was getting ready to turn around the door suddenly swung open.

I winced, greeted by the banging of the loud music.

"Lily," said a familiar voice causing me to turn around.

"Hey," I awkwardly replied to Emma, who was looking at me with a gigantic smile.

"Come in, girl," she said, pulling me into the house. Reluctantly I followed, letting her drag my body inside.

Immediately the smell of alcohol, cigarettes, and sweat filled my nostrils due to how crowded the house was.

I looked up at Emma, who was already looking at me. She knew I felt uncomfortable, and she knew how she could change this.

Without saying, anything, she pulled me through the crowd dragging me to the makeshift bar.

"One strawberry Margarita," she said to a tall man behind the kitchen counter.

Somehow this part of the house wasn't crowded, which seemed unexpected. It seemed as if we entered a totally different room. The air seemed to have changed, and a hint of maturity took over.

"What you lookin' at," asked Emma, handing me over my drink, noticing how my eyes wondered.

"Are these the college students," I asked, glancing at the people who seemed more excited to converse than party.

"Yeah," answered Emma, making me nod in understanding.

"Is there someone you like," she teased, causing me to roll my eyes in annoyance.

"As If I replied," in a sarcastic tone, taking a sip from my drink.

"If you say so," responded Emma, walking into the distance.

Watching Emma disappear, my smile quickly faded. I started feeling uncomfortable once again. The loud music from the the next room and the smells were making me nauseous. I took a seat and gulped down my drink, engulfed by how sweet and bitter it was, I asked for more.

"Coming right up," replied the bartender, taking the glass out of my hands.

I looked around in boredom when my eyes suddenly caught the door to the backyard, causing me to lighten up.

"Here you go," said the bartender, making me enthusiastically lift my head.

"Thanks," I replied, taking the drink, and virtually running towards the glass door when an arm unexpectedly hauled me.

Once again, I found myself in the loud music and undesirable smell's.

"Emma," I said, slightly raising my voice in irritation.

I froze as cold fingers outlined my jaw, causing my eyes to flash open in the hopes of seeing this individual. Instead, the dimmed lights only allowed me to make out his silhouette.

I felt my heart skip a beat as a pair of cold hands brushed my back. I stepped back causing my back hit the wall .

Somehow I could feel this man was mocking me as he stepped toward me. Leaning in, I felt his hair prickle my cheek while his breath rained down on my neck. I started feeling aroused as his hands continued their path on my back.

I arched my back as a soft kiss was planted on my neck, slowly making its way toward my shoulders.

A confusing feeling of pleasure and embarrassment started taking over. The number of people in this place caused my fear and desire to reach another height.

I moaned as he bit into my skin, giving me a bitter but sweet feeling that I weirdly enjoyed.

As I relaxed my body, preparing for more, he suddenly stopped. A part of me was disappointed. I looked up at the man, only being able to make out a smirk before he disappeared into the background.

I looked around trying to find him, but like a ghost he disappeared.

Fixing myself, I quickly ran past the crowd of people. The heat felt by my body was unbearable.

I opened the door, feeling a breeze hit my face. Sighing in relief, I made my way toward the beach chairs. I sat down, embracing the moon's reflection on the pool.

What just happened ?