
Lock You Up In My Heart

What happens when you find out that you have lost everything when you come back? Fame, money, status and most importantly - your possession! And to make it even worse, what if is actually done by your loved one? This is the challenge Huan Li has to face after logging back into the game. After being betrayed by her boyfriend, she decides not to ever trust anyone! This is a story about a girl getting all her glory back and who knows, maybe even a significant other?

Morielle · Thành thị
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78 Chs

Her Past

After opening her eyes, she can see that her maid, Ah Xun already prepared everything.

"Ah Xun"

She can see her startled a bit by her call and turned her bodies.

"Yes young miss, would you like to take a bath first?"


Ah Xun then helped her to the bathroom and let her take a bath. Huan Li isn't a person that require much assistance, she can wash herself and doesn't need any help from maid or another person.

By the time she finished, it was 4 PM. Ah Xun helped her to get dressed and she was ready to go.

She get on the car and the driver immediately drive towards the location. After 30 minutes, she finally arrived in front of a mansion.

The security recognized her car and opened the gate. Just when the car parked, the car door opened and someone helped her to get out from the car and sit on her wheelchair.

When she finally sit down, she gazed at the man that helped her, and she smiled sweetly at him.

The man was shocked for a bit before returning her smile. He helped her inside and let her sit on the sofa in the living room.

The man also sat beside her and still with a smile on his face. In another side, there are 3 familiar face.

They were her stepmother and stepsiblings. They still looks like some kind of rich people that wear branded item and accesories everywhere on their bodies, especially her stepmother.

Huan Li clothes is a total opposite of them, except the dress she use, there isn't much accesories on her body. Her dress also simple and doesn't look so expensive.

She really hates to wear much accesories, she tend to be comfortable as much as she can.

Madam Chang smiled proudly as she sensed someone eyes on her, she thought that Huan Li must be jealous of her now.

But she doesn't know that Huan Li actually had the urge to ridicule her, but there's her father beside her so she can't.

Right, the man that has been helping her since she arrived was her father. The man beside her looked as handsome as ever, as if the time never moved for him.

Even if he already entered the age of 40's , he still looked like 30's. There's no wrinkle on his face, when he smile, it still contain the same warmth.

Today, she came here in purpose of attending a family meeting. The important thing that she mentioned was her meeting with her father.

Everytime that she can spend with him is so important, because he is a very busy person, he rarely can talk and play with her like this.

In the past, he always tried to spare some time for her and her mother. But since the day that Madam Chang married to the family, he rarely come home and become busier each day.

Huan Li was unhappy back then, she thought that her father already forgot about her existence since Madam Chang came.

Then after a long time she knew, her father never forget about her, not even an inch. Her father always tried to contact her, but Madam Chang keep hiding it and never let her know about it.

At first, she thought that the person that father choose wasn't a bad person. But, Huan Li never been a dumb person that let other people monopolize her. She soon realized the true nature of Madam Chang.

She wanted to expose her, but she always faster than her. When she was 13 years old, Madam Chang took her out from the house and tried to tell a fake news to Huan Li father.

Madam Chang left her on the street alone and preparing to tell her father a fake news. Luckily, Huan Li think fast and went home alone.

When she arrived home, Madam Chang just finished her scenario and crying in front of her father. Huan Li just sneered in her heart that time, at that moment, she knew that Madam Chang can't never be underestimated.

When Madam Chang saw her came back safely that time, she was taken aback. But she quickly regained her composure and start to cry and hugged her.

Huan Li wanted to push her off but she can't let Madam Chang know that she knew and let her continue with her plan.

At that time, Huan Li knew that she was still a powerless girl, and at the top of that, she was 13 years old.

After that accident, Huan Li talked to her father and told him that she wanted to live in her house that was given by her deceased mother back then.

Her father absolutely doesn't allow her to do that. However, Huan Li never gave up and finally let her, but he gave her a lot of securities.

She just laughed at him at that time, she was happy to have a father like him.

When she moved out, she thought that she can finally breath a sigh of relief. Until she realized that Madam Chang already planned a lot of things for her.

For her Junior Highschool time, Madam Chang prepared a homeschooling for her. She tried to refused her but she told her that her father has agreed.

Huan Li always has a weak spot for her father, and let Madam Chang pave a bad ending for her.

The tutor for her homeschooling was a handsome teacher, but he wasn't a really good tutor. He always taught her useless thing and thought that she will take them seriously.

Madam Chang plan was easy to read, she wanted Huan Li to became attracted to the tutor and chasing him madly. But Huan Li isn't a lovestruck, her tutor also isn't as handsome as her father.

Throughout the whole time of her Junior Highschool, she never ever once attracted to the tutor and left him in despair.

Knowing that her first plan failed, Madam Chang let her enter a public school near her house. The public school was a famous Highschool in the area, everything there is top notch.

But to enter this school, you need to be atleast smart or rich, if you have both then you can be considered as an elite in the school.

Her student form got sabotaged by Madam Chang, in her form, there wasn't any parents information or any of her good achievement. Every aspect of her was so-so and she was labeled as an orphan.

When she got into the school back then, she got the lowest class because her Junior High School mark was only a bit higher than the requirement.

She became a joke for some days in the school before everyone stop talking about her because she never say anything.

Her day in Highschool wasn't a pleasant one, she never gain any friends or hangout with them. Because right after school ended, Madam Chang always monitored her and tried to harm her everytime she can.

With that, she was like isolated and never connected with the outside world.

She can say, her bad ending started at the age of thirteen.