
lmao bruh untitled

Toby_Redfox · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: New World

Long time ago, in a world full of nothingness. Even way before the concept of time: there lived two brothers. One was adept at giving form to something which had none and he was called The Demiurge. The other brother was good at destroying the creation of the other brother thus being called The Destroyer. They're believed to be all–powerful deities even equal in terms of power. As mortal enemies and rivals, they actually compliment each other quite well. As the Demiurge creates too much, the Destroyer simply destroys the rest and as the Destroyer destroys too much, the Demiurge simply creates more. With that, the world was in balance. They are worshipped way back in the ancient times of humanity. We don't know what their true identities are, if they are real or if they even exists. Their whole existence itself is still a mystery to us, mortals. For the past centuries, they have been filling our minds with a lot of questions.

"Are they real?"

"Are they the true deities?"

"Do they even truly exists?"

"What are their actual names?"

"Who have created them?"

"How do they exist in a void?"

By some time, the time have come to pass. For it was the birth of time itself. Four Godly–beings have appeared and then—a large explosion! A light slowly spreads throughout the seemingly infinite world of void.

"Kazuki–kun, wake up! Kazuki–kun! The ceremony is going to start soon. Wake up soon so you won't be late."

Someone was calling my name telling me to wake up. Just who was it, who was he again? Oh, wait. What am I saying? Of course, that is my father.

"Okay, father. I'll be doing all my chores then I'll head out to the harbour."

Kazuki finished up all his daily chores and went to the town to go to the harbour. While looking all-over the places, he seems lost. He felt one singular emotion, confusion. After asking people where the harbour is, he finally arrived, quite late though. A lot of people have already arrived at the harbour. He got in a special ship rented by the secret host of this ceremony. At the ship, he saw a lot of people, especially young men. He saw a man with a weird but familiar–looking black clothes that passed by—who was that?. The ship then sailed out to the sea to go to the nearby island which is their supposed to be destination. This is the point where his unending journey have started.