
Living with Truck-sama's Blessing on my Greedy path

Crack Fic Ahead do not proceed if you want Logic. Continued Synopsis: If you have read my other book the Chapter 1 will make a lot of sense. As for new readers well know that I will not apply logic most of the time. Actual Synopsis : Truck-sama! Truck-sama Is the Way! Truck-sama is the Life! What? Did I just win the Gacha!? P.S. I do not own anything.

QueenScathach · Tranh châm biếm
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69 Chs


"You've gotten big" Sora kept groping while Konan undressed her bottoms and Sora.

"I'll tell you how after" Konan shut Sora up and turned her body around to face Sora.

"I didn't actually swallow your pill because I knew it would come down to this" Konan then showed her tongue containing the pill and spat it out to the side.

Before Sora could say anything Konan pressed her chest against His face and instantly inserted his cock directly into her cave.

"Ah! I knew it would hurt but not like this!" Konan grumbled as blood flowed, before she could adjust herself.

Sora grabbed her hips and bit her nipple in retaliation, he made sure that his would go deep into her womb.

"Not fair!" Konan moaned as Sora controlled her hips and it kept poking her womb instantly.

"Something's coming!" Konan said as she felt a tingly sensation as Sora pleasured her from her chest down to her cave.

"No you don't" Sora immediately stopped and pinned her to the ground.

Sora kept pounding deeper as Konan was orgasming, he didn't care if she was still sensitive and continued hitting her spots.

"Sh-shsto- le- let me take a bre- hng!" Konan wanted to take a breather but Sora took her mouth and continued.

Konan felt that he was getting bigger shortly after she felt her insides were now hot and full, She saw Sora removed himself.

Konan panted as she looked at Sora "Am I gonna get a child?" She asked as her cum and Sora's were overflowing out of her cave.

"Not yet" Sora then turned Konan's body around. "Raise your hips"

Konan unconsciously followed and raised her hips as soon as she did Sora pierced her and she instantly came and her upper body slumped down.

Sora didn't care as Konan tightened and he continued, Konan felt that Sora was getting bigger and this time she felt that her womb was ready.

"Insidee" Konan muttered as she was filled again, she then was out of energy as it was a firs time experience for her.

"Who said that you need rest?" Sora said which made Konan widen her eyes.


"Mind telling me now?" Sora asked as Konan had finished bathing.

"Wait a minute, I still can't believe you continued even when I was unconscious" Konan then dressed herself as Sora was preparing.

"I didn't notice"

"Well where were you early morning then?" Konan grumbled as she woke up early.

"I went to Ino to tell her good luck and Hinata as well since they were going to the same site."

"The Hyuga? Which clan haven't you infiltrated huh?"

"I was the one asking you earlier, why are you questioning me now?"

Konan grumbled again and sat down as she ate.

"Well before you left Najimi-san taught me a jutsu"

"What Jutsu?" Sora was curious as he knew Najimi was stingy but it was also possible since common sense was not applicable to her and thinking that Najimi did look after Konan like a mother for awhile and Konan also took some off Najimi's personality it wasn't at all impossible now.

"She didn't have a name for it, but it allowed me to seal my self particularly my body." Sora didn't know what to say as he looked at Konan.

"So for the past two decades, you were moving with your clones and that you sealed yourself, just to stay young?"

Konan nodded nonchalantly. "Well the information that entered my mind after I dispelled them was nothing compared to the Genjutsu Najimi-san casts".

"So you woke up when I also came back?"

Konan nodded and somehow their seals in the necklaces were glowing.

"I guess her speech is done" Sora said as he stood up and waited for Konan.

"Does it have to be now? Though I'm sore it's still manageable"

Konan then floated them both away to the Hokage's office.


"Are we sure about the document?" Shikaku asked as He and Inoichi was invited to meet Konan and Sora.

"I met her" Tsunade nodded but she saw Inoichi pacing back and forth. "What's wrong Inoichi?"

"I just want to confirm Tsunade-sama, is this Sora, the same Sora that we know off?" Tsunade nodded and somehow she saw Inoichi became a bit pale.

"I-I see" Shikaku saw how Inoichi acted and wanted to know more about Sora.

As they waited, they saw tons of paper floating in and soon those papers constructing a body.

"You called?" Sora said as he shocked Konan that he could also do what she can in constructing his body out of paper too.

"No wonder you knew how to improve my jutsu" Tsunade said as Shikaku and Inoichi positioned themselves behind her.

"So what questions will you be asking" Sora said as Konan also stood behind Sora.

"First, who are you"

"I'm Sora Murasaki, if you want to know how young I am then I'm still Sixteen, you don't need to worry father in law" Sora chuckled as he saw Inoichi flinch and sigh.

"Then how were you documented about almost two decades ago" Shikaku pressed as he felt Sora was dangerous.

"I sealed myself, we seal ourselves to exorcise our curse or even better purify it" Sora replied in a calm manner even though he knew it was a lie.

"Pardon me for saying this as I know each clan has their own secrets may we know basic details about your curse?" As soon as Konan heard that papers were slowly coming out of her arm but Sora stopped her.

"Not at all" Konan stepped back and Sora transformed into his half-angel form, he had a only one black wing and his hair had turned white and lengthened, he had also equipped Murasame.

Tsunade, Shikaku, and Inoichi looked in awe at Sora but Sora returned to his normal state.

[ I may have been with you since you started your life here, but was that your real half angel form? Or were you screwing with them since Sephiroth doesn't exist here ]

The system asked as it too had never seen Sora used his true form.

'I do have a pair of wings and my hair doesn't change, but I thought it would be cool to look like Sephiroth'

[ The system will continue looking out for the Akatsuki instead... ]

"I see, may I assume that you've purified it?" Tsunade asked.

"Of course, my curse had stopped me from aging but now I'm going to age" Sora then looked at Inoichi "I hope this doesn't change your mind about me and Ino"

Inoichi sighed and nodded knowing he can't stop Sora or even his daughter at that.

"Now that we've verified who you are" Shikaku didn't want to let Inoichi asked as now he confirmed that Inoichi would be in a pinch since Sora was his daughter's boyfriend.

Konan then threw her headband that was given to her a long time ago.

"If you're worried about our allegiance then don't, since we live here we will do our best to help Konoha, but on special terms only" Sora spoke as the Shikaku nodded.

"What special terms" Tsunade was curious since if they were assumed Kage level Shinobi then they would have stopped some catastrophic events years ago.

"When Konoha is facing extermination, or when we feel like it, if you're wondering why we were not there during Orochimaru's attack it was because we were still sealed" Konan nodded.

"That seems rather inconvenient, I'm assuming your arsenal is destructive to the point that you'll case more harm than good if it's inside Konoha?" Konan and Sora just nodded at Shikaku's question.

"Well to prove that we're reliable and trust worthy" Shortly after Konan gave threw a paper on the table, Tsunade, Shikaku and Inoichi read what was stipulated and their faces contorted.

"How reliable is this?" Tsunade asked.

"We have our ways, if you want I'll take them out" Tsunade looked at Shikaku and Inoichi.

"Well even if you guys won't agree since this the Chunin Exam's and Ino and Hinata is participating I'll still eliminate them."

Inoichi somehow wanted to smile that Sora was somehow protective of his daughter but kept a stern face instead.

Shikaku picked up on the names especially on Hinata and wondered who else he had relationships with, but it wasn't his job to tell Hiashi her daughter's relationships so he would rather let him know about it himself rather than tell him since it was a personal affair.

"Then I'll give you permission, I want this exam to go smoothly" Tsunade nodded and shortly after they all saw Konan and Sora dissipate into paper.

"Damn it I'm starting to hate papers now" Tsunade complained as they left like that.

"Giving them free reign is dangerous Tsunade-sama" Shikaku said as he started making plans.

"I'm not worried about them betraying Konoha, I'm more worried that he's aiming for the clan heiresses" Tsunade sighed but she felt that Inoichi and Shikaku were looking at her.

"Is there something wrong?" They looked at each other and shook their heads letting Tsunade figure it out herself.


"Was that your cursed form?" Konan asked as they sped to where they would intercept Kakuzu and Hidan.

"No, it was more of a prank" Sora chukcled as the system updated him their locations.

"I see, you told me we would intercept them, I'm assuming you're going to fight them alone?"

"Of course, I'm itching since I haven't fought yet in a long time" The duo then sped up even faster as the Chunin exams were on going.

The two then arrived at a forest and stopped.

"We'll stay here for a few hours" They both stopped as Sora looked at the system's estimation.

[Ding! Estimated time of Akatsuki Arrival : 07:53:32 ]

'Is this the best place?'

[ Affirmative, besides the original place, and knowing how Kakuzu and Hidan makes the perfect dummies for some of your destructive abilities this is the perfect place and you can cover up the damage with Wood Style ]

"I see" After closing the system he looked at Konan who was looking at the at sight.

He suddenly teleported behind her.

"Mm!" Konan was surprised at the sudden attack.

"We have time"