
Living steadily in the world of gods and mystery

Legends say this world has immortals! Chen Li: There might be, but there are more demons and ghosts and monsters! Once traversing into the vast unknown, hastily scurrying for meals amidst the busy throng, everyone says how great it is to cultivate immortality, yet who has seen skeletons exposed beside the road...?

Do not toy with others · Huyền huyễn
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241 Chs

Chapter 3: Old Xiu Becomes Possessed

Of course, as long as one accepts transmigration.

And recognizes reality.

This game panel is still quite enticing.

It's like being forced by family pressure to tearfully bid farewell to the goddess you secretly love, having to accept an arranged marriage, then discovering on the day of the wedding that the bride is unexpectedly not bad at all: she has fair skin, is beautiful with long legs, knowledgeable and reasonable with a good temperament, plus a small dowry as a target.

Although you deeply abhor the idea of an arranged marriage and haven't even had to sweet-talk your way into it, thus missing out on the joy of being a lovestruck fool.

But if you grit your teeth and endure it, isn't it something you could come to accept?

The panel's attributes are clear at a glance, simple and unambiguous.

He took a rough look and then focused his gaze on the lifespan.

"Lifespan: 40/98 years"

"The number in front should be the current age of this body, and the latter number is probably the destined lifespan."

A smile couldn't help but emerge on Chen Li's face.

Compared to the average lifespan of 76 before he transmigrated, living to 98 was definitely considered longevity.

The slight resentment in Chen Li's heart for aging twelve years for no reason after transmigrating also dissipated a great deal.

Even if you subtract 12 from 98, 86 is still far above the average, beating the vast majority of people.

"In this world that can be called ancient, having such a long lifespan must be the influence of the Longevity Skill," Chen Li pondered.

After all, the name of the technique is quite suggestive, it's hard not to make that connection.

To tell the truth, before this, he was quite indifferent to his third layer of Qi Cultivation level.

This body didn't feel much different, just a bit sharper senses and lighter body; as for other aspects, there didn't seem to be any essential difference from before he transmigrated, at most it was to the standard of an athlete.

Now it seems, without mentioning anything else... at least it allows for longevity.

Chen Li laughed silently a few times, enjoying his hardship, then collected his smile and continued to study the game panel in front of him, but no matter how he tried, there was no room for him to operate.

The game panel neither had intelligent interaction nor a portal for recharging.

And certainly not the fervently hoped-for premium service that would let him transmigrate back; it was completely inert.

Open, close!

Open, close!

Chen Li played with it for a while, the excitement coming quickly and leaving just as fast.

Half an hour later, it became dull.

He turned off the game panel and dutifully returned to his spot to continue drawing talismans.

The game panel was an unexpected joy, but he still needed to work hard for food and shelter.

Next, whether it was the effect of the original owner's lingering memory or the game panel, his talisman drawing was as if divinely assisted. Except for two mistakes at the beginning, he succeeded every time after, and with each success, new understandings and realizations emerged.

He became completely immersed in it.

Latter, Chen even attempted to skip the various complex pre-ritual prayers, and the result was still seamless, without any failures.


The half-finished Cleaning Talisman quickly burned up, and Chen was already accustomed to it, nonchalantly covering it with a tattered rag.

His spiritual power was drained, and there was a faint headache.

Chen rubbed his forehead, looking through the gap in the door.

The sky outside had already brightened, and the next day had come.

"I never expected to pull an all-nighter without realizing it!"

In one whole night, he had drawn a total of 12 talismans, including three mistakes, making it 15 in total.

Drawing talismans was time-consuming and mentally exhausting, especially in the beginning when he wasn't proficient. The complex preliminary rituals and prayers took plenty of time, and after a night, Chen felt completely drained.

"I must never stay up all night again; overworking myself to death doesn't come with a pension," Chen stretched lazily, his stiff bones cracking slightly.

At that moment, he thought of something and, with a thought, the attribute panel appeared silently.

[Name: Chen Li]

[Lifespan: 40/98 years]

[Realm: Qi Cultivation Third Layer: 31/100]

[Cultivation Technique: Longevity Skill Proficiency: 23/200]


Crafting Talismans: Cleaning Talisman Proficiency: 45/200]

[Divine Skills: None]

Chen Li was surprised to find that after merely drawing talismans for one night, his skill level in crafting Cleaning Talismans had jumped from 'Beginner: 1/100' to 'Proficient: 45/200'.

"This game panel is really useful, at least it can show my attributes and the speed of progress in a very intuitive way with data," he thought to himself.

He closed the panel and as soon as he relaxed his mind, fatigue washed over him like a tide.

"I'll sleep for a bit first!"

Chen Li blew out the oil lamp and prepared to stand up, but his legs gave out and he sat back down with a thud. He sat there for quite a while before he was barely able to stand up and stagger to the bedroom.

He had barely touched the bed when he was already fast asleep.


"Bang, bang, bang!"

"Open the door."

"Chen, open the door!"

No one can remain calm and collected when jolted awake from a deep sleep, nor can anyone remain serene when their door is being loudly banged on. Had Chen not quickly regained his composure upon waking and remembered his circumstances, he would have cursed out loud.

Even so.

When he opened the door with bloodshot eyes, his face still bore a stubborn impatience that anyone could see.

After all, who doesn't have a bit of morning grumpiness?

What met his gaze was a disheveled old cultivator, whose greasy robe looked like it hadn't been washed in years, stained black in places, grey in others, with even some dry grass sticking to his grey-white hair.

"Chen, quick, quick, quick, do you have any Evil-Repelling Talismans left? Lend me one, it's super urgent, I'll pay you back as soon as I have the money," the old cultivator pleaded as soon as the door opened, grabbing Chen Li's sleeve in desperation.

'Trouble, it seems to be someone the original host knew.'

Chen Li's heart sank, but his face showed no sign of it as he feigned concern, "What happened? I don't have any Evil-Repelling Talismans right now, either. These past few days, to scrape together rent money, I've sold everything sellable."

The old cultivator stomped his feet in frustration:

"Ah, you... you... what am I going to do with you? You lack ambition. Brothels are nothing but a bottomless pit, an abyss; no amount of money is enough to waste there, and what's so good about women anyway? That money would be better spent gambling, trying your luck at the casino."

Chen Li's face stiffened.

So now even a gambling addict looked down on him.

The old cultivator seemed not to notice as he continued his tirade:

"Never mind, I won't berate you. Young people like you never listen anyway.

You remember the other day I told you to go prospect for scale-gold iron in the old mine, don't you? Fortunately, you didn't go. They soon found a skeleton there, I didn't think anything of it at the time.

But somehow it was infused with evil energy, and these past few days, I've been having nightmares non-stop. Now I'm too scared to even sleep…"

The old cultivator sighed, his expression filled with panic.

Chen Li felt his heart skip a beat but didn't show any concern, taking a step back.

He wasn't about to get infected, was he?

"By the way, can you manage to craft an Evil-Repelling Talisman by tonight?" the old cultivator asked Chen, his murky eyes filled with hope.

Whether it was psychological or not, Chen Li felt that aside from the man's pale complexion, there was an unsettling, manic energy about him.

"That... I really can't do it today. I haven't prepared the materials!" Chen Li explained, for he certainly didn't have the capability to craft such talismans at the moment.

To make his point more persuasive, Chen Li continued:

"Moreover, you can't just craft a talisman like this on demand. Evil-Repelling Talismans require the collection of the sun's true fiery essence, and the best time to craft them is precisely at noon. Even a little later or earlier, and there's a high chance of failure. Look, it's almost afternoon now; there's just not enough time."

This wasn't just something Chen Li was making up.

The books had said as much.

Upon hearing this, the old cultivator looked utterly dejected:

"Ah, you're going to be the death of me. Do you have some money, at least lend me a few Spirit Stones to tide me over? I'll pay you back once I turn things around."

Chen Li resisted the urge to curse: "Where would I get money from? I just managed to get enough for rent yesterday. I don't have a single Spirit Stone left."

It seemed the old cultivator was the type to shake the tree regardless if there were dates or not. Seeing that he couldn't borrow any money, he didn't persist any further and left hurriedly, disheartened.

Watching the old cultivator's figure recede into the distance,

Chen Li closed the door and turned around.

"What kind of people did the original host know!"