
Living My Best Life In The World Of Pokémon

Roman Saelle gets truck-kun’d and finds himself on a dirt road down the hill from a laboratory. Only he also has a sheet of paper in his hands explaining everything that’s happened. He now is one of kids that will be accepting a Pokémon from Professor Oak. He was gifted an inventory that comes stocked with all the Pokémon and human food and necessities he could need. As well as Pokéballs. Now he can live his best life in this new Pokémon world. Gym battles? Eh sure why not. Trainer battles? Only for money. Pokémon? As many as he can capture. Perhaps even some friends along the way.

CreativityNotFound · Tranh châm biếm
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More Pokémon

When I watched the shows I always wondered why Ash never actually 'caught them all'. I mean there are 151 Pokémon just in the Kanto region alone and I can only remember like 9 of his Pokémon. I digress, no need to worry about that when I can do all the catching myself. Which is what I was doing now as tugged hard on the fishing rod in my hand which was bent in a perfect arch from the strain.

"Urgh! C'mon you fucking fish, just surface already some I can catch you!" With one final tug while Charmander and Mankey watched on eagerly from the side I sent what was on the other side of my line flying up into the air and crashing on to the embankment.

"Slowpoke?" I asked slightly confused. Of course I knew Slowpoke was a water type but for some reason I just never considered it could swim. Standing up from where I'd fallen I get ready to call for an attack when Slowpoke just rolls on his side and releases a heavy sigh and low whine. My eyebrow raises at this so I glance to Charmander who just shrugs as he follows beside me.

Once closer to the Slowpoke I could see that it was in a lot of pain so I knelt down beside it to get a better look. It's pink body was soft and pliable and had a similar consistency to rubber under hands and that's when I finally found the problem. It had a sharp rock jabbed in between its toes on it back right leg.

"Hang in there little buddy, I'll fix you up good as new." I soothed as I pat his head gently. Looking through my inventory I found a slot for medical equipment and pulled it out. A set medical tweezers were inside and after applying some light anesthetic spray on the wound I pulled the rock out quickly.

"Sloooow!" He whined as wriggled but Charmander and Mankey held firm as I now sprayed a potion over the wound. It was amazing to see the skin immediately beginning to heal up and I was glad I cleaned the wound before spraying it. I didn't know exactly how Pokémon physiology worked, but I did know that for humans if you leave unsterile debris in a wound it could cause an infection.

"Alright little guy you're all fixed up. Why don't you try putting weight on your foot and see how it feels?"

"Slow, slow?" It looked at me in surprise as I suppose it wasn't used to trainers and their Pokémon showing kindness, but it did like I asked and tested its now treated foot before bouncing side to side.

"Slow! Slow! Slow!" Bouncing up and down and doing a spin it then began to run around me and my Pokémon before stopping and walking up to me. It pressed its head against my legs and let a sound that almost reminded me of a cats purr.

"Sloooowpoke." It cooed and then looked up to me and pointed at the Pokéballs I kept for show of my main 6 on my hip.

"You want to be my Pokémon?" I asked slightly surprised, I had healed it but I wouldn't have been mad if he still wanted to battle before joining. However he nodded his head and waited eagerly, causing me to give a wry grin as I pulled out a new Pokéball along with my dex.

"Well give me just a sec, I need to send a Pokémon back to Professor Oak to make room in my party for you." I said aloud but in my head I was wondering if I could place my Pokémon in my inventory. I remembered it saying no live organisms, but would that really count if they're inside a Pokéball? I suppose I could test it real quick.

Grabbing Rattata's ball I held it in my hand and tried putting it into my inventory like I've done with my other items and to my surprise it easily went inside. My only problem is what does this mean for the future. From the show I know that Professor oak can see what Pokémon people catch due to Pokédex being registered with the Pokéballs. He would grow suspicious if I kept catching new Pokémon and never sending them back to lab.

That made me remember the ungodly amount of Pokéballs in my inventory. I pulled one of the regular Pokéballs out and pressed it to Slowpoke and he easily went inside with a click. I pulled up my information on my Pokédex and saw that it didn't update the new catch. Continuing my theory I place the Pokéball over the scanner of the dex and screen lights up.


<New Pokéball registered to: Roman Saelle>

<Pokemon: Slowpoke>

<Current party 7>

<At least 1 Pokémon must be sent to the lab. Would you like to send your latest Pokémon or select your own?>

<Latest> <Owner Select>

"Owner Select" I intoned as I pulled the Rattata ball out of my inventory.


<Please select the Pokémon to send to: Professor Oak's Laboratory and Pokémon Sanctuary.>







"Rattata." With my decision the screen blinked with a processing symbol before flashing complete and the ball containing Rattata disappeared from my hand. I put the Pokédex back in my inventory and called Slowpoke back out. To say I was happy was a bit of an understatement. After all I had just figured out that as long I don't register my Pokéballs from my inventory they don't have to be logged on my Pokédex, and I can carry than the standard max.

I suppose I'd still have to be careful not to get caught, but as long as I get strong enough that shouldn't matter anyways. I turned to my 3 main team members with a tenacious grin.

"Alright everyone from here on out we're going to be undergoing fierce training. I don't know about you 3 but I don't want to be restricted in what I can or can't do, so from now on we have to make sure we're strong enough to defend ourselves against whoever." They stared at me with sparkling eyes as I pulled a new weight vest for Slowpoke out of my inventory. After strapping it in I could see him slightly straining from the weight but his eyes seemed to flash the same way Charmander' sand Mankey's did when I put their vests on.


"Good! Now lets catch a few more water Pokémon before we move on. There should be a magikarp, goldeen and poliwags in this stream. Slowpoke you dive in and send them flying out the water to us, Mankey and Charmander will defeat them once they're up here."

Slowpoke nodded and eagerly dove into the water and not even a minute later a splash erupted from the stream as a poliwag was sent flying out. Mankey and Charmander didn't even need to fight it as it was already knocked out and when we looked into the water we saw Slowpoke sticking his head out with a self assured smile. Which was really strange with his his other more dopey features.

"Well then go ahead Slowpoke, if you can defeat them I fine with that. Charmander and Mankey do the workouts and practice your moves while Slowpoke and I catch these Pokémon." They nodded and trudged off to the side, Charmander was practicing his iron tail by strike a tree trunk with it while a weight was wrapped around his tail. Mankey was going through a series of strikes I taught him.

I was no fighting master, so I just showed him things I saw in movies or shows. For all I know it might be a terrible fighting style but Mankey immediately enjoyed practicing it so I let him. Now it was just me Slowpoke and the Pokémon in the stream. I caught the poliwag with a registered Pokéball and sent it back to Oak, and then turned my attention back to the stream.

Slowpoke was turning out to be a great find and I couldn't believe I found him a stream in route 1. I had been prepping iron tail on Charmander and the fighting moves of Mankey for if I decided to battle Brock. Which I've almost completely decided I would just to see how strong we are.

I mean if I'm already in the city I might as well get the badges and while I do have a lot of money in my inventory it's not an inexhaustible supply so I'll need some way to replenish it, and battles seem like the perfect way. Also the recognition would be nice, I'm not a self centered person by any means but everyone likes to be praised every now and then.

I sent another Pokéball at a fainted Goldeen that flew on to the shore and chuckled at this. This was great, not just the ease at which I was catching more Pokémon in one day than Ash seemingly did his entire Kanto journey, but just the fun I was having in this world. Even with working out alongside my Pokémon and having to physically travel myself instead of just controlling a character.

I was lazy on Earth, I did the bare minimum to get by and 'succeed' in life. But now, not even 10 hours into this new world and I was having way more fun while also being a hundred fold more active and outgoing. I mean I hate people and I talked to Misty like a normal person. Someone of her looks on Earth I would have avoided like the plague. Was it because she questioned my training method? Was it because she was trying to take Charmander away?

Or had I changed more drastically than I realized when I came to this world? I shook my head of those thoughts as Slowpoke, now tired, popped out of the water with a Magikarp and I caught it in a Pokéball. Patting Slowpoke on the head as the magikarp disappeared to Oak's lab. I didn't care if I changed slightly now that I was here, after all it's been for the better. I'm just gonna continue going through each day the way I want to and continue to live my best life in this world of Pokémon.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~chapter end~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Last chapter of route 1 and I think the pace is going to start picking up. Training is going to be mostly implied with exceptions being like what moves they're training and such like Charmander's iron tail.

While MC will be fighting the gyms it's not going to be his goal. He's not going to beat Brock and then immediately make plans on the next gym. I'm gonna explore around and if I end up in a city with a gym he's gonna battle it. Might even make up a few since in the first season we see that Gary had more than 8 badges.

Anyways until next time.