
The owl post

Time flew by and slowly and our birthday is now tomorrow. During this week aside from daily chores and going to school I also participated in a school-level karate competition and won. We celebrated my win by going to a baking shop and eating a lot of cakes and just to trigger my mom I made a cute face for the lady owner and she added extra muffins for me. I was truly delighted.

My sister also participated in a debate competition hosted in school and won spectacularly. Funnily enough, she was speaking for the favor on the topic of "breaking the rules for the greater good". I was laughing for the whole time imagining what would have happened if the original Hermione was here in her opposition.

The day went by smoothly and I was too excited to sleep at night. The results can be seen in the morning when I dragged my half sleepy ass out of bed for breakfast. Thankfully it was Saturday today so that means no school. Generally, on our birthdays we visit amusement parks, zoos and enjoy ourselves together as a family but I know today will be a very special day so I requested my parents to stay at home together today and watch a movie.

During in last ten years, my magical accident happened twice. The first one triggered when one of the girls started bullying Hermione by pulling her pigtails in front of me. I was so angry that unknowingly I made that girl blad. It was like I reached out and pulled something out from me. It felt weird and good at the same time.

Another time I was going through an alleyway while taking a shortcut from school to house when suddenly some kidnappers pulled me over and started dragging me. I closed my eyes and prayed that I can be at home and suddenly I was in my house sitting on a couch.

I know Hermione too has magic. It happened when the bald girl kneeled in front of her and started crying to her to give her hair back. After some time I saw some little hairs poking out on top of her head and was growing rapidly. I know it could affect Hermione later so I immediately picked her up and went home. Luckily the hair was not long enough and the girl thought that her hair started growing back naturally.

So after breakfast, we all started watching star wars: Droids together. I was more focused on spotting any owls outside the window but still no luck yet. I didn't even know what was happening in the movie.

Suddenly I spotted two owls, One pure snow-white while the other just a common grey barn owl with a yellow letter tied to their legs. I was stunned. I know it was in Harry Potter world but I still haven't had any contact with magic. Knowing what was going to happen I pointed out the owls to my family.

"Dad, Does it look like two owls with letters tied to them." I asked looking confused. I can't let out my secret in any conditions. I know they are my parents and they will understand me but a part of me was always afraid that they will change their behaviour towards me so it was better that I don't explain to them that I reincarnated.

"It seems like it"My dad replied

"Let me take a look honey" My mom said and started opening the window. As soon as the window is open the owls swooshed inside and stood on the table. The white owl hopped to me and threw the letter at my feet while the grey one did the same to Hermione.

No one moved, everyone froze in their place for a while. I didn't do any sudden movements and acted just as shocked as them. It was not that difficult as how many times you see an owl postman.

I recovered first and bent down to pick up the pale yellow envelope. It was unstamped just as in the movie with a line written in emerald-green ink. I read it out softly, "No 3, Hampstead Garden Suburb, northwest London, to be received by Mr. Jack Granger"

I turned the envelope over and saw the infamous Hogwarts shield imprinted with the capital "H" on it, surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake.

I looked towards Hermione, she has already opened her letter and was staring at it in shock. Unlike me who was feeling a little bit start-struck about the letter, she was more eager to know the content.

As a Harry Potter fan, I already know what's inside so I was still a little bit reluctant to destroy the perfect seal on the letter. I went to the nearby kitchen counter and use a knife to open mine smoothly without destroying the seal.

"What is this dear, is something wrong. Let me take a look at the letter" She said to Hermione concerned at the pale face of her daughter.

I am finally able to free my letter from the envelope. "I will read mine out" I said and looked towards my mothers, who was just about to snatch the letter from Hermione's hands and then looking as calm as ever and starts to read the content of the letter.

"Principle of Hogwarts, School of witchcraft and Wizardry: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Cheif Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards) "

"Hogwarts.. School!"My mother looked at me thinking that it's just another one of the schools that send their admission letters to us.

"Magic, There is real magic in this world" On the other hand, Hermione exclaimed after going through the letter. this made my mother more confused than ever.

I continued reading the letter as though I am not giving it another thought

"Dear Mr. Jack Granger,

we are happy to inform you that you have been approved to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed you will find a list of all the required books and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to start on September 1st. One of our teachers will visit your house by 3 pm today to explain. We will be waiting for your response till July 21.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress"

I finished reading my letter and handed the letter to my father. Hope everything will be alright.