
Living In A Different Earth

Aerous Kagekou, a quite talented boy who died and got reincarnated in another world. or is it really another world? Follow Aerous on his journey on another earth where some people have powers.

Aerous_Zalrune · Hiện thực
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 Starting.


"Wait, where am I anyway?"

Suddenly coming to this world made me forget about the everyday things that I do on my life.

First of all, shelter, food, and school.

I looked at my other bag which is supposed to have everything that I need in my school life.

Looking at the two pockets of the bag, in the right side, I saw... a phone? Ah, they did say that this world was very similar to earth..

I looked at the left side which had a small pouch, taking it out of the side pocket, it made a sound similar to the ones that the coins make.

"So this is my money... I hope school has some dorms so that I could stay there.."

Right, school, they decided to enroll me in a school without my consent.

I mean, I'm not complaining since they gave me a new life, but I still don't know anything about this world! Don't they know how awkward it'd be if the other people knew that I don't even know common sense in this world?

Wait... How did they even enroll me!?

Luisa said something about gods.. If gods were like leaders to them, they should be some angel right? Ah, not all gods are good so they're probably just some assistants.

They also said that I have some darkness controlling powers... How would I be able to use that?

I have so many things to wonder about all in the same time.

I looked inside the school bag to see if anything else was inside.

"It's all normal school stuff." I said with a sigh, looking inside the bag that had any school item you'd have, like notebooks, pens, etc etc.

I went back to my other stuff, the ones I used for 'missions' in earth.

My Katana and Daggers, since I practiced kenjutsu, I was also quite talented in using swords, I use my Katana for some comfortable fights while I use my daggers for the unexpected fights.

As for my guns, My sniper is what I use for taking out a target without any traces, while my two pistols, just like my daggers, were used for unexpected fights.

Looking at my equipment, its fairly easy to think that I used these weapons to kill people. Which I did.

To be honest, I expected myself to rot in hell. But I was given a chance, which I am grateful for.

I opened my phone and looked for a gps app.

The phone was fairly easy to use, it was basically the same as the smartphones in the modern world, and I did use phones a lot so I easily found the gps app.

Looking at the gps app, it was clear that this world is really similar to the modern earth.

Although some countries had different names like Japan, Japan was now called Nihouken.

Although the name is different, you could see that the size, and languages of the countries were the same.

I am currently in a city called Keriou that's located in Nihouken.

It says that I'm in a somewhat safe forest where no violent animals live, thus, making the forest a normal place for people to go.

Oh right, I haven't seen any other people..

Standing up, I found a new problem.

How should I hide my weapons?

They said I could somewhat control darkness but how could I even use it? Can I use it to hide my items?

I tried controlling my shadow but my result was fruitless.

Suddenly, I felt someone getting close to me.

I hastily put all my weapons in the weapons bag to hide it from the thing that is approaching.

Are weapons legal here?

As presence was now closer, I finally saw what it is.

It was a girl.

She's probably the same age as me.

Wait, can I ask her to guide me out of the forest?

As we were only ten meters apart, "Are you lost?" The girl asked.

"Well... I actually am..." I said with a chuckle.

"Well me too." she said.

Wait, seriously?

"Just joking." She followed up.

Letting out a sigh, I asked, "Sorry if I may be bothering you but is it okay if you could lead me out of the forest?"

"Since you asked so nicely sure!" She answered, with a warm smile.

Or should I say a fake smile.

"Thank you." I said, while putting on a soft smile.

She led me out of the forest while trying to... Seduce me?

She does things like holding my hand putting her chest close to me and other things.

Too bad for her that I know she has an ulterior motive.

But that isn't the only thing that's weird, she actually looks like shes luring me deeper into the forest.

She definitely has a ulterior motive.

After awhile we stopped walking, the girl then started to slowly cry. "I-I'm sorry.. I had no choice.." she said,

Suddenly five well built men, probably in their early twenties, appeared infront of me.

"I knew it." Was all I said.