
Livestreaming? Yeah That's How I Level Up

A new streamer steps on the scene, but something is off about them. Where are they exactly? "Hey! Welcome to the stream! Your emperor appreciates the attention. Guess where I am?" AzurePrincess has donated - $3000 "Woah, that's a huge donation. Are you sure you were trying to give me that much?" AzurePrincess- This is just pocket money. I could give you more. RichGirl21 - has donated - $5000 RichGirl21 - You don't need to give him money. l can support my husband all on my own. DiamondQ - has donated - $10,000 DiamondQ - You might need to get your eyes checked. Whose husband are you supporting? "Oh boy..." First World - Marvel Warning: MC's world is loosely based on the real world, but there will be changes because it is my story! Updates: Irregular/ 5 per week/ May have less or more depending on work. Disclaimer - Images used aren't mine. They are just used for representation. I will remove it if need be.

SaiKojin · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

Live 3 (1/2)

A shorter chapter, but I'll make up for it later! I, unfortunately, need to split it again.


" " - Talking

' ' - Thoughts

[ ] - Skill/Images

∆ - Typed Chat

(" ") - Mind Speak

★★★★ - Holographic Screen

Please let me know if you see any errors or comment on your thoughts.

You could also give me some stones too!

Heads up, I tweaked Amora slightly! Essentially all universes used will be AU.

I hope that makes sense to everyone.


:Marvel Universe:


It's a simple word with a simple meaning, yet accomplishing it is anything but.

It all starts from somewhere, greed, lust, revenge. There were many ways to stoke the flames to conquer, and once it started, it was nigh impossible to stop.

Amora knows this feeling well.

As an Asgardian, one is already attuned to their desires, for without them, life becomes meaningless for a race of beings that live for thousands of years.

One would think being under the rule of the Allfather Odin, one would never have to suffer, but that couldn't be any further from the truth.

Amora's childhood was nothing much to speak of; in fact, she could barely remember her younger years. She could, however, remember the night she ran away from Asgard to the land of the Norns to learn magic.

Once there, she apprenticed under their monarch Karnilla, one of the most powerful sorceresses known in the Asgardian dimension.

Learning the ways of magic was a great passion of hers. Each piece of knowledge meant having the strength to follow her desires.

She could admit that her desires were quite vain, desiring to carve out her own empire and obtain Thor's love, whether it was willingly or not.

She's been met with failure after failure, and still, her desire still burns like the realm of Muspelheim.

However, during one of her many escapades in search to learn more magic, she came across a strange object buried deep within the earth that radiated a peculiar source of power.

After returning to her hideout, she started to observe the object in great detail.

The object was small and rectangular, fitting in even her dainty hands. She studied the thing for quite some time, using every bit of knowledge to determine how it worked.

However, she was fruitless.

But as luck may have it, moments before giving up, the object hummed to life.

(A/N: Yes, it's a phone. Let me COOK! How did a phone get there? There's a hint, actually, but I won't point it out.)

Soon after, her eyes were practically shooting out of their sockets as they were graced with an image of a man even more handsome than Thor.

He almost seemed unreal with his long luxurious hair and gorgeous eyes that shined with a mysterious light. His clothing was unheard of, but somehow it made him even more handsome in her eyes.

He was like a king.

Soon, Amora wanted to know who he was and where he lived. She could see he was sitting in some kind of throne room, but besides admiring the exquisite craftsmanship, she could do nothing to find him.

"Who are you...?" She muttered with longing.

"My name is Jun Wuxian...and I am the Emperor of the Stars." The mysterious man said.

"How....you..." Amora's eyes glowed with a faint green light as her lips curved into a devious smile.

"I must have you."








Somehow after this was muttered, a certain blonde-haired man in one of the many coliseums in Asgard felt a sense of relief wash over him.

"Thor? You Ok?" A concerned woman asked after noticing his strange behavior.

"No, I feel better, actually."


:Main Universe:

After seeing his friends follow his account, Emil started to smile, which simultaneously caused the model to smile.

"Haha, I thank you for the follows, my subjects. I promise with your faith in me; I will make this the most entertaining stream you have ever witnessed." He dramatically said, commanding the model to bow.

Despite the image being in 2D, the amount of animations it could do was borderline insane. However, it made sense when one is using the power of qi.

Qi isn't a new concept, as it is typically used in cultivator novels, shows, and even manga. Emil saw quite a few of them, so he wasn't a total lost cause when it was introduced to him.

Still, though, there is a considerable difference between knowing and actually having qi.

"Today is my first stream, and I will be playing Last Fantasy 16. If you plan on acquiring this game, then I suggest that you click away. Although you will surely be missed."

Soon after making the statement, the stream chat started to become active.

∆HaruHari∆ - At first, I thought this was the wrong stream.

∆CrazyZeus∆ - Not going to lie. I thought so too.

∆Loveless∆ - I would like you to know I already clipped you're introduction. Nothing will escape my eyes!

∆EzoBladeK∆ - Oh yeah, you did do that stuff.

∆GuardianDog∆ - [Clapping.jpg]

"Hahaha, my friends, I am sorry to spring this on you out of the blue. However, I truly do appreciate your support."

∆HaruHari∆ - Omagawd. (≧ヮ≦) 💕

∆CrazyZeus∆ - Is boss you're new husbando now? @HaruHari

∆HaruHari∆ - Shut up!

∆LunaSea∆ - Don't you guys start in here.

LunaSea has been made a mod. Congratulations.

"I would like it if you would keep troublesome people in line. I would appreciate it greatly."

∆EzoBladeK∆ - Oh no...

∆GuardianDog∆ - Oh yeah!!

∆EzoBladeK∆ - Bro, can you not? Lol.

∆GuardianDog∆ - Sorry, not sorry.

∆LunaSea - It would be my pleasure.

Shortly after making Luna a mod, Emil booted up the game Last Fantasy 16. Due to poor decisions, the LF series was in a rough patch for quite some time. Fortunately, in just a few short years, it all started to change for the better, so he was excited about the newest one.

As he played the game, Emil took the time to make comments and converse with his friends in chat.

He was having so much fun that Emil almost forgot he could not control his words.


'So, explain to me what is going on?'

("Fine, I'll explain. Intent is important when using qi, correct?")

'That's what you said...?'

("Right, so what were you thinking when you were creating your model?")

'What I was thinking?... I was...that can't be right...right?'

After being told by Mona that intent was important, he shrugged it off as irrelevant. Despite that, as he carefully crafted the model, he couldn't help but imagine what a "Star Emperor" would act like.

'Someone that is free, undisturbed even by the strongest of winds. An emperor with no equal and yet someone that could be the best of friends... But-'

("I swear...here!")

A golden screen appeared before Emil, and almost immediately, his eyes widened from shock.


Jun Wuxian (Body Of An Emperor) (Incomplete)

Rank - Epic

Info: a spiritual body created through unconventional means and limited qi and expertise. A miracle brought to life.

Stats: (Locked)


Emperor's Aura (Incomplete)- Everything you say possesses an aura that makes listeners more agreeable.

Voice Of The Emperor (Incomplete) - An emperor must be able to converse with all manners of life. Can speak and understand all normal languages.

Warning: Since this skill is incomplete, users may be unable to control their words.

Spiritual Travel (Incomplete) - The body of a spirit is able to travel freely through specific mediums.



("Yes and no.")

'What?! I—'

Suddenly, his thoughts were cut off due to the sound of his game character dying.

"Oh, dear. My first death." Emil sighed as his model looked down. His mind was still very much in chaos, but he didn't want to cause a scene while being live.

[Current Viewers - 102]

'Hold up? Wait! Since when?!' As he was trying to calm down, he happened to take a look at his viewers.

The number had spiked!

"Forgive me for not welcoming all my new subjects. This is my first stream, and I'm still very new to this."

Soon after his apology, the chat simply exploded with activity.

∆1y_the_first∆ - Take your time, my man! Just know I'll be watching you from now on. I got my EYE on you!


1y_the_first∆ has followed.

"Haha, well...I'll keep that in mind." Emil dryly laughed. "Still, I was not expecting so many people. I wonder what happened."

Loveless - I posted the clip to your introduction and a link to your stream...I uh did not expect it to blow up more than it did.

"Oh, I thank you, friend-"














[First Quest has been completed!]

[Rewards have been deposited in storage.]

'Oh fuck...'

It hadn't even been an hour yet, and he already finished the most challenging part of the quest!

("Not bad, but I expected it.")

'Since when?! And I'm still not convinced you didn't do anything to this body!


'I knew it!'

("Honestly, I did not do anything. Just a few unimportant things.")

'That's still doing something!'

("I'm not sure why you're so angry. You should be praising me.")

'For what?!'

("You'll see.")

Never in Emil's life would he imagine that he would be kneeling in front of this woman again.

(A/N: Not like that, you pervs! Or maybe..? No! Lool)