
Live 10 (2/2)

" " - Talking

' ' - Thoughts

[ ] - Skill/Images/Stat Increase

∆ - Typed Chat

(" ") - Mind Speak

★★★★ - Holographic Screen

Please let me know if you see any errors or comments on your thoughts.

Two chapters? No Way!


:Main Universe:

"Well, here we go." Emil nervously pulled out the camera and immediately controlled it with his Qi to fly close to the car while being invisible.

'Honestly, I can feel my damn heart in my throat...just the thought of being on camera irks me to no end. It's like people I can't even see are judging me...' He thought, biting the bottom of his lip.

'Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that I can't control what I say when using Jun Wuxian. Whenever I connect to him, I feel powerful...like I'm on top of the world...'

Emil glanced out the window and saw the miles and miles of desert land surrounding them. Somehow, he couldn't help but feel like he was the physical representation of the desert.

Desolate and an all-around nuisance to anyone that happens to come across it.

As he was getting lost in his thoughts, suddenly, he felt a nudge against his cheek and a hand on top of his right hand as it lay on top of the car's center console.

He looked back into the car, noticing that Lamber was rubbing his head against his cheek and Mona was holding his hand.

Emil frowned, "What?..."

"Don't be so discouraged," Mona said with a gentle smile, gripping his hand even tighter as her eyes gave off a faint light.

"You made it this far. You forget that not all changes happen overnight. You are already doing more than what your past self had ever done."

"Bark!" Lambert seemed to agree with the woman's words and proceeded to lick his master's cheek, forcing him to smile whether he wanted to or not.

Perhaps it was true that he wasn't changing as fast as he would have hoped. Regardless of what he or anyone else thought, he was still changing, and that wasn't going to stop.

He could feel his will to change, desperately fighting his insecurities so that he may become the person he knew...no wanted to be.

"Hah..." Emil exhaled deeply before shaking his head. "Well, looks like you lied, Mona. You said you weren't going to cheer me up again." He said as a grin formed on his face.

"I-" Almost immediately, Mona's face turned a darker shade as she quickly removed her hand from his. "It won't happen again! Someone like you don't deserve my attention!"

"You should stop that now. A tsundere is definitely not a good look for you. Most people find that annoying." He deadpanned.

Now it was her time to become slack-jawed.

"Hhaa-Hhaa!" Lambert started to laugh while seeing the surprised expression on her face.

"Both of you..." Mona grumbled, shaking her fist in anger. "I'll make sure to ge-"

"And we are live!!" Emil exclaimed, cutting Mona off as he set the camera to record and stream to his 2nd channel.

Seeing this, the angry woman disappeared in a hurry.

("I will get you back!")

'I'm sure you will, but honestly, I don't mind anymore.' He replied with a thought before focusing his attention on the hidden camera flying next to his window.

"Hey, possible watchers." Emil smiled, waving his left hand. "This is Arg0, but you can call me Argo! Right now, I'm streaming my first-ever video, which just so happens to be a travel vlog of my drive to a certain city."


"Oh, and this is the greatest gentleman in the world, Lambert," Emil added, pointing to the dog as he wagged his tail happily.

"Right about now, I'm leaving my state and decided to take the scenic route." He said, controlling the camera to turn to look at the emptiness called the desert before focusing back on him.

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly." Emil wryly smiled. "Not much to see out here. But don't worry; I'm sure something interesting will happen before we get to the next state-"



Out of nowhere, he heard a scream, and immediately he slammed on the brakes to bring the car to a screeching halt.

Thankfully there were no other drivers for miles; otherwise, he may have caused an accident.


("To your left.")

After Mona's comment, Emil looked to his left, where he saw one of the most gorgeous women he had ever seen in his life. If he had never seen Mona, he probably would have been frozen, but regardless the woman was still a beauty.

Her clothes were nothing outstanding, a simple green jacket, a black top, and a purple skirt. However, with her striking looks, she made it look like they were designer clothes. Of course, it was ripped in a few places, but that seemed only to increase her charm.

Once she noticed the car had stopped, she flashed one of the prettiest smiles ever to be caught on camera. It was during this moment that the stream chat started to get active.

[Watchers - 23]

∆Dean342 - Lord have mercy, I'm about to bust.

∆TalareX - Is this some kind of movie? What type of camera is he using?

∆Caelen_Milnor_8122 - About to bust what? Your computer? Why would you do that?

∆Hellfaire2 - Alright, who let their child on here?

∆Caelen_Milnor_8122 - What?

∆Jay4U - Oh my god...I thought they were all but extinct. It looks like they still exist on the internet.

∆Hellfair2 - Legends have foretold of such an individual...So pure of heart. You...you're the Dragon Warrior.

SulferKing - What?! The Dragon Warrior? No way!

∆Caelen_Milnor_8122 - Ok, now you guys are just being mean. Everyone knows that's from a movie.

∆Jay4U - Oh my god...someone get this kid off the internet.


:Main Universe:

-Several Minutes Earlier -

In an unknown desert land, a blonde-haired woman could be found walking in one direction. It's been hours since she found herself there, and she didn't know if she was ever going to find civilization.

"I'm not sure who is playing a prank on me, but I would like for it to stop." She groaned as she slowly continued to walk.

During her time alone, the woman tried to think back to how she could have been thrown into this type of situation, but there was nothing.

In fact, she couldn't remember much of anything besides her name and her life in New York City.

But somehow, even with those memories intact, she felt like she was forgetting something important.

It had something to do with spiders.

Seeing that she was nowhere near to solving the mystery, she continued to trudge along the dry wasteland.

"Whoever invented deserts should jus-STOP THE CAR, PLEASE!!!" Before she could complain any further, she noticed a concrete road several feet away.

Roads meant cars, cars meant civilization, and civilization meant she was close to leaving the dreadful desert. Generally, on these types of roads, it was rare even to see one car driving it, but it would seem that she was lucky.

Her blue eyes trained on the black vehicle, and she screamed at the top of her lungs to get it to stop.


It stopped.

'Oh, thank god.'

Suddenly, the woman smiled as she gained a second wind and ran towards the car. After several minutes of running, she reached the car just as the passenger door window slowly rolled down.

"Hey! I know this isn't the best time to ask, but could I ask...can you. take me to the next city?" She asked, placing her hands together in a pleading position.

With the window down, she happened to get a look at the driver, and it turned out to be the man who was a little on the heavier side.

He wasn't bad looking, but it was hard to tell underneath his fat. His blonde hair and blue eyes, however, were amongst the prettiest she had ever seen.

She wondered what he used to take care of his hair.

(A/N: Water and Mens BodyWash! I'mma put you guys on! Lol)

Regardless of his looks, she was still a bit worried about asking the man to give her a ride, but the dog wagging its tail in the backseat caused her worries to lessen.

'No dog would like a bad person, right?'

After asking for a ride, there was an uncomfortable silence, and she started to fear that the man would deny her.

"Sure." The man said, unlocking the door.

Fortunately, it would seem her fears were unwarranted.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!" She was simply ecstatic to get off of her feet finally.

She would then open the door and quickly hop in before closing the door behind her.

"My name is Gwen. How about you?" She curiously asked as she put on her seatbelt.

"My name is Emil." The man replied as he stepped on the gas pedal to resume driving.

"It's nice to meet you."


:Main Universe:

'So I did it...I let the strange, beautiful woman in my car. Normally I'd be worried, but I have nothing to fear from a normal woman.' Emil thought after introducing himself to the woman known as Gwen.

A closer look at her, and he wondered how someone like her ended up in this state.

'Was she kidnapped or something?' He glanced at her from the corner of his eye.

The only thing he could notice was her ripped clothes. There were no signs of her hands or legs being tied.

("Hmm...Something is off about her, though...") Mona chimed in with her observation.

'Really? I don't notice anything.'

"So, who is this rather dapper fellow in the backseat?" Gwen asked while looking at Lambert, who was looking out the window.

"Bark!" However, after being addressed, he turned and puffed out his chest as if saying, "Glad you noticed."

"Aw, he's so cute~." She swooned over him. "Is it ok that I pet him?"

"I'm sure the gentleman wouldn't mind, right Lambert?" Emil chuckled.

Never in his life did he think such an action would turn his life upside down, but after that, he started to pay more attention to people requesting simple things.

("Hmm...Wait!! DON'T LET HER TOUCH HIM!") Mona screamed. She sounded hysterical, almost as if someone was trying to kill her.

"Huh?" Emil barely had time to comprehend as he noticed Gwen's figure distorting while she approached Lambert.

"You're such a good boy! Yes, you a—"

As soon as Gwen placed her hands on the dog, she and everything in close proximity disappeared into thin air.

It was as if they were plucked right out of existence.

They were gone.