
Livestreaming My Pokemon Journey!

[Every chapter I write is between 3k and 4k words, so if it takes me a bit longer to update, that's why.] (Synopsis) "Dammit Chat, stop being horny for 2 seconds! She's literally a member of Team Magma! A terrorist!" Dante begged. Chat: A hot terrorist Chat: If the rest of the Magma and Aqua officers look like that, then maybe they have a point. Chat: I for one welcome our sexy evil overlords. "God f*ucking dammit!" Dante slams his tablet on the ground and starts stomping on it, much to the horrors of the rest of Team Magma, who watch on in disbelief. Follow the adventures of Dante Cross, a 16 year old, aspiring Pokemon Champion as he livestreams his entire journey, the exciting, the inspiring, the embarrassing, the boring, he'll show it all.  Watch as he's driven mad by his perpetually horny chat, and his equally as annoying busty companion, May Maple! …also he like saves the world or some shit? But who cares about that?

President_Poverty · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: Birds Are Jerks! (Part 1)

(A/N: This Chapter is almost 10,000 words I could've divided it into multiple chapters but I felt bad for being gone so long. So here you go.)

--- --- --- --- ---

"Listen…, in my defense." I come to a full stop at Norman's expectant gaze.

"Well? I'm waiting, explain." The Gym Leader responded patiently, though his smile was anything but reassuring.

"I don't know, I didn't think I'd get this far," I admit, but then rush to pull something out of my ass at his darkening expression, "In my defense, your wife has a dump truck as a backside."

There's no way in hell I could get out of this, might as well go down swinging. Dante Cross is many things, but a hypocrite is not one of them, if I can't be honest about my love of MILFs then who even am I?

Unfortunately, Norman didn't seem to appreciate my honest character, nor did his daughter for that matter.

Oh well, at least my chat was hype.

[DarkMagicianGirl: yoooo! Dante based asf! I've only seen her through clips but that bitch had a dumpy frfr]

[Burn_Baby!: RIP dante, this stream was fun while it lasted, I'll make sure to always remember you when Norman inevitably kills you 🙏]

[Thorns: May, hit me up if you need another traveling companion after this]

[JellyFilledDonut: he just like me frfr]

[Gay_Lord: how very crass…]

[Not_Annoying: I gotta agree with Dante on the ass part, I turned myself into a clefairy once and the best part of it was being able to look at women's asses without suspicion.]

[PiplupSupremacy: @Not_Annoying, really man? The first time you say something not Tekken-related and it's some creepy fantasy of yours.]

[Not_Annoying: @PiplupSupremacy, it's not a fantasy, it happened!]

The man's smile bled away, dropping any pretense of kindness, "Wrong answer buddy."

Norman then proceeded to do unspeakable things to me, performing a series of different martial arts moves which all inevitably ended with me slammed against the ground.

All the while half my chat cheered him on, while the other half debated on calling the police.

"Just promise you'll stop trying to seduce my wife and I'll let you go." Norman tried to bargain as he held me in a triangle choke.

"Never!" I refuse, "So long as Caroline's ass keeps being fat, I will never surrender!" I proudly declare.

What followed was an even more vicious beat down, where Norman twisted my body in ways I didn't believe possible. Despite this, I don't think he was really trying to hurt me or I'd be feeling a lot worse than I actually am.

Eventually, he got tired and gave up, vowing to keep me away from his wife.

Before he could fully leave, however, I asked, "How'd you even find out? I know you don't watch my streams." I groaned out from my position on the ground.

Norman stopped at the doorway, "I got an email from someone named Flattery a little while ago." Having said his piece he then left.

"You bitch! I knew it was you, don't think I didn't see those ominous comments the closer we got to Petalburg."

"I don't tolerate traitors, mods! Ban her, at least for two weeks." I ordered.

[Flattery: what!? That's bullshit!]

[Flattery: you can't do that! I have rights!!]

[Flattery has received a 336-hour ban.]

[Burn_Baby!: naaaah, dante wilding, free my gurl she ain't do nothing!]

[PiplupSupremacy: @Burn_Baby!, relax I doubt he's actually gone a ban her for that long, Dante will probably unban her at the next unban request stream]

[Machampion: Dante is 100% in the right, me personally if someone snitched on me like that, they would have to run my fade, that's just me tho, not everyone built like that.]

After dealing with one traitor I move on to the next, I turn to the bandana-wearing heathen.

"How could you betray me like that!?" If I had a heart it would be broken right now.

I knew I should've taken the rest of her pancakes this morning, traitors don't deserve breakfast!

May had the gall to look offended, "Dante," she pauses for emphasis, "You were talking about my mother's fat ass."


May took a deep breath, "As far as I'm concerned you got everything you deserved." She declared heartlessly.

"You stride around like you don't have to face consequences, but you do. Actions have consequences, simple as that. Just don't flirt with my mom again." She stated like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

As if!

"Face the consequences of my actions?" I parrot back in askance.

That's bullshit!

Facing consequences is some poor people shit or something ugly people go through. Someone as great as me, as handsome as me, as wealthy as me, shouldn't endure such difficulties. I'm Dante fucking Cross, I'm above repercussions!

Alright, now that I'm thinking to myself I'll admit it. I'm kind of an asshole, I hear it now.

Not that it'll stop me from flirting with people's wives. It's like Confucius once said, "If not breedable, why MILF shaped, hmm? Take that, atheists!"

…I think Norman gave me a concussion.

"Dante! DANTE!"

May's loud voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "You spaced out for a moment, are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

"You're right I should have stopped him, I'm sorry." May apologized guiltily.

Dammit, I totally brought the mood down. Operation use humor to get out of an awkward situation is a go!

"I'm fine, I was just thinking, this is the second time you've betrayed me today, first Big Henry, and now this?" I click my tongue and shake my head like an old-timey cartoon character.

May looked even more apologetic as I spoke before looking confused at the latter half of my statement.

"Big Henry?"

"Don't act innocent! He would have cooked my rice so well…" I start fake tearing up at the end of my statement.

"Rice…?" Something seemed to click in her head and she looked furious, "Are you talking about that stupid rice cooker!?" May questioned in exasperation.

"Solar-powered May! Solar powered! I don't get what you're not understanding!" I yelled out inadvertently confirming her theory.

[Did_you_know_Vaporeon…: F for Big Henry! #JusticeForBH]

[Chatty: this is hilarious lol]

[Burn_Baby!: justice for BH? More like #JusticeForFlattery, again free my girl, she ain't do nothing! 😤😤😤]

[Long_OakWood: are they ever going to get to these mythical Petalburg Woods? They keep getting derailed]

[PiplupSupremacy: @Long_OakWood, getting derailed is part of the Dante experience, you new here?]

[Long_OakWood: @PiplupSupremacy, eat me.]

[PiplupSupremacy: @Long_OakWood, no thanks. I have standards.]

After another round of squabbling and a quick stop at the Pokemon Center, we did end up leaving, unfortunately, no justice would come for Big Henry.

Although I did get Petalburg's Nurse Joy's phone number, so it wasn't all bad.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 

"Ooh, it's Sewaddle! Catch her Dante! Those are rare here on Route 104." May explained.

"Hell nah, you catch the walking vegetable if you care about it so much." I rejected.

Fuck I look like carrying a Pokemon that back on Earth would make the "Top 10 Pokemon I'd like to fuck" list of the average Reddit user.

"What? Then what do you plan on catching then? Are you holding out for Rayquaza or something?" She questioned sarcastically.

"I'll catch something when I find a Pokemon worth catching," I replied.

I look down at my starter Pokemon happily trudging along beside me, "Isn't that right buddy?"

"Mudkip!" He confirmed.

I could always count on him to be the voice of reason. Very eloquent, Mudkip!

"See, May? It's two against one." 

"Actually, counting Torchic, it's two against two." She informed me holding up my emergency food who chirped in agreement.

"I know, I counted in Torchic in my original calculation. You're both women, therefore your opinion is worth barely half of what a man's is. Therefore 2v1, my statement stands." I remarked casually, knowing my played-up sexist comment would get me a newspaper roll smack to the head.

Sure enough-

"You're such an asshole!" May proceeded to fulfill the prophecy with Torchic cheering her on.

[Professional_Incel: Based.]

[Girl_Power: smack him harder!]

[Perfume_Princess: just kick him in the balls, that's what I do.]

[Burn_Baby!: Gawain gets banned for Sexism but Dante can say whatever he wants?]

[(MOD)Sparkles: @Burn_Baby! What do you want me to do, ban him? I can't, a mod can't ban a streamer. I've tried.]

[Burn_Baby!: this just shows how out-of-pocket censorship has gotten back in my day we could say whatever we wanted! #JusticeForFlattery]

[PiplupSupremacy: Dante just likes messing with May, he's not actually sexist… I think.]

It's a good thing she didn't release her Maril, then they really would have us outnumbered.

"Calm down," I try to placate her by bringing her into my embrace but she still looked angry, you could tell by her adorab-, obnoxious pout. "You know I'm just teasing you." 

"Yeah, I know…" May muttered.

"...you're opinion is worth at least three-quarters of a man's opinion if not a little more!" I quickly let go of our hug and sprinted away as she did the math.

"Dante, I swear to Arceus!" 

We ran around for a while before May ultimately caught me due to my abysmal stamina. By the end of our little game of cat and mouse, we were both drenched in sweat.

Awfully convenient considering we were right next to the ocean. 

Say what you will about Route 104 but it was massive compared to the previous two we traversed to get here.

"Should we go for a swim?" May asked

[TacoShell: Beach episode? Swimsuits?]

[Not_Annoying: if it's swimsuits you want, there's a mod that changes the Tekken characters to them wearing swimwear]

[PiplupSupremacy: aaand we're back to this. I'll just say it, Tekken is mid.]

"Sure, I need to go talk to that Wingull first though, I'm a big fan," I replied while motioning towards the pier we were currently approaching.

There stood a Wingull proudly perched on the highest wooden plank of the docks, overlooking the ocean like a noble guardian.

Very majestic.

"You passed up on a Sewaddle, but you plan on catching a Wingull?" May asked in disbelief upon catching my line of sight.

"I don't like your tone. What are you trying to say about Wingulls?" I provoke.

"But no, I'd catch Peeko if I could but he already has a trainer." I continued, "Shouldn't your creepy female intuition thing have already informed you that this glorious avian already had a trainer?"

"Or what does your creepy voodoo only apply to gender identification?" 

May rolls her eyes, "As a matter of fact, yes. In fact, I can guarantee, with my 'female intuition' that your Peeko," She pauses to make air quotes at the Wingull's Nickname before continuing, "Is in fact not of the male gender."

I scoff, "Yeah right, Peeko is a boy. Don't be a weirdo May." 

'He is…right?'

We were already approaching the small bird but I sprinted what was left, there's no way I pulled a Professor Oak! There's no way I've gone over a decade misinformed about a side character's Pokemon's gender.

Perhaps a weird thing to fixate on, but it made me feel like I was caught in a Mandela effect.

Rushing in, I was assuming I'd startle the Wingull with my sudden proximity. To my surprise, Peeko just stared forward resolutely looking at the ocean the same way anime protagonists do in their opening themes.

I kneeled before him, "Oh great and honorable Peeko, I seek your wisdom." 

[Long_OakWood: what the hell is he even doing? Why is he so weird?]

[InvincibleThunder: oh my Arceus, he's finally lost it]

[The_Brave: I'm surprised it took this long]

[Crybaby: Wally! You're here, I'm a big fan!]

[The_Brave: @Crybaby, uh thanks?]

[PrepareForTrouble: he's clearly no longer sane, it would be irresponsible of him to continue this journey any longer. He should donate his Mudkip to someone who put it to better use]

[MakeItDouble: I agree, I think he should donate it to this address in Johto **** ******** ** ****]

[MakeItDouble: ???]

[(MOD)Elite: addresses are obviously censored automatically.]

Taking a quick glance at my chat I almost chuckle at the dumbass that apparently tried to write their address in chat. 

But the great and honorable Peeko finally looked in my direction. He stared down with all the grace and power I imagine Arceus to have.

His eyes seem to communicate the message, 'What do you require of me mortal?'

"Are you a boy or a girl?" I asked, trying to ignore the fact that I totally sound like Professor Oak.

All that serene grace seemed to bleed away into frantic outrage as the Wingull squawked furiously before attacking me.

"Ah! Why Peeko? Why!?" 

It starts rummaging and pulling at my hair with its beak, I try aimlessly to push it off but the little bastard is persistent.

"Ouch! Those are claws, those are claws!" 

"Mudkip!" Mudkip beside me did its best to knock the Wingull away as did May who had caught up.

"Get off!" She cried out, attempting to dislodge the stubborn bird.

We must have looked ridiculous all grouped together in a pile flailing around and screeching.

You'd think my thoughts would be clouded by the pain from the suddenly rabid bird, instead, all I could think about was how this is totally gonna get clipped.

'I don't even want to think about what Chat is saying right now. Those sweaty virgins are totally making fun of me!'

"What's all the commotion about!?"

Unanimously we all turned our heads to the little house connected to the pier we were currently trespassing on.

The voice had come from an aged-looking man with a thick beard.

His eyes bulged at the sight of us, "Poachers!"

The old man reached for his belt when May suddenly interjected, "No! Your Wingull attacked my friend first, for no reason!" She argued.

"As if! My sweet Peeko would never do something like that, come here girl!" He motioned for said bird who finally stopped its rampage of my hair.

'Fuck! Peeko's a girl? My life really is a lie…'

Mr.Briney glares at us, or at me more specifically, "Now answer honestly, did either of you try to capture Peeko here?" He interrogated us with the same tone parents used when they were allegedly not mad, just disappointed.

I decide to answer honestly. After all, I remember those flashbacks of Mr.Briney, dude definitely looked like he was part of the army. The last thing I wanted was to do was get shot in an effort to prolong a joke that was honestly not that funny to begin with.

"I just asked Peeko if they were a boy or a girl when, she apparently, decided to attack me!" I exclaimed.

He developed a look of understanding, "Well no wonder, you set her off, you can't just ask a lady her gender! Just like you can't ask a lady her age!"

"Ain't that right missy?" Mr. Briney turns to ask May, "Wouldn't you be offended if someone came up to you and asked you if you were a male or a female?"

"I would castrate them." She answered casually.

"Exactly," He said satisfied, "However! That does not give you an excuse to attack someone! You know better, missy!" 

The old man started berating Peeko, who up until that point had looked about as smug as a bird could with her trainer taking her side.

Upon suddenly getting a tongue lashing she looked shocked and appalled. 

"Even if the young man should've known better as well." He continued his lecture.

"Literally how?" I asked exasperated.

May clicked her tongue, "You should've known Dante."

"How!?" I demanded, "How was I honestly supposed to know!?" 

"You just should've!" She insisted, "Everyone else knew, isn't that right Chat?"

[Future_Kalos_Queen: Yup!]

[PiplupSupremacy: Totally, I tooootaaaly knew…]

[Perfume_Princess: Imagine not being able to instantly identify someone's gender. Couldn't be me]

[Poor Dante, it's bad enough hes so ugly, he was unlucky enough to be born as unperceptive as he was.😔🙏]

I swear I'm on the verge of ripping my hair out!

My companion started laughing before cutting off abruptly as she developed a weird look on her face, "Wait…, what did you say that Wingull's name was?"

"Peeko." The old man responded haphazardly, the previously tense mood caused by a misunderstanding already gone.

May probably got whiplash, that's how fast she turned her head in my direction, "How the hell did you know?"

"It came to me in a dream?" I replied uncaringly, "It was a great dream too, Lorelei of the Elite Four was there."

Ignoring the glare aimed at the back of my head I turn toward Mr. Briney, "Look, Old Man-

"Briney. Robert Briney." He formally introduced himself.

"Don't care." I replied easily, "Like I was saying, this has all just been a misunderstanding, we'll be on our way."

"Though if you're still convinced we're poachers, don't worry. I've been filming with Rotom this entire time. I could show you the footage as proof if you would like." I offered.

"I've been meaning to ask, are you filming a movie or something? What's with the fancy equipment?" Briney questioned curiously.

"Dante is currently live streaming to his fan base about his journey as a Pokemon trainer," May explained helpfully.

"Live? Like on the news?" He inquired.

"Yeah, sure." I wasn't about to explain Twitch to an old ass man I couldn't care less about.

Not with Peeko being my newest opp.

He developed a weird glint in his eyes, "How many people are currently watching live?" The old man asked.

"See for yourself," I said pointing to the viewer count, it would be my first time seeing it for a while as well. Viewers aren't something I usually keep track of.

My eyes bulge at the sight.

[43,907 Concurrent Viewers]

The old man evidently read the same number.

"How many!?" He screamed in shock.

"Don't worry. Your face is automatically censored." As annoyed as I was, I still made sure to reassure him.

"Hmm? Oh no, that's not why I was asking, wait here a moment. In fact, I'd like to ask you to unblur my face, please." 

"Again, please wait here for a minute." He then walked into his shack and started rummaging around.

May and I exchanged a weird look, regardless I ordered Rotom to fulfill his weird request.

A few moments later he came out wearing a suit and tie, his Wingull wearing a shiny pink bow.

[Thorns: How the hell did they change so quickly?]

[RosyRose: Peeko's so cute!]

Mr. Briney cleared his throat before looking directly into Rotom's lens.

He got into a character all of a sudden, putting on that accent that all old infomercials used to have back in the day, "Do you ever find yourself in need of renting a boat, but big corporations are so untrustworthy, and private firms are so expensive? Not to mention the small writing or downright criminal insurance rates!" 

"It can be tough finding a boat in these trying times, but worry not!"

"Your days of searching are over because here at Peeko and Friends Corporation we ensure that every rental is not only affordable but easily accessible!" 

"You can not be serious!" I exclaimed as May burst into laughter.

[PiplupSupremacy: LMAO!]

[Burn_Baby!: I like this man, I admire the hustle.]

[Hard_Boiled: homie has to get the word out somehow, you love to see it]

[Onsen_Goddess: #JusticeForFlattery]

"That's right friends, call within 24 hours and receive 5% off on rentals over a week!" He said sweetening the deal.

"There is NO way you are trying to use my livestream as a free advertisement!?" I cried out in disbelief.

I'm beyond caring at this point. I'm almost tempted to rock this shameless old man's shit.

"So remember! If you're ever in Hoenn and in need of a boat, give 445-676-9909 a call. Peeko and I'll be there in 24 hours or your rental is 99% off! That's the Peeko Promise!" He looked completely winded having finished his obviously pre-written sales pitch.

If looks could kill I would have already melted him with my glare.

The old man evidently noticed, "Now, now there sonny, there's no need to look so grumpy." He laughed boisterously, "How about this if there really are as many people as you claim then at least a few are bound to give me a call."

"Since you did me a solid, if you're ever in need of a ride, give me a call. Peeko and I will arrive in a jiffy!" He offered generously.

"Whoa really? That's very kind. Thank you, Mr. Briney, we'll be sure to let you know if we ever need your help!" May promised.

[Auburn_Cargo_Pilot: that's nice of him! I'd say this encounter was an all-around net positive!]

[Gawain: I agree, renting boats have gotten more expensive since Hoenn has gotten so touristy lately. Damn foreigners…]

[PiplupSupremacy: @Gawain, I thought you were banned?]

[Gawain: I bribed one of the mods. Shout out to Bubblegum]

[Gawain has received a 1-hour ban.]

[(MOD)Bubblegum: I don't know what he's talking about.]

I glared at the stupid bird that caused this entire issue to begin with, the little bitch had the nerve to glare back! Narrowing its large beady eyes at me.

After another while of May and Mr. Briney chatting where Peeko and I don't break eye contact even for a moment, we're finally set free as I noticed the sun start to go down slightly.

Having only a few hours left until sunset we move on, May waves her new best friend a farewell and we're off.

As we walk away I make sure to walk backward so as to not break eye contact with my newly found mortal nemesis.

Already I was planning on buying a boat and opening up a competing business that would directly rival Mr. Briney's. That shitty bird won't have the last laugh or my name isn't Patrick Morales! Which I guess it isn't anymore…


— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –

"[Water Gun]" I ordered indifferently.

"Mud Mudkip!" My Pokemon exclaimed before shooting out a small but condensed geyser of water, knocking the Dustox clean out of the air.

It fell with a dull thud, completely knocked out. 

"No! Dustox!" The trainer I was battling cried out in shock.

"Dustox is unable to continue battling! Dante Cross is the winner!" My Rotom called out.

"Good fight," I said insincerely, more than a little disappointed by the caliber of the fights I've been having.

This makes number four since our little encounter with Mr. Briney and his Peeko, and I've gotta say I'm incredibly let down by the trainers I've been fighting.

The trainer, Thomas or some shit, smiles before reaching to shake my hand. I could check on my App but he was so unimportant I didn't bother.

"I almost had you there!" He commented.

"Yeah…almost." I agreed hesitantly.

Inwardly however my thoughts were completely different, 'As if, fucking loser, there's no way you've been a trainer for over a year and this is all you've had to show for it.'

I'd honestly be ruder ordinarily, my chat knows how big of an asshole I tend to be. I was forced to act nice however as this guy is apparently a fan of mine.

I stared at his fallen bug in distaste, 'How did it manage to evolve yet still be so pathetically weak?'

"You won!" May exclaimed while completing her new ritual of glomping me after every victory.

Though that's not to say May has sat idly by as I take on all the challengers. She has fought two trainers as well, she dominated the fights the same way I did.

I wonder if it's the trainers around us that are too weak, or if the problem lies in us being too strong.

If my chat is to be believed it's definitely the latter, May, Brandon, Wally and I are apparently prodigies among prodigies.

Perhaps I unfairly set the bar too high and now that the trainers around us have failed to live up to my expectations I've inadvertently set myself up for disappointment.

I just hope the Gym Leaders put up a better fight than this.

"I'll be keeping my eyes on you, me and Dustox will catch up eventually." Thomas grinned, "Don't be surprised if you see us in this year's league. I'll look forward to our rematch!"

I bite my tongue and nod along. Thankfully he didn't stick around for long. Soon we were back on our way, if there was any consolation it was that we were right on the outskirts of the Route.

In other words, we were just about at the edge of Petalburg Woods, finally.

I interact with chat on what little distance was left.

[RockSolidEducator: That was a nice fight! Congrats on the win, Mr. Cross. Although this might be out of line for me to say, but that Dustox is severely held back by its mediocre trainer. I'm not much of an internet person, but some of my students recommended this stream as a trip down memory lane. All in all, very enjoyable so far. Looking forward to your Gym Challenge specifically. Please do train before challenging however, so many new trainers go in unprepared. Don't rely solely on type advantage, plenty make that mistake and pay dearly for it.]

[Dragon_Queen668: lmao stupid bitch really wrote a whole essay.]

[Dragon_Queen668 has received a 1-hour ban.]

[(MOD)Sparkles: please do not insult each other, if you must, at least keep the insults classy.]

[PiplupSupremacy: @RockSolidEducator, lmao your comment reads like you speak from experience. But yeah I'm looking forward to Dante's first gym battle too. I'm mostly excited to see him humbled. He probably thinks he's safe because he has a type advantage. He'll learn like I did.]

[Long_OakWood: @PiplupSupremacy, sounds like a skill issue on your part.]

[PiplupSupremacy: @Long_OakWood, fuck off! Go fight with your boyfriend, I'm sure Pokemon_Master12 would love to argue with you.]

[Long_OakWood: can't. He's not in chat. I already tried harassing him in his DM's but he hasn't responded. Loser's probably masturbating or something.]

[JellyFilledDonut: @Long_OakWood, he's preparing to challenge a Gym Leader.]

[Long_OakWood: @JellyFilledDonut, yeah right. How much did he pay you to say that, matter a fact this is probably his alt.]

"I agree with Oak, you not beating a gym leader on the first try sounds like a skill issue on your part, Piplup," I said in reference to his earlier comment.

[PiplupSupremacy: keep talking asshole. It'll make it all the sweeter when Roxanne kicks your teeth in.]

"Stop bullying Daw-, I mean, Piplup!" having realized what she almost said, May shrinks in on herself, "...oops?"

"May, please for the love of God, don't dox our friends," I said, pinching the bridge of my nose.

[PiplupSupremacy: aww, you think we're friends Dante? ❤ ❤ I luv u too!]

I glare at the screen, "You know what? Never mind. Her full name is Da-"

"STOP!" May slammed her hands on my mouth to stop me from speaking any further.

I obviously wasn't going to, but I'll never miss a chance to purposefully rile her up. It's only fair after all the migraines she causes me.

Our banter was unfortunately cut short by a 'suave' looking man blocking the entrance into the forest.

"Halt!" The blonde man wearing an expensive-looking suit stopped us before we could pass by.

'What is the mother of hair gel?' I'm pretty sure his whole head would go up in my flames if I were to light a match. 

It seemed like he used an entire container of hair gel to style his hair, I could honestly smell it from here!

My traveling companion chooses to ignore his bizarre hairstyle in favor of acknowledging his equally bizarre attire.

"Why are you wearing a three-piece suit? This is Hoenn, at least take the blazer off before you suffer a heatstroke." May commented in concern.

"Hmph, it figures commoners such as yourselves couldn't possibly fathom a little something known as fashion." He mocked us pompously.

"Commoners!?" May shrieked.

"Indeed." He replied smugly, "For that is all you, and the commoners like you are before a noble such as myself!"

"Rejoice peasants! For you have the great honor to be in the presence of Winston Malcolm Dinero!" Winston declared, spreading his arms wide as if to bask us in his glory.

Perhaps I should be upset at his obvious insults, but I honestly was more amused than anything.

May on the other hand…

"HAH!? Are you out of your mind or something!?" 

"Heh! Perhaps in your eyes commoner, I don't blame you, however. A frog in well knows not how large the world is after all." Winston declared patronizingly.

[PiplupSupremacy: screw this guy. I hope May kicks his teeth in!]

[Long_OakWood: I like this guy, hes hilarious! 😂 😂]

[MyPowerIsMAXimum: I've heard of the Dinero family, they're suuuuper rich!]

[DarkMagicianGirl: where's machampion when you need them, I for real would not let this slide, homeboys talking craaazy]

"Alas, I did not come here in the efforts to educate you lower class muppets, but instead to challenge you two to a noble duel. Where I will prove my superiority!" He said proudly.

"If you wanted to fight you could have just said that!" May glared, "Or better yet issued a challenge through the app like a normal person."

I chuckled, "Look, Winona-"

"It's Winston, you peasant!"

"-yeah William, that's what I said." I replied offhandedly before continuing what I was saying earlier, "I don't really feel like fighting a dude who looks like he doesn't even wipe his own ass."

Mr. Moneybags looked appalled at my words but I continued uncaringly, "I'm all but tuckered out on the number of mediocre fights today."

"So how about you move along, let us pass. Then we can all pretend like you didn't just embarrass yourself in front of all these people." I motion to Rotom with a smirk.

Winston looked so upset that he didn't even acknowledge the fact that I'm currently filming everything.

"How dare you speak to me in that manner! You'll pay for your insolence!" He pulled out an expensive-looking device before pressing a couple of buttons.

Suddenly I get a notification on my phone from the Trainer App, alerting me to Winston's challenge.

The challenges within the Pokemon Trainer App aren't absolute, after all, if that were the case, it could lead to several different ways of exploitation. More than there already were.

There are certain instances where you can reasonably deny a challenge.

For one, the mere fact that I just got done finishing a fight not 10 minutes ago, allows me to deny any challenge for a couple of hours. That's the case, win or lose.

This is so trainers can't form alliances to farm specific people out of all their money.

Even without a reason you are allowed to deny a fight if you really don't want to. It does leave a mark on your record but that mark goes away so long as you aren't consistently turning down battles without giving reason.

In other words, any way you slice it, I can undeniably avoid this battle. As can May who was in a battle against some trainers not that long ago.

But although I can avoid this fight I don't feel the need. If I'm remembering correctly this the asshole that wastefully uses full restores on his low-level Pokemon in the original games. 

'Oh wait… I do that too!'

(A/N: Accidentally uploaded only half the chapter, my bad.)