
Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

In the swamp, mosquitoes danced, and a five-meter long bay crocodile was firmly bound at the snout, its vertical pupils gleaming with ferocity. At that moment, a young man cover in mud was straddling it, and he was very modest in the face of audience's praise. "I'm Bi Fang, a professional explorer. I have trekked atop the roof of the world and traversed through the Valley of Death, and I've even challenged the mysterious Amazon. Even the National Geographic has named me the world's premier survival expert, the king of the wild at the top of the food chain, but trust me, that's all an overstatement..." Under the crimson clouds, Bi Fang silently tightened the rope in his hand and, seeing that the bay crocodile beneath him had finally stopped struggling, he pulled out the Hunting Knife and killed it with a single strike to the underside of its jaw. "Today is the second day of survival. I thought I would have to endure another hungry night, but now it seems, dinner has taken care of itself."

Shell Ant · Khoa huyễn
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325 Chs

Chapter 168: Herds of Deer Frenzied Run, The Lynx Bends the Bow!

Dịch giả: 549690339

"What is this kid trying to do?"

Bi Fang's instructions to the audience were still clear in their minds; he had repeatedly cautioned Étienne not to go ashore, just to stay in the center of the lake, but now why had he suddenly started the paraglider to go ashore?

A wave of tension gripped countless viewers.

In the half-hour that Bi Fang had been gone, Étienne's recollections and narratives of the past had already made everyone like this brave and strong French boy.

The online friends had understood Étienne's feelings for the geese, his efforts and perseverance, and were deeply touched by it, and now seeing Étienne going ashore, they were genuinely afraid that something would happen to him.

This worry wasn't unfounded; accidents in Bi Fang's live streams were all too common, so much so that it would be embarrassing to say you'd been to the wilderness without experiencing something unexpected.