
Little Song Bird Is Pregnant [BL]

Heavenly rain, once upon hundred years the human realm was gifted with a great shower of spiritual energy. All heavenly creatures and cultivators drench in it to increase their cultivation. Qu Wren, a hundred-year-old Oyster, was finally allowed to the surface with the other young oysters. With his shell wide open, he was waiting for the heavenly water to drip in. “Eh, why is it so coppery.... is my drop of heavenly rain so special?!” Qu wren happily swam back in. Two months later, holding his bloated stomach, he rushed to a healer clam. “You are pregnant with a little pearl,” the clam shouted in glee. “B—but... I was only drenched in heavenly rain,” Qu wren stuttered. “Oh, the heavens have blessed us. This is a holy blessing of one of the heavenly beasts. Such an auspicious event,” the clam happily jumped around spreading news of his pregnancy. “Then who is the father of my pearl?” And so the little oyster left his ocean in search for his baby daddy. P.s I dont own the cover art

Lullabybao · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
200 Chs

Chapter 42 - Life essence and Blood spirit essence

Feng Mian just raged. His little body went up and down as he glanced up at wren. 'You better not agree to this!! My sprit essence is still within you, you idiot. Until and unless you give it back to me it is not allowed at all.'

Usually there are two essences inside of a cultivator's heart. One is blood spirit energy and life essence energy.

Life essence carried all of the cultivator's life force. With that, some beasts even reproduce asexually.

While the blood spirit energy contains all of their spiritual energy from all their years of cultivation.

When a cultivator copulate, they share their blood spiritual energy with the other, making them staring enough to take their unending libido. It was a way of survival for the other mate.

Feng Mian just bit the man's finger with rage. 'If he copulates with someone, my energy will all go to that person. No!! I won't allow this at all! Not in a million years!!!'

All the years he had been living, he had stored up his spiritual energy and kept it all safe. In fact, he strayed away from partners just because of this reason.

He was too selfish to share.

'I had to stay a freaking virgin for so long, protecting my spiritual energy like a treasure. Now this guy is going to just give it up!!!'

He watched wren with a look of disgust.

Wren just kissed him again.


He glanced at the little kid and smiled. He gently tapped his nose. "How long can you hold your breath underwater, kid?"

"Two minutes! Even my father said that it was an accomplishment," he proudly said to him.

"Well, if you want to marry me you would have to learn to breathe underwater. Which for you is not possible at all,"

Fen Mian happily peaked out. 'That how you reject someone. Good work! My blood spirit essence is safe now!!' he nuzzled against his fingers again.

Wren smiled at him and gently caressed his pink skin.

The kid's happy expression fell slightly. "Why, sir?"

"I am not from up here. In fact, I swam up to this surface from the deep sea. It so so far down that you would have to hold your breath for two hours before you get there."

"You are a fish?" the kid glanced at him curiously.

"No, I am an oyster." Wren smirked at him. Right then, the bird decided to bite his finger again. He gently coxed it with pets.

"I have only heard of Mers not oysters." The little kid's eyes sparkled.

"It's not common for my kind to swim up here. So no humans might have seen us."

The kid sat down comfortably next to him. "Tell me more, sir,"

"Well my family usually comes to the surface in search of herbs and other medicinal ingredients. Even they feared the human town so I am the first of my clan to be here."

The kid's eyes sparkled the more he heard. "Why are you here for? Are you here for a special mission?" he suddenly moved very close to his ear. "Are you here to eat a human?"

"No," wren scoffed. "I am here in search of a person. My friend, I lost him fifteen days ago." Wren smile wilted a bit.

"Where was the last you saw him?"

"Near the shores. He was in pain so I went to collect some herbs. When I came back he was..... gone," wren sadly pouted, hugging his knees close. "it was all because of me, you know. I was the one who wanted to come to the surface."

"Why? The surface is not good." The kid mumble softly.

"Well, I was in search of another person before I lost my dear friend." Wren whispered with a long sigh. He gently touched his tummy. There were no other signs of pregnancy or anything. There was no pain as well. It was as if he was not pregnant at all.

"Hey have you heard of the phoenix?" he curiously whispered, glancing at the little boy.

Feng Mian perked up. 'Why is he asking about me?'

The kid nodded. "The great phoenix. I have heard of him. My father even witnessed its duel with the roc. I heard it was epic."

"Oh, I saw that too, but the clouds restricted my view," wren mumbled with a wide smirk.

Feng Mian, on the other hand, found out the mystery about how this oyster came about his spirit essence. 'So that's why he has my blood essence it was because he was nearby when it fell. He might have accidentally adsorbed it,'

His view of the perverted man slightly improved.

Wren's curiosity was piqued even further.. "What else?"

"I heard the great phoenix was the one who created this forest. Thousands of years ago this pace was just a barren land. But then one day the great phoenix nested here voluntarily. He burned the grounds, making the soil more fertile. He planted every one of the trees here that bear fruits for us."

Hearing so many praised Feng Mian's chest rose on its own. 'Yeah, I did all that.' but the actual fact was he was chased away from his family back then so he had to nest here. Only this place was close to his favourite spot.

The ocean.

So he decided to renovate it bit by bit. 'Who knew that humans would still acknowledge my efforts?'

"But one day he disappeared. He left the forest barren and now he is back," the kid whispered with a look of pride.

Wren smiled widely. 'That person is most likely the father of my child....'