
Little Princess Daisy as a teen, based on true story.

Daisy was born in a large middle class family. From her childhood, she is a cheerful, kind, obedient, loving and caring child. She possess royal characters.

Her father was in the army and mother was a teacher. They tell her stories of the battle field and freedom fighters. Little Princess was curious about all that. From 5-years onwards she was thrilled to watch & count the stars in the sky. Tell her friends about the fantasy people in the Moon.

She was a religious person too. She didn't have good voice but she sings in the church.

She wanted to travel the world to know about the food culture, fashion, historic monuments and getting to know the different nationalities.

She became a nurse and traveled to middle east, England, Australia and Ireland. She had fulfilled all her dreams as a little Princess. Now she is 60-Years. Leading a quiet and peaceful lifestyle as a Princess.