
Chapter 5: Cat & Mouse

"No, it's your fairy godmother! Of course it me, you dummy! Who else would it be?!" a very angry Wren replied. She stood up a bit shakily and ran her fingers through her now messy hair.

"What the hell were you doing on the floor?" I asked blinking my eyes in confusion.

She scoffed and folded her hands as she gave me a scathing look. "I came here to wake you up when you pushed me off the bed. What is wrong with you?"

"Excuse me! What's wrong with me? Uhm well let me see, you coming in here and ruining my beauty sleep that's what."

"Beauty sleep? Ha! We both know you'll need to sleep forever for that to even happen," she retorted before moving around my room and grabbing my stuff to inspect like the inquisitive squirrel she was.

I stood up and pushed away the blanket. "You know you really shouldn't barge in here like this anymore," I tell her rummaging around my drawer for a t-shirt.

"Pfft! And why not? I'm nearly an adult and I can do whatever the hell I want," she said haughtily before turning to look at me. I saw her jaw drop as she took in my undressed state, her eyes in a daze. It almost made my trips to the gym worthwhile. Almost.

"What are you doing?" she asked clearing her throat as she turned her gaze away. "Wear something you pervert."

I chuckled at her flustered look. "You are the pervert for barging into my room unannounced." I paused before narrowing my eyes. "How do I know this wasn't your plan all along?"

Wren glared daggers after hearing my accusation before looking away again her cheeks reddening like two ripe tomatoes. "It was not, you moron and I'm not a pervert. Auntie sent me up here you wake you up, you beast."

I finally found a t-shirt and pulled it on. "You can look now. Although when we're married I wouldn't mind you looking or even touching at all," I teased.

Wren walked up to me and shook a finger in my face. "That is never going to happen, Wes."

"Ooh, but you're blushing."

Wren's hands flew to her cheeks and she screamed before running out. I shook my head. She was too innocent. When I finally went downstairs my mom and Wren were having breakfast.

"Sweetheart come and have some breakfast with us," my mom called.

Wren looked up and glared at me before shoving a pancake in her mouth and chewing furiously. I sat down next to Wren to my dismay forcing a smile onto my face.

"So Wren, your mom tells me you're interested in art," my mom began.

Wren nodded a sweet smile on her face. "Yes, auntie. I'm planning to enter into an art competition that will be held at the end of the school semester. Winners are guaranteed a scholarship to this very famous art university."

"Honey, you know you have no need for a scholarship. Your mom's been preparing for your college itinerary ever since they got news of your conception," mom said with a laugh.

I ate a few pieces of bacon and eggs as I observed the two women. Wren chatted away happily with my mother while I tried to think of how exactly to ruin this scheme of theirs. I couldn't exactly off myself that was out of the question. My life was too precious to me. Running away seemed too childish and attention seeking. I've already done it once and I'm pretty sure the second time would be the final straw to my dad finally disowning me. Bargain with our dad's would only yield empty results because they would not budge an inch once a decision was made. And our mom's always went along with their husbands even though they sometimes don't agree.

What exactly could I do?

I was too engrossed in my thoughts I didn't hear my mother calling me. In the end I got elbowed by Wren and nearly choked on my coffee.

"Do you mind dropping Wren off at school? Lionel is on an errand right now and won't come by till later."

"I don't think that's necessary, aunt Lynn. I can always catch the bus," Wren offered with a smile as I glared at her.

My mom shook her head dismissing her. "Nonsense, Wes has a car. This way I know there was some use to buying it for him."

Wren stifled a laugh and I gave her a look that promised retribution which made her freeze in horror.

"Fine! Let's go," I said pushing back from the table as I grabbed Wren's wrist and dragged her with me. Mom shot me a disapproving look but I laughed as Wren hastily said her goodbye and barely made a grab for her backpack.

We got into the car but instead of sitting in the front like she usually does, Wren got in the back. She gave me a shrug when she saw my confused expression. "It makes me feel like you're my chauffeur," she says as she inspects her nails.

I made a face at her before starting the car. It roared to life and I pulled out of the driveway. A sudden idea popped into my head and I smiled discreetly.

Several minutes after we left Wren heaved a huge sigh from behind me and sat up. "Seriously can't we go any faster? An old lady just walked past us and she's using a cane!" she exclaimed thumping the back of my seat.

I hid my grin. "Mom told me to bring you to school safely. I'm doing exactly that. Do you know how easy it is to get into a car accident these days?" I say to her. "Now please, let me concentrate. It's dangerous to be talking while driving."

The rearview mirror revealed Wren's eyes which was narrowed into slits. "You're just doing this to get back at me," she muttered angrily. "You might have grown bigger, Wes, but you're still the same childish jerk!" she exclaimed as she folded her hands and looked out the window with a pout.

I hid a smile and cleared my throat. "Well, I can't have my wife be late to school now could I?" I say to myself and watched as Wren glared at me, the retort on her lips was cut off as I switched gear and stepped on the gas.

We arrived two blocks from her school and I parked the car. Glancing back I could see Wren's head hidden between her arms which was holding on for dear life onto my seat.

"We're here, Wren-Wren."

Seeing as she still didn't move I got out of the car and opened up her door. I rubbed her back gently worried that I had gone too far in scaring her. "Wren, are you alright?" my voice soft with concern as I felt her tremble under my fingertips.

I crouched as I reached forward to lift up the hair from her face.

"Boo," she screamed suddenly. I yelled and fell back flat on my ass. I could hear Wren laughing and as I turned up to her she was holding her stomach as her shoulders heaved with mirth.

"That'll teach you to not play with me," she said between laughs.

I stood up and dusted myself off before stalking slowly towards Wren.

"What-what're you doing?" she said as I placed both my hands on her sides boxing her in. I leaned towards her as she pulled back eyes growing wide like saucers.

"Wes…this isn't funny," she mumbled as I reached out and cupped her cheek rubbing my thumb across it.

Her hands which was on my shirt as she tried to push me off clenched and unclenched. I inched closer and now our breaths mingled causing Wren to close her eyes unconsciously.

I smirked at her reaction and moved my mouth over to her ear. "Gotcha," I whispered.

Her eyes flew open and she shoved me but this time I caught myself and didn't fall.


"Now I don't mean to burst your bubbles but these lips are reserved for my wife only," I teased. "But I can make an exception for you, though it'll have to be our little secret," I said with a wink.

Wren jumped out of the car, her cheeks tinged with red before saying, "Who would want to kiss you?" she muttered grumpily as her eyes darted around trying to find anyone looking our way.

I raised an eyebrow at her as her eyes widened at what I was implying before it narrowed. "Over my dead body," she yelled before throwing a punch to my stomach.

"Oomph!" I doubled over at the unexpected attack.

"Don't ever do that again," she exclaimed before running away.

Tears misted my eyes as I broke out into uncontrollable laughter. Wren always never failed to entertain me with her antics. Teasing her was always a favorite past time of mine. Man I missed this, I mused as I stood upright and shut her door before getting into my seat. I touched the spot she punched and grimaced. That brat could pack a punch.

I pulled out from parking spot and drove slowly across the school. Wren was walking with her best friend and caught sight of me. Not wanting to be the loser I blew her a kiss, enjoying her flustered look before speeding away.

See you guys next time.

Alani_Foreigner07creators' thoughts