
Study Date

I start getting a little nervous when I pull up to the Gilbert household. What do I say? What do I do? Why am I getting so nervous we're just studying and I only see him as a friend. Right?

I knock on the door but instead of Jeremy it was a woman with reddish but golden hair and a sweet expression on her face. "Hello, can I help you?" she said sweetly. "I-um, I'm here to see Jeremy we're supposed to be studying but if he's not here I can just g-go." God, why am I stuttering. "Oh he's here just wait one second."

"Jeremy someone's at the door for you!" I hear a door open and footsteps come down the stairs. I see him, "Hey let's go to my room to study."

"Sure"He then leads me to his room. Elena comes out of her room and just looks at us with an expression I don't understand.

"This is a nice room" I say looking around at the decorations and how everything is set up. "I like the posters."

"Thanks" he says turning to look at me. I go in front of him to his desk and have my back to him to hide my blush.... Why am I blushing? He just looked at me.

"So where do you want to start?" He asks, breaking through my thoughts

"Um anywhere really"

-after studying-

"Alright so I think I'm ready for this test, how about you?"

"Maybe, we'll see"

Then we hear the door open downstairs with fast footsteps. " I think Elena's home.. "Elena that you?" He yells through the door and down the stairs.

"Yeah" she yells back up

"Well" I say looking at the time, I should probably go home now. "I think I should head out since the study session is over" I say still looking at my phone

"Alright I'll walk you out." I then get to the door say my goodbye and head to my car to leave.

"Hey you're going to the dance tomorrow right?" He asks right before I open the door

"Um I think I might why"

"Just wondering maybe I'll see you there."

"Maybe you will" I say with a small smile. And with that I drive all the way home with that smile never leaving my face.

-at home-

"Where have you been, you missed family dinner" asked my father

"How was I suppose to know about family dinner. It's not like your home for it to happen regularly" I mumble the last part under my breath while I put up my coat.

"If you have been here you would have known, now I ask again where were you"

"At the Gilbert's, I was studying with Jeremy"

"And who said that you could go out today"

"Didn't know I needed to ask permission"

"With your antics lately, of course you do"

"With my antics? I didn't do anything and if you're talking about the girl at the old school that wasn't my fault it was an act of self defense against bullying"

"You know what I'm not having this argument with you, go to your room"

"Fine" with the last word I go up to my room and slam the door just to annoy my father because he hates it so much

"Don't slam your door young lady!" He yells up the stairs at me, I give no response. I just pull out my phone and text Amelia about my frustrations. Then there is a knock on my window a few minutes after.

"I got your text I brought movies and junk food. Your favorite combination." She says sitting outside my house in the tree will a hopeful look on her face that I'm guessing is there because she hopes I will let her in and not push her off the roof.

After a minute of thinking about if I want company or not, I look back at the movies and junk food and say, " fine but only because you brought marvel movies" as I open my window wider to let her in. We set up the movie, the pillow fort (yes we still do that) and relax with our snacks.

My favorite of the marvel movie series come on, the Captain America series (even though Iron Man movies are just as cool. I love me some Bucky) After the movies are over we ended up falling asleep. I hope I can find something to wear to the dance tomorrow. Maybe that dress that's been sitting in my closet, if not I'll just ask Caroline for some help she'll definitely find something to work with. Anyway that's a worry for tomorrow