
Jeremy Gilbert

I'm in my last class before lunch and as much as I am hungry I love music and everything about it so it doesn't come as a surprise to me that I almost didn't realize that the class was over until kids started standing up and heading to wherever they go next. I was playing the piano, I learned at the boarding school I think it was the only thing that kept me sane in that crazy place.

As I'm gathering my stuff the music teacher comes up to me. " Your very skilled at piano where did you learn to play?" she asked seeming genuinely interested. " I learned at my old school had a lot of free time so I taught myself"

"Well that's very impressive, would you like to participate in the talent show that we have going on in a few months?"

"Well I don't know th-that's a lot I mean I just got here but I'll consider it." I said with a smile on my face. I wasn't actually going to consider it but if saying I will gets me out of speaking with a teacher I don't know than I'll happily say what ever I need to.

"We'll just consider it that school could really use a talent like you"

"Thank you, I have to go see you next class Miss" And with that I pop my ear buds in, listen to music and quickly make my way to lunch.


As I got my tray of food and was looking for a place to sit I see my brother, his friends and Amelia. So, I go sit over there not knowing that instead of sitting and not talking like I wanted to the people I chose to sit around actually wanted to get to know me.


It's quiet for a little at the table but then they start slowly asking questions to fill the silence of the table. "So Maya, what made you move back to Mystic Falls?"

I look up from eating my lunch and hesitantly answer the question."Um.... I got expelled from my last school."

The shock on everyone but my brother and Amelia's faces was priceless. "What happened?"

"Well I sorta kinda got expelled because of a fight... that wasn't my fault!" I added the last part because of the look on their faces. They looked like they thought I would just pop up and fight someone out of nowhere. Quick to judge or what.

"Well what led to it?" The guy I know as Stefan asked in a tone that said he understood.

"This girl Bella was messing with me, kids started to crowd around so she took the first swing. One thing led to another and I got expelled because her family is wealthier than mine." I said with a sarcastic smile on my face. Now that caught Ty and Am's attention.

A mixture of "Wait you didn't tell me that part."and

"They did what?!" and

"Wait... that's it worked in your school?" was heard all around the table.

"Yup that's how it works in rich boarding schools I guess that's that reason our parents sent me here, their tired of me getting expelled so they sent me to a school that has no fee." And that was the end of that conversation. But as I look up I seen Jeremy coming back inside from the back café entrance. I decided to go talk to him as he sat down.

"Hi" I said. Wow I'm more awkward than I thought.

"Uh hey" he said back

"Well I was wondering since we have that chemistry test next week I thought maybe we can study together?" Good just get to know him while studying...nice.

"Sure, my place 3:00? "

"Sounds great" I say

"K give me your phone" I hand it to him and he puts his number in texting himself so he has my number.

"Great see you then, bye." I said as I walk away not before waving bye though. As I go sit back down at the table with everyone else I can tell that they saw the interaction and want to ask but they don't.

"What." I say a little confused on what they have to say.

"What was that over there with you and Jeremy?" Amy ( Amelia) asked wiggling her eyebrows.

I gave her a look to shut up, "nothing I don't know what your talking about." I said innocently.

"Mhm" she said with that stupid smirk I hate so much.

"Whatever" I responded

God finally school is over that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though. "Maya!" Here comes Amelia...love her but I just want to go home now. "Amelia what's up?"

"We should catch up, you know since it's been a while."

"Um sure my place now? I have somewhere to be by 3 though."

"Oo where, maybe Jeremy's house?"

"Maybeee" I said blushing just slightly.

"Oo someone's got a crush" she said kiddy like

"Stop being a child and get in the car" I said laughing but also still blushing.

"Fine fine" she said as she got in.