
where is your husband little heart"/Jenifar and Edward's closeness

Jennifer looked at Edward and said in her mind "What should I tell you about who he is, why did he leave us, there is no fault of his in leaving us, it was not his fault, I left him, if he had known about this, he would have considered it his responsibility and kept us with him, which I did not want." Edward held Jennifer's face in his hands and said "Tell me, where is that person, where is your husband little heart"?

Jennifer was looking into Edward's eyes without saying anything and Edward was also trying unsuccessfully to find the answer to his question in her eyes. A few tears fell from Jennifer's eyes which fell on Edward's hand. Edward seeing her tears said, "I will take revenge for each of your tears, little heart. Just tell me where is she right now."

Jennifer put her head on Edward's chest. She was not giving any answer. She started sobbing slowly. Edward closed his eyes and holding her in his arms said, "Relax Jennifer, come on, I am not saying anything, I am not asking anything. There is no need to cry. Calm down."

Jennifer was still not calming down. Her crying had increased. She had tied both her hands on Edward's waist and started crying loudly.

"How dare you make my mom cry?" Hardy said in a stern voice while coming inside the room.

Hearing Hardy's voice, Jennifer quickly moves away from Edward and looks at Hardy. He goes to his mother, holds her hand and makes her sit on the bed. Wiping her tears with his hand, he said, "Don't cry, Mom, I am here. This person has made you cry, I will not leave him."

Edward and Hardy started staring at each other again. Jennifer held Hardy's hand and pulled him towards her and said, "Calm down Hardy, there is no need to get angry. He has not said anything to me. He is Mom's friend. Mom used to live with him earlier, so you will not fight with him, okay."

Hardy stared at Edward and said, "No, I don't like this person, not at all. He is the same person whose photo you used to see and you always used to cry. I don't like him. Don't talk to him. We will go from here."

Edward narrowed his eyes and said, "What did you say, Jennifer used to cry after seeing my photo, why?"

Jennifer, avoiding Edward's gaze, said, "No Edward, it's nothing like that, you have misunderstood."

Hardy was about to say something, Jennifer asked him to keep quiet with her eyes, which both Edward and Hardy were noticing.

Jennifer took Hardy's face in her hands and kissed him on his forehead and said, "We will leave from here, but right now mummy has to talk to uncle, so you go out and don't do any mischief, okay."

Hardy stared at Loy and Edward for a moment and then kissed Jennifer on the cheek and went out.

Jennifer looked at Edward and said, "Edward, I can't stay here, you want to help me, thank you very much for that, but please don't force me, you also have your own life, be happy in it and let me go from here."

Loy quickly said, "Hey, how can you let me go like this, you are Edward's wife, you will leave your husband like this." .

Edward looked at Loy and said, "Loy, don't talk about that fake marriage right now. You never give any good ideas but you did a good job at that time." ו

On hearing Edward's words, Loy suddenly becomes silent. Jennifer and Edward look at each other's faces and then look at Loy who was looking at them with a fake smile on his face.

Edward stared at Loy and said, "Don't tell me that those papers were real."

Loy took a step back and said, "Hey, what should I do now? I never thought of fake papers. Those papers were real."

Edward suddenly takes a step towards Loy, then Loy quickly turns back and starts running but luck was also not with Loy, he turns back and hits the wall and he gets hurt very badly on his nose, his loud scream echoed in that room.

Edward holding Loy's neck from behind and pressing him further inside the wall said "So do you have enough brains to know that if the marriage papers are not fake then why don't you bring the real ones, we could have handled that situation anyhow but you have come up with this idea which was useless and worthless like you always".

Jennifer was looking at Edward with her hand on her mouth who was beating Loy, Edward had turned one of Loy's hands back and with the other hand his neck was being pressed, Jennifer quickly takes Edward away from Loy and standing in front of Edward said "Edward what kind of a way is this, will you kill him".

Edward stared at Jennifer and said, "Didn't you hear what he did? He got us married by taking the real papers, while you are already married."

Jennifer doesn't answer him, she turns back and looks at Loy, whose condition was very bad, his hair was completely disheveled, Loy's nose had turned completely red and his hands were broken, he was standing in a mummy style (ghost mummy ha).

Sadhvi holds Veer's hand and makes him sit on the sofa and gives him water to drink. She and while fixing Loy's hair said, "Loy, you shouldn't have done this, you know how complicated our lives will become."

Loy held Jennifer's hand and said, "Jennifer trust me, at that time I was not getting any such idea, what could I do, I heard so many things, then I got an idea, so in the middle of that fight, I quickly got those papers made and got them there, I hadn't thought so deeply, forgive me."

Edward was staring at them with his eyes narrowed. It was as if they had ignored Edward. Edward clears his throat slightly to draw their attention towards him but Loy and Jennifer were still talking to each other. Edward holds Jennifer's lips and pulls her towards himself. Jennifer stares at Edward and says "What is it Edward, why are you behaving like this, sometimes it seems that Om does not behave like you, you behave like Om."

While speaking, Jennifer suddenly becomes silent. Loy says to Jennifer "I was thinking that Hardy behaves like Edward, why does he do this, Jennifer tell me, have you made Hardy like Edward, why do the genes of both of them match so much?"

Jennifer gets a little shocked on hearing Loy's question. Edward was carefully watching Jennifer's expressions which looked a little scared. Jennifer kept herself calm and said, "No, there is nothing like that. Maybe Edward is my friend, that's why I have given him some habits of Edward, that's why you people are feeling this way. But there is nothing like that. Om's father was somewhat similar to Edward, maybe that's why you people are feeling this way, but I don't think so because I have seen Hardy grow up like this."

Edward looked at Jennifer with deep eyes and said, "What is his father's name?"

Jennifer became silent for some time. This time Edward shouted and said, "I asked what is Hardy's father's name, my love?"

Jennifer immediately said, "Stark, Stark is Hardy's father's name." Edward's face turned cold on hearing the name Stark from Jennifer's mouth. .

On the other side, the villa,

was a big house which was quite luxurious. A girl who was sitting in her room said angrily, "How can this happen? I have been trying for 2 days. Edward is not picking up my phone. He never does this. Where has he gone? He was about to go to pick up Jennifer. Has he found Jennifer? If Edward finds Jennifer, he will again start behaving like before with me. He will ignore me and keep calling me 'mehbooba mehbooba' the whole day."

She closed her eyes and said, "Jennifer, I have no problem with you, but whenever you are around Edward, Edward forgets everything and keeps following you. This is what is happening right now. When I am with Edward, I have accepted his love, yet he will forget me and come to you. What should I do about Edward? Is it right for our relationship that you want to stay away from Edward? But you are not at fault in all these things."

She was talking to herself when she saw that a call was coming on her phone from an unknown number. After looking at the number for a while, Angelica receives the call. On hearing the voice of the person on the other end, the expressions on Angelica's face turned dark.

That person said laughingly, "What happened Angelica, your Edward left you and went back to his lover. Very bad things happened to you, very bad things happened to you."