
Little Green Man

WELCOME TO THE GREEN ARMY, THE MOST HONOURABLE COLOR OF PLASTIC KNOWN TO ALL. OURS IS A RIGHTEOUS MISSION. ERADICATE EVIL, TOPPLE RULING TYRANTS AND SPREAD THE TRUTH OF GREEN. WE'RE GREEN AS GRASS AND COLD AS SNOW. ALL ARE WELCOME! except if you're a tan... ~ Gonna be honest, I'm consistently inconsistent. Dunno when imma write, dunno how imma write it, and dunno what I wanna write about. I want to get at least 3 chapters a week but my time is scarce and I'm always dreaming up different stories that take my interest away from this one. I want to progress LGM and I also want to begin several other series. Time will tell how I manage. Criticism is welcomed and encouraged. Comments on the story will give me motivation to do more, trust me. I'm human so please bear with me.

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22 Chs


Although he had opened his eyes, nothing much changed. There was still only darkness, nothing could be seen. Even if he could see, what would he do anyways?.

Along with his lack of vision, he was also unable to move. Something was trapping his limbs, something rigid. It surrounded him, making even breathing difficult.

Not that he wanted to breathe anyways. The air was stuffy, thick with a plastic scent. It reminded him of when he was younger, spending hours orchestrating make believe battles.

He was fond of those memories, but now wasn't the time for them.

All he could smell was plastic. The amount was ridiculous, even bringing paranoia and fear.

What if he got sick from all stuff he's been inhaling? Future breathing problems, or lungs coated in the inorganic material???

With new found fear, he started struggling fiercely, squirming here and there but not moving an inch.


This went on for a minute before he noticed there was no sound coming from his mouth.

No matter how hard he tried, he was silent.

Had he gone mute?

Another scary possibility.

No longer able to speak, communicating through writing and sign language for the rest of his plastic filled life.

The idea scared him even further. He liked speaking, or to be exact, he liked being able to talk. Anxiety quickly built on this new foundation.

With his ever growing concern, he started to panic, and his body wriggled, trying to regain freedom. He was getting sick of this dark prison.

This went one until he heard a pop. Instantly, he froze, though he hadn't moved much anyway.

Now, his full attention was towards wherever the pop came from.

Slowly, as if an explorer was opening a sealed tomb, light appeared. Then, with whatever blocked it out the way, the light came in like a flood. Blinding him, as it came in so suddenly.

It took a few seconds for him to recover, but when he did, a sudden realization came over him. Whatever was above him resembled limbs.

Was he under a pile of mannequins?

What the hell?

Where the hell was he?!?

Instead of panic, a new feeling ran through him.

It was frustration.

This was probably a prank his friends were pulling on him.

Silently, with a growing headache, he watched on through the cracks in the limbs.

There was the sound of movement, near or at the top. Then there was a figure, or more like a blob, at the top. The light surrounding them hid their features, including their face. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make out anything.

Then came the booming voice, and words that he would never forget.


The army?


Straining, he moved his neck and took a look at his own body.

It was green.