
Linked on you

Kayla Gilbert was not a social girl that much was clear! Not only was she the youngest of the 3 Gilbert children she was so much different as her older brother, Jeremy and her sister, Elena. While they were drinking Keg, she was drawing and listening to her music. And her desperate need for alone time got only higher when her parents died. Little did she know that her alone time would end forever soon enough...

Kaia_Nova_Doyle · Ti vi
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33 Chs

Football night

~I don't know what my future holds, but I know who holds my future

Kayla opens her eyes slowly. Kol sighs and sits up from the sofa he was sitting on. "Oh look, who is awake? Good morning sunshine" he chuckles and looks at Kayla. She looks disorientated around. She finds herself in an unknown bedroom, in an unknown bed... naked. She turns her head and sees next to her... Damon. Sleeping.. also naked. She gasps. "Oh god" she whispers to herself. "What have I done?!" She tries to remember yesterday but there are holes in her memory. After dinner, she went with Damon for a drink. They had a couple of drinks and she believed she was drunk. That's it, she will never drink again! "Goodmorning" says Damon and looks at her. Kayla smiled comfortably. His smile makes her relax again. "I assume you slept well", he chuckles. Kayla nods. "Yeah, eh yeah I did." "Not just that" groans Kol and rolls his eyes. Damon rolls over her. "Can't you stay a little longer?" "I have school" she scoffs. Damon pouts. "Every minute with you is too much" growls Kol. Kayla chuckles and gets out of bed. "Hey Damon, can I use your shower" she asks. Damon nods and points his finger. Awkwardly, she grabs Damon his shirt, pulls it over her head and walks towards the bathroom.

Kol grumbles and keeps standing outside the bathroom, patiently waiting till she is done. He was annoyed. That was the least to say. Angry better said. Damon has abused his vampire powers for his own good. And that was low. Even by his standards. He just couldn't wait till his brother found out about Elena and then at last removed the dagger. He would tell Kayla everything and that Salvatore... He would bleed under his hand.

Kayla looks up at Damon, who enters the shower. "Damon" she gasps. Damon chuckles. He looks into her eyes. "You won't scream," he says, while his pupils dilate. He wraps his arms around her and places his lips on her neck. "Don't do it mate. Not again" Kol growls, his vampire fangs showing. He couldn't control himself anymore. He was able to control himself, the best of his family, even to proudly say. But the latest time... when it came to Kayla, his fangs were showing. His emotions were overboard and worse, he was not able to control himself. His bloodlust got worse. And the party he hated the most was those things like that. He would do it himself. Hell, he actually did it a long time ago. But now, it makes him annoyed. Upset... His motto was; snatch, eat, heal and forget. But when Damon does it with Kayla... He gets so furious. Why? Why is she affecting him so much?! Why is she changing him so much?! Damon plants his teeth in Kayla her flesh. Kayla bites her lip. Why did he hurt her?! Why can't she scream? Damon drinks her blood and turns her around. He bites his wrist and pushes his blood into her lips. "Damon" she protests. Damon grabs her jaws. "You will forget what just happened. We just took a shower together. " "We just took a shower together." Kol scoffs. "You are dead meat" he growls low and gives Damon a dirty look. "You know I'm going to need a ride to my house" Kayla says. "Is that so" laughs Damon. "I can't go to the football event in your shirt and underwear." "I wouldn't mind" laughs Damon. Kayla chuckles. "Damon, I mean. I had a great time but we are not a couple, right. I'm not ready for a stuck relationship yet." "Glad that you said that... Me neither" he says. Kayla nods. "Thanks Damon" she says. "I was just drunk yesterday and.." "Don't sweat it" Damon blinks. "Yeah, especially since none of it was real" groans Kol thinking about last night.

Stefan looks up from his book when she walks down. A red blush takes over Kayla her cheeks. "Goodmorning" Stefan greets. "Goodmorning" she mumbles. "Are we shy all of a sudden, are you a screamer" jokes Kol amused. " "Do you want some breakfast" says Stefan and gets up. "I'm fine" says Kayla. "It's no big deal. I'll make you some if you want." "Thanks" Kayla smiles. Stefan walks up to the kitchen. She hears him very softly talking to Damon. He sounds angry. 'This is gonna be a fun day" Kol groans while Kayla finishes her breakfast in peace.

The stars twinkle in the dark night. The smell of beer, popcorn, and hotdogs fills the air. It is that time of the month again... Game event day! Football, drunk teenagers, loud cheering.. It just excited the whole town... almost the whole town.

"I never cared much for football. Remind me to punish you for dragging me out here, alright love" Kol sighs and crosses his arms. Kayla sighs and walks lost in thought next to Elena. Damon dropped her off at home. She changed her clothes to a black turtleneck hoodie and black skinny jeans. Her flats were traded for a pair of black boots.

Elena pats Stefan. "Look at you, fresh in the uniform." "What happened? No more cheerleader?" Kayla scoffs. "No, if Kayla doesn't want to join me... I guess I'm a quitter." "No, hey, you're not a quitter. You suffered a great loss. You're not the same person. You should look ahead. You should start over. Ok? I hope you don't think this is too soon or too weird, but...I, uh, I wanted you to have this." He handed Elena a box. Kayla looks curious at the little black box. "Oh, my God, it's beautiful," says Elena and takes the necklace out. "It's something that I've had forever, and, uh, I've never wanted to give it to anyone until now. I'd very much like it if you'd wear it for me, for...good luck." "What's that smell," asks Kayla and pulls up her nose. "It's a herb. You like it?" " And, uh, I wanted to thank you for pushing me to try out for the team. It feels really good." "We're a pair. I quit, you start." "That's a weird pair" jokes Kayla. "Right. We're a work in progress. We'll figure it out" jokes Stefan, and kisses Elena. He hugs Kayla. "Oh Hello, Where did you get that" asks Kol suddenly interested in the necklace. "Give that back to my sister... Right now!"

"Jeremy" whispers Kayla. "Jeremy" shouts Elena. Kayla looks at Jeremy who is in a fight with Tyler. "Tyler, stop it! Tyler! Tyler, stop! Stop it! Stop, you're hurting him! Tyler! Stop! Tyler! Stop it! " yells Kayla and tries to pull Tyler away from her brother. Tyler, fueled by adrenaline, strikes Kayla on the floor. "Kayla" yells Elena. "Oy! Watch out Mate" yells Kol raging. "Stefan grabs Tyler by his wrist. "It's enough. He's down!" Tyler punches Stefan but sees that it has no effect on Stefan. He looks scared. Jeremy grabs a broken glass bottle and strikes Tyler, who moves out of the way and he cuts Stefan's hand instead. "Jeremy, no" yells Elena. "Tyler, knock it off! Stop" roars Matt and helps Kayla up. "What the hell, Jeremy? Put your head up, you're bleeding." "I'm fine" roars Jeremy and gets up. "Yeah, you smell fine" groans Elena. "Just stop," says Jeremy. Stefan puts Kayla behind him. "Come on, man. Come on" roars Matt and pushes Jeremy away. "Your hand" yells Elena and looks at Stefan. Stefan sighs and puts his hand behind his back. " No, no, no, it's fine," says Stefan. Kayla looks at Stefan, his hand, which is slowly healing. "What" she whispers and looks at the young boy. "You start to believe, don't you darling," says Kol amused. "Is it deep? How bad is it? Come on" Elena grabs his hand and opens his palm, but she sees the scar is completely gone. "But...I saw it, it was" "He missed. It's not my blood. See? I'm fine" He looks at Kayla who took a step backward. Stefan groans. Knowing that he needs to handle this later. "No, no, no. I...I saw it. The glass cut your hand. It was" "It's OK. I'm ok. It's almost kick-off time, all right? So, um, I'll, uh, I'll see you after the game" Kayla holds in a sob and takes a step backward. Hastily she runs towards the car. What? How? She saw that, right?! That wasn't normal. Nobody heals like that!

"Whoa Mate" roars Kol. Scared Kayla jumps up. "You scared me" she blows. Damon smiles and walks towards her. "I"m hiding from Caroline." "And why is that?" "She keeps following me. She talks more than I can listen." "Yeah well, you are new meat." "Well, she's awfully young." "Not so much younger as you... right," she swallows. She isn't sure about anything anymore, since she saw Stefan his wound healing. It reminded her of a story that her mother used to tell. Damon chuckles and takes a step closer. "I don't see it going anywhere. I think she'd drive me crazy." "Yeah well, you and me both" she sighs. "But her intentions are good. Are yours?" 'You're right. I do have other intentions, but so do you." "Really now?" "Mm-hmm. I see 'em. You want me once more." "Don't do it Mate" growls Kol between his teeth. Not even in her worst nightmares." Kayla scoffs. "Damon, last night was a mistake. I was drunk." " No, I get to you. You find yourself drawn to me. You think about me even when you don't want to think about me. I bet you even dreamed about me. And right now...You want to kiss me again." He stepped closer. Kayla swallows. Damon, his soft lips touching hers. "Stop the mind-controlling, for lust, mate! Use it for other things" says Kol disgusted.

Kayla can't explain it, but she can't push Damon away. She kisses him, she lets him kiss her... She likes the fact that he kisses her. But.. but why? Why? Why doesn't she do anything? She was so sure that yesterday was a mistake... Damon smiles softly and takes a step backward. "Now, as Elena's little sister... you and I... we are going to spend a lot of time together" winks Damon. Kayla swallows and looks into his eyes. "Like tonight, for example. You and me... Let's just say we are going to have some fun. Even more as yesterday" blinks Damon.

"Damon" yelled Stefan. "Elena is not Katherina, I don't know what you are planning. But enough!" Damon smiles. "Stay and shut up," he says to Kayla. "Guess I could just seduce her the old-fashioned way. Or I could just...eat her and her sister", he jokes and places his arm around Kayla. "Don't do it Mate... We are not really buds, and you don't want to know what I do with those people. Don't think that I will stand here and let it happen! I will not be a part of it! As soon as I'm in the flesh... You will feel this" hissed Kol. Damon and Stefan, unaware of Kol's rampage, argue further about Kayla and Elena and her vervain necklace. "No. You're not going to hurt her, Damon." "No?" "Because deep down inside, there is a part of you that feels for her. I was worried that you had no humanity left inside of you, that you may have actually become the monster that you pretend to be." "Who's pretending?" "Then kill me. Kill me cause I will not stand here and let it happen. " "Finally something good comes out of your lips" scoffs Kol. "Well, I'm...I'm tempted." "No, you're not. You've had lifetimes to do it, and yet, here I am. I'm still alive. And there you are. You're still haunting me. After 145 years. Katherine is dead. And you hate me because you loved her, and you torture me because you still do. And that, my brother, is your humanity."

"Salvatore! What the hell? We've got a game to play!" Stefan turns his head. "Let Kayla alone." "If that's my humanity...then what's this?" He moves faster than the wind and kills Tanner. Tears rolled out of her eyes. Unable to move, unable to speak, she races into a panic attack. Her heart beats so loud.

"NO" yelled Stefan. Damon grins. "Anytime, Anyone, anyplace." He walks over to Kayla. "You forgot what happened. You passed out." "I passed out " she mumbles. "Don't" yells Kol, but it's too late. Damon hits Kayla her face against the car. She passed out.

"Kayla" repeats Elena again. Kayla opens her eyes slowly. "Thank god" blows Kol" and rubs his hand through his hair. He squatted down near her side. "What happened," she asks, and blinks her eyes. "An animal attacked Tanner. I guess you avoided it and took a bad fall. I'm so happy you are okay." "You and me both and not thanks to your boyfriend" growls Kol. "I'm not sure what kind of animal could be doing all this? Why would it come out of the woods and attack someone in the middle of town? "I don't know, whispers Stefan and looks at the paramedic that checks up Kayla. " God, what a night. I was so sure that you cut your hand. I saw it." " I'm fine. I'm fine, ok? We're fine. That's what matters." Kayla swallows. She just feels like she forgot something really important. Her mind is a blur. She has holes in her mind... But how? Is she going insane?