
Linked on you

Kayla Gilbert was not a social girl that much was clear! Not only was she the youngest of the 3 Gilbert children she was so much different as her older brother, Jeremy and her sister, Elena. While they were drinking Keg, she was drawing and listening to her music. And her desperate need for alone time got only higher when her parents died. Little did she know that her alone time would end forever soon enough...

Kaia_Nova_Doyle · Ti vi
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33 Chs


~Nothing is more attractive than a mysterious man

It's been a while since the trees were green, since people walked around in t-shirts and short panties. Now the time for turtlenecks, long jeans and thick oversized hoodies has come back. The daylight hides faster and comes back slower. Everyone adapts to the colder season. The first pumpkins decorate the houses and eagles start to wander around, looking for a good spot to sleep during the winter. But winter or not, Kayla needs her morning jog. It annoys Kol, but of course she doesn't know.

"Oh, bloody hell" groans Kol and opens his eyes. "Why on earth do we have to stand up at this ungodly hour again?!" Groaning, he sits up and looks at Kayla, who prepares for her morning jog. "You are quite feisty today darling" Jokes Kol when he runs backward next to her. "Faster than usual. Having some troubles?" Kayla breathes heavily through her nose while she continues her morning routine. The feeling of being watched is there again, but this time she just ignores it. It is probably her subconscious just playing tricks on her.

"Do I look, adult? As in respectfully parental" asks Jenna. Kayla looks surprised and lifts her shoulders. "Not by any chance" jokes Kol. "Depends on where you're going" answers Elena and looks up at Kayla, rummaging through her bag. "Jeremy's parent-teacher conference. Hair up or down?" She lifts her hair. "Sexy stewardess." "Define sexy" laughs Kol. Jenna puts her hair down after Elena's comment. "Boozy housewife." "Up it is. Jenna nods. You're feisty today?" Kayla sighs and puts her bag down. "Talking about feisty," says Kol, and pulls his fingers from under Kayla, her bag. "What's the matter Kayla," asks Jenna, concerned. "I cannot find my pad. I"m going insane if I lose it." "Well when is the last time you saw it?" "If only I remembered" she groans and rests her back against the fridge. " Well, I feel good, which is rare. So I've decided to go with it. Fly free, walk in the sunshine, and all that stuff. Where is Jeremy?" "You really care about yourself alone, don't you" curses Kol. "He left early. Something about getting to a woodshop early to finish a birdhouse." Kayla looked up at Jenna. Elena just scoffs. "There is no woodshop, is there?" Jenna scoffs. "No" answers Kayla and Elena at the same time. "You've got a lot to learn" laughs Kol.

Annoyed about her drawing pad, Kayla takes a deep sigh and rests her hand on her fist. "Look at the bright side love, you might actually learn something", Kol Jokes. Kayla looks at Mister Tanner as he paces through the classroom. "Originally discovered nearly 5 centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in 145 years. Now, the comet will be at its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration. Are we bothering you, Mr. Salvatore? Ms. Gilbert?" Kayla looks up at Elena, who hastily hides her phone under her sweater.

Kayla shakes her head and leaves the classroom after the loud ringing sound. Mister Tanner grabs her arm and holds her without saying anything. "Getting touchy mate", Kol groans. "So many things I would do with you if I had my way", he threatens, and takes a step closer. Mister Tanner patiently waits until everyone leaves the class before he removes his grasp from Kayla. "Miss Gilbert," he says, and takes a seat in the corner of his desk. Kayla swallows. "Yes, Mister Tanner?" "I noticed no drawing today, is that you actually trying to improve, or should I be worried?" Kayla shakes her head. "I just.." "You just need to work up your grades. Miss Gilbert. If not, I have no other choice than failing you." Kayla swallows. She cannot flunk right now. Jenna would kill her. "I'm sorry, I just..." "You know what, I'll make you a deal. You pay attention in my class or at least pretend to and I will let you pass." Kayla nods. That seemed too easy. "But.. There is more." "Of course there is," says Kol and Kayla together. "I want you to draw me something of the lessons I've said this week. If I'm impressed, you'll pass." Kayla nods. "Thank you for this opportunity, Mister Tanner," she says, and leaves his classroom. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes for a second. Why does he want her to draw a historical event? What is she supposed to draw? Well, she better find her drawing pad. Fast! And not only that. What is she supposed to draw from this week's lessons? The battle? That seemed not enough. Maybe a small detail, something they spoke about but wasn't the main subject. That would impress him. It shows that she does pay attention to the small things also, right? Stefan's story! The church. She must ask him about it. "You are dreamy today darling" Kol mumbles as they walk outside. Kayla, with her head in the clouds, continues her way. She thinks about everything that has happened the past few days, and, of course, Tyler. Her lunch break wasn't really a lunch break today, since she refused to eat.

Speaking about the devil... as if nothing happened, Tyler places his arm around Kayla her neck. "Hey babe" he greets. "Are you joking" asks Kol angry. "Babe" scoffs Kayla and removes his arm. Tyler swallows. "Come on now, it was a minor setback." "Minor setback" asks Kayla offended. "That's low even by my standards, mate" curses Kol. Kayla shakes her head and wants to walk away, but Tyler grabs her hand. "Don't go anywhere... You are my babe." "Getting possessive are we" asks Kol amused. Kayla groans softly. "Yeah until you are drunk again right?" "Look I don't know what got into me, I'm sorry alright" he says. "No not alright" answers Kayla. She wants to forgive him but her mind says no. A wicked smile creeps over Tyler his lips. "Yes alright" he says soft. "Are you threatening her now" asks Kol pissed off. His fangs were showing slowly. Normally, he can control himself as the best... Why not now? What's happening to him?

Suddenly Jeremy his voice sounds. "Hey Tyler, how is Vickie since you guys are so close?" Tyler looks up. Kayla looks in shock up, tears bubbling into her eyes.

" I'm gonna kick your ass" says Tyler angry. "Yeah, you keep saying that, but when are you actually going to do it? Huh? 'Cause I vote for right here and right now." "Walk away, Gilbert. It's your final warning." "No, this is your final warning, dick. I'm sick of watching you play Kayla and Vicki. If you hurt one of them one more time, I swear to God, I will kill you." Hastily, Jeremy walks away while pulling Kayla with him. Kayla swallows. "Easy now" says Kol and walks hastily behind them. Kayla swallows when he stops. "Are you okay" asks Jeremy and hugs her. Kayla nods. "No you are not" says Kol and Jeremy in unison. Jeremy wraps his arms around her. "My sweet sister", he whispers and kisses her head. Kayla buries her face on his shoulder. God she missed this. Jeremy breaks up their hug. "Don't put any energy in him, okay. He's an asshole, nothing more." Kayla nodded. Jeremy kisses her jaw and walks away. "Do as the man says Kayla, trust me, it's for the best."

After one long breath, Kayla walks home. She wasn't really sure how she felt anymore. It almost feels like she had this big hole in her heart. A hole that wasn't gonna be so easily filled. She and Tyler had been dating for eleven months, and she knew his reputation. She knew who he was but he seemed so different to her. So sincere. Maybe it was all an act.

"Love" warns Kol. Kayla sighs and looks up. Right in time. She almost bumped into Damon. Again... "Did you actually hear me? Or was that a coincidence?"

"Damon" she sighs. "Hello there" he greets with that same smirk on his face. "Did I scare you?" "No, I just.. no" she sighs and fakes a smile. Damon nods. "Everything alright?" "Just a hard day" she sighs. "Well, good thing I have found you because I wanted to return this to you," he says, and hands her a drawing pad. My drawing pad" she exclaims happily. "What a coincidence," Kol says unamused. "I found it in the woods, so I assumed you lost it." "Yeah I did," she says, and takes her pad. "Thank you so much, Damon." Damon smiles and nods. "Hey listen if you have nothing to do, maybe we could grab a drink once. You know, you still have a raincheck" he blinks. "I highly suggest you don't" Kol groans. "You know, I would love to." "Wrong choice darling" groans Kol. "How about now?" "Eh.. why not," Kayla says after a short moment of hesitation. Damon, his eyes light up amused. "Have we met before?" asks Kol, annoyed, and observes Damon, his soft, tanned face.

"Thank you" mumbles Kayla when Damon opens the door for her. She quickly scans the room. Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena are sitting at a table, chatting about boys and other rumors, no doubt. "You remember that hottie I told you about Bonnie," asks Caroline. Bonnie nods and takes a sip of her beer. "The youngest Gilbert just walked inside with him". She groans like somebody just stole her price. Elena turns around hastily. "Kayla," she asks. Kayla looked up in surprise. Oh great, she thinks. "Hey, Elena... Eh. I want you to meet Damon." Damon politely greets the ladies one by one. "Care to join us," asks Caroline, hungry for Damon. "If Kayla won't mind... I would love to", Damon says overly politely. Kol scoffs and rolls his eyes. Kayla takes a seat between Damon and Elena. "So Damon... Haven't seen you around yet" asks Caroline, curious. "I'm kind of new in town." "So how do you two know each other," asks Elena, a little bit rude. Kol snorts. Kayla bites her lip. Great, this one time she made a friend. Her sister would ruin it for her. "I walked into Kayla. Quite literally" he jokes. "Yeah, you can say that" answers Kayla, amused.

All of a sudden, Damon turned his attention to Elena. "You must be Elena. I'm Damon, Stefan's brother." "I knew it" groans Kol and pretends to slap Damon. "He didn't tell me he had a brother" Elena answers. "He didn't tell me you had a beautiful sister" he winks. Kayla looked down embarrassed. "Well, Stefan's not one to brag . I am so happy to see him happy once again. It took him long enough." "Stefan hasn't been in a relationship," asks Bonnie, surprised. Damon scoffs. "Not one that I call real." "Well, we are here to make changes" cheers Caroline. " It's about time. For a while there, I never thought he'd get over the last one. Nearly destroyed him." Elena bites her lip. Kayla swallows. "The last one," asks Bonnie. "Yeah. Katherine, his girlfriend? Oh, you two haven't had the awkward, exes conversation yet." "Nope" answers Elena, slightly annoyed. "Oops. Well, I'm sure it'll come up now. Or maybe he didn't want to tell you because he didn't want you to think he was on the rebound. We all know how those relationships end." " You say it like every relationship is doomed to end" scoffs Bonnie. "Isn't it love" groans Kol. "I'm a fatalist" jokes Damon. "That's why I don't do stuck relationships" winks Caroline. Damon smiles mischievously. "You know, I should break out the family photo albums or some home movies. But...I have to warn you. He wasn't always such a looker" jokes Damon. "Isn't it Stefan?" Surprised, the girls look behind Damon to see Stefan appear. How did he know that Kayla thinks.

"Hello Damon" he greets. Damon smirks and turns. Kayla swallows. Stefan looks so different... So angry... "You know, we should go Kayla. Jenna will be worried" says Elena suddenly, and gets up. "Already" jokes Kol. Kayla swallows. "But.." "yeah me too," says Bonnie understanding. "Was great meeting you, Elena" says Damon. Elena nods. Kayla stands up sighing. "I'm sorry Damon. We'll see each other again some other time. Thanks for the book." "No problem," says Damon calmly and kisses her cheek. "But if you want, I can take you home also?" Kayla smiles. "Don't do it love" Kol warns. Elena looks at Kayla. "It's late, it's a schoolnight". "Another raincheck", she asks Damon. Damon nods. "Another raincheck" he smirks. Kayla hugs him fast and runs behind Elena. "You know sometimes I think you are a vampire magnet. You sure you are human" asks Kol.

Kayla smiles and follows Elena to their home. Her head is filled with a million questions, but she is smarter and remains silent. "We haven't even had a drink yet", Kol protests.

Even when they get home, Elena doesn't talk. She only starts to talk with Jenna, during food. "He's on the rebound and has raging family issues." "Well, at least it's an ex-girlfriend. Wait till you date a guy with mommy issues or cheating issues. Or amphetamine issues" sighs Jenna. Kayla looks at Jeremy who enters the house. " Jeremy? Jeremy, where were you?" groans Jenna. " More stoner stories? Look, Jenna, I get it, you were cool. And so that's...that's cool." Kol laughs, amused. "We could be buds. He and me" he jokes. Kayla just remains silent. "Oh, no, no, no" shouts Jenna and throws an apple at Jeremy. "What the fuck" whispers Kayla. "Ow! Why? Why...why did you do that?" " Listen up! Quit ditching class or you're grounded. No discussion." "Parental authority, I like it. Sleep tight" he says, and continues his way up. Jenna groans. Kayla takes a deep sigh and goes up also. "That counts to you too lady! No more drawing in class! No more listening to music when you shouldn't! No more disappearing or hiding.!" "You know Jenna, Jeremy was right about one thing. It is one thing to act like a parent and another to be one" she groans and walks up. "Owtch darling... That was deep. Even for me. I like it! I like pretty things with a sharp tongue" laughs Kol and walks behind her.

Kayla drops herself on the bed and sighs deep. Her phone buzzes.

Thanks for coming with me to the bar, hopefully, we can actually grab that drink once. ~Damon.

Kayla chuckles. How did you get my number?

Stefan's phone. Don't tell!

Kayla laughs amused. He was funny, she must give him that. "Don't tell me you are getting demonized darling. I can't hang much around that vamp. Not without losing my mind" groans Kol and drops on the sofa.