
Linked on you

Kayla Gilbert was not a social girl that much was clear! Not only was she the youngest of the 3 Gilbert children she was so much different as her older brother, Jeremy and her sister, Elena. While they were drinking Keg, she was drawing and listening to her music. And her desperate need for alone time got only higher when her parents died. Little did she know that her alone time would end forever soon enough...

Kaia_Nova_Doyle · Ti vi
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33 Chs

Career day

~Opportunities don't happen, you create them.

The cold November morning sun shines through the windows of the family home. While teenagers try to prepare for a day at another school event, the first frost appears on the windows.

Kayla places her sketch pad in her bag and tries to ignore her family members. But Elena won't let her. "So it seems like you aren't the only artist anymore," jokes Elena. "How do you mean?" "Jeremy got his sketch pad out." "Your kidding," asks Jenna. "No, but don't say a word cause he'll put it away as soon as we encourage him" jokes Elena. Kayla scoffs. "I didn't know he drew." "He used to." "Don't show them the drawing you made for school love. Not yet." Kayla nods. "Psychology major. Check that, says Jenna happily. "Oh we are late for the event at your school," Kayla growls. "You joking me?! Everyday school?!" Kayla chuckles. "What," asks Jenna. Kayla shook her head. "Come on now love, It's Saturday.. Give me a break!" Kayla shakes her head and places her tongue between her lips. She turns her head towards Jeremy. "Didn't your sister say to leave him alone" asks Kol, irritated. Kayla sniffs amused and drops herself next to Jeremy on the couch. He shows her his sketch. A scary freaky and bloody Dracula, looking like a vampire, is on the pad.

"Artist family huh, my brother would have a field day with you two." "It's amazing Jer" " I found this old journal on dad's stuff, Johnathan Gilbert from the 1800s. He's kind of a freak show." Kayla sits down on the back of the couch. "He wrote about demons and all of these people getting slaughtered and." "Yeah, he was a writer...short stories, horror stuff. according to Jenna at least." "Oh, he wrote fiction? Figured he was just a lunatic or a drunk." Kayla chuckles. "He was a hunter love.. and not the dear hunter like you must think." "Well, he was a Gilbert, probably a little bit of both also," says Kayla thinking about Kol's comment. Jeremy looked at her. "Come on, it's a career fair at school. We can't be late."Oh bloody hell, you are too much" Kayla chuckles softly. "Right" jokes Jeremy. Kayla blushes. "Forgive" me," she asks. Jeremy kisses her head and laughs. "You? Never", he jokes and pokes her while going out. He wraps his arm around her neck and tickles her. "I love hearing you laugh darling" smiles Kol honestly.

"Bonnie" sighs Kayla on seeing the tanned young girl. "You okay?" Bonnie nods. "Caroline and Matt are dating now," asks Elena. "Yeah, well. She needs someone nice like him, as opposed to a homicidal vampire like Damon." "You know about Damon," asks Kayla. Bonnie nods. "So the witch became part of the play" jokes Kol. "Yeah, how are you doing with all that?" "I'm freaked out. Damon attacked me. I could be dead right now. But I'm also grateful." "What did I all miss," asked Kayla. "Well, a long story" sighed Elena. "But for what are you grateful?" "For Stefan. He saved my life and...Have you seen him?" "Not since he told me he was leaving. For all I know, he's already gone." "Running like the dog he is" jokes Kol. "No one is running" sighs Kayla. "I didn't say he was running. I'm just saying that he is gone." "He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye." "Yes, he would. He thinks he's protecting me. Clean break and all that." "So, what are you gonna do?" " What am I supposed to do? I've already begged him not to go. If I asked again, I'd be selfish. It is what it is." "Oh, so much girl trouble" sighs Kol. "Maybe it's for the best" sighs Bonnie. "What? Why?" " I mean, what kind of future could you have had with him, even if he stayed?" "Cause he's immortal," asks Kol. Suddenly, a banner falls down on them that says The Promise of Your Future. "Bloody hell' growls Kol and jumps behind them. "Did you just...?" "No, I swear love." Elena shakes her head and walks away with Bonnie. Kayla keeps standing and observes Kol, his smooth face. "You are staring darling", he says, amused. A smile curled around her lips. She must admit, he is handsome. His deep eyes, dark brown hair. Now people would describe it almost as bed hair, but it looks so good to him. His strong jawline... He was almost too perfect.

"Still wanna be an astronaut," asks Tyler and walks up to Kayla. "Bloody hell mate, know when to leave someone alone." "I can't believe you remember that" groans Kayla. "I can remember the tin foil that you wore on your head." "I was eight," she says and looks angry at Kol on his laughing face. "I need to go sorry" she says and wants to walk away. "Kayla" growls Tyler and grabs her. "No touchy mate" scoffs Kol. "Kayla, I still...." His sentence gets interrupted by Jenna who runs towards them. "Hide me" she says. Tyler scoffs and walks away. "Thank you Jenna" whispers Kayla. Jenna looks not understanding at her. Kayla shook her head. "What's the matter?" Scum fell had landed." "Oh what is it with you woman and the wrong male types. It is high time that me and my brothers arrive in town!" Kayla looked at him. "Don't give me those judgemental eyes... I myself am the most dashing, but my brothers are a sight for sore eyes, as well might I say."

"Jenna, are you dodging me?" "It's a form of self-preservation" "Um, Kayla, why don't you and Jenna go somewhere else," asked Stefan all of sudden. Kayla looks at Stefan, who nods. "Vampire Love" whispers Kol. "Let's go," says Kayla and pushes Jenna away. "What's up with you last time," asks Jenna. "Nothing," says Kayla. "Just you know.. Adjusting." Jenna nods. "Yeah don't we all" she sighs. Kol chuckles. "Save it," Kayla says softly. "Relax darling" laughs Kol and follows Kayla outside. Jenna takes a deep breath. "I'm going to grab a drink in the diner. Want to come?" Not listening to Kol's plea, she shook her head. Jenna nods and walks away. "You and I are not going to stay buds like this darling" groans Kol. Kayla chuckles. "I swear, I need a good time now and then." "Shut up" says Kayla. "I'm not joking Kayla", Kol smirks. "Me neither" she says and looks up.

She spots Elena upset, crying and sobbing and running towards her car. "Elena? Elena?!! Elena what's up?!" She grabs Elena. "You know that ex, Katherine?! I look like her!" "what? What are you talking about, relax Elena? Talk to me?" "I look like his ex. And not just normal. I look exactly like his ex. Like... Like we are some doublegangers. And all his vampire friends knew it and they probably laughed at it. I look like her? Why do I look like her", Elena cries and hastily runs into her car? "Elena" she shouts, but Elena doesn't listen. She gets in her car and rides away. Kayla swallows. "All his vampire friends... Kol?" Kol looks at her. He sighs. "Oh, bloody hell" whispers Kol. "Kol... Did you know?" "Darling..."Be honest with me?!" Tears escaped her eyes. "Did you know that my sister looks like somebody from their past? Of your past?" Kol sighs. He took a deep breath. "Darling relax.." "NO answer me now! Did you know that my sister was a doubleganger?!" Kol sighs. He nods. "I did." "And you didn't tell me.. why?! Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't want to upset you darling" sighs Kol. Kayla shakes her head and walks away. "Kayla" yells Kol and runs behind her. "Kayla?! Kayla, please stop" "No Kol, you lied to me. And I am not sure how to feel about that." Kol nods. "I'm sorry Darling. I never intended to hurt you. Nor lie to you." Kayla ignores Kol while she hastily walks home. Tears burned on her face. She understood why Elena was so upset. But why was she so upset? Cause he lied to her? Her friend? Her ghostly friend? Her original vampire ghost friend? The friend that she actually didn't even know? Why was it so important to her? Why did she care so much? "Kayla" Kol says. It irritates him so much that he can't grab her. "Please Kayla talk with me. I am sorry Darling, and that's more than anyone else ever got. I promise."

Still upset, she lays herself down on the bed. She pulls the blanket over her and lets out a few sobs. "Kayla, please. I know you are upset with me. But promise me... That you won't be upset forever. I can tell most of all that forever is long. And I... I don't know why. But I just... I can't live with myself if I don't have you. You know, I used to be a psychotic maniacal bastard... But I didn't have you. You give me reasons to be good. I cannot explain it. But you can trust me." Kayla's sobs are once again soft. "I'll give you some time. I'll be right outside your door darling." Kol sighs and wants to leave her room. "Kol?" "Yes, love?" "Can you please stay with me tonight?" "Of course, darling," says Kol and comes to lay behind her on the bed. Kayla sniffs. "Thank you. Kol?" "Yes, love?" Why does my sister look like her?" "It is part of an ancient old curse tale. According to legend, centuries ago, when vampires and werewolves wreaked havoc upon the Aztecs, a powerful shaman used a moonstone and the sacrifice of Petrova's blood to cast a curse on them. This was known as The Sun and The Moon Curse: Making vampires powerless against the sun, and rendering werewolves unable to transform unless there is a full moon. The legend says that if the curse was lifted by a vampire, then the werewolves would be stuck as servants of the moon forever. But if the curse was broken by a werewolf, they would be able to turn at will and remain in control, whereas the vampires would then be slaves to the sun forever. As it turned out, the legend of the Sun and Moon Curse was actually made up by Klaus in order to get both the werewolves and the vampires to search for the Moonstone and the Petrova Doppelgänger. The Petrova Doppelgangers were specifically created as a means of breaking the real curse. The real curse was on Klaus, a Hybrid. A hybrid is more powerful than any single vampire or any werewolf, therefore witches. The servants of nature cursed Klaus, forcing his werewolf side to become dormant. Klaus' intent was to break the curse and become the creator of a new supernatural race. A race that would threaten both the werewolf and vampire clans. To break the curse, a witch needs to channel the power of the full moon to release the spell from the moonstone that is binding the curse. Both a vampire and a werewolf need to be sacrificed at the birthplace of the doppelganger and then have their blood spilled on the Moonstone. However, they have to be killed in a way that is normal for them to get killed, werewolves have to get their heart taken out, a vampires hearts get a wooden stake, and lastly, the blood of the doppelgänger has to be drunk until the point of death. The Petrova Doppelgangers are the only supernatural species that don't have powers or abilities known." "So my sister has to die?" "No love, that's over now. I believe the curse can never ever be broken again." Kayla sighed. "Do they know?" "Yes, but they don't care about the ritual. They just love her as they loved the double ganger. As did my elder brother.. Elijah." Kayla swallows. "I'm sorry.. about your brother. And everything your family did to you." Kol smiles softly. "If only I could hug you now." "Mentally," says Kayla and closes her eyes softly.